Hey I'm pretty new to the server and I'm an assassin builder. I'm familier with all of the assassin builds but for WoE I eventually want to end up as crit for killing purposes and emp breaking. I've played RO for years and WoEd a lot. The main reason I lvl and get better equipment is being able to pvp and WoE, so I'm a big WoEr. I'm looking for an active WoE guild to join that wants a soon to be assassin in there ranks. Once I join a guild I am INCREADIBLY loyal. Unless the guild falls apart and dies I'll be apart of it until the end. PM me on the forums or respond here if your intrested in recruiting me ^.^
well we are not a very woe active guild at Geonosis, we're kinda a hanging out and partying guild to help each other, so if you ever want a laid back guild experience with some freebies consider Geonosis. Currently we're all working on getting woe worthy .
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)