HeRO PvP for Item, Saturday October 24th at 12:15 EST Server Time (it's at 15 past noon, just after WoE)
For those not familiar with the event. An item is announced, the first 2 people to enter the chat get to fight for it.
The winner of the fight gets the item and can no longer participate. Once a player has won two fight (and thus two rewards), they can no longer participate until the event has ended.
Players can leave after obtaining their item if they want, but there will be a final prize at the end for those who stay for the entire event.
Requirement: level 80+
You can bring any gears, items, consumables, scrolls, etc.
The audience should remain seated during fights.
Outside buffs (Those from anyone other than yourself) are not allowed.
The time limit for one fight is 3 minutes. In the eventuality of a tie, the announced item is skipped and announced again later. Both players may participate in other fights.
We can have a Last Man Standing afterwards if the participants are interested.
Many interesting fights!
Mass PvP were won by Trevon, Medjai and Trevon again.