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For The Light
Alexander Offline
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For The Light
So, I got bored and decided to spend like a half hour to a hour on this old thing. I skimmed it, cleaned it up, and half-assedly finished it. I always said I would! Honestly though...after I started writing I realized how impatient I was and how long it would take to do it like I did. The romance between him and the girl are supposed to build a much stronger bond, and toward the beginning for the battle half it should emphasize more the seeming purity of the situation. Also, the detail is pretty shoddy. All in all, it's terrible! But at least done. Maybe some day instead of rushing I'll put effort into it...but...don't count on it. XD


The Decalions. A name that could be heard around from miles, something of a catastrophe that could be heard from here to eternity. Throw a rock into a pond- the water will ripple. It will carry the initial message outwards to the most furthest parts of the pool. That was the effect this family had.

Unfortunately for Alexander though, he'd never know his parents. Perhaps it would be a good thing for him. The family's legacy came with a very dark shadow that hung over it. Being known for all tragedies caused by the predecessors and Blade Decalion, his father, having picked up where his ancestors had left off in their destruction, it wasn't long before people struck back. Only through overwhelming numbers though, would the people strike down the mighty warrior and his beloved. Such seemed to be the way of the family. Their child however, certainly had great potential- and could easily be considered a spoil of war. After all, with all the powers that Decalions had wielded in the past, it was near certain that the child could have been used for a great weapon if trained properly. It was decided they would do as such, leaving everything else behind they took the child back to the lands from which they had come. There he was raised inside the castle along the King, not as a son or a relative, or even a friend...but as one might come to raise an unwelcome stray dog. Love and nurturing was not what they had planned for him, but rather to mold him into their ultimate weapon, one they could control for their own purposes. He grew up in that environment, and was rigorously trained in forms of combat, strategy, riding, anything that could further making him an asset to their army. In spare time, he still found himself turning to his own ambitions. To books of knowledge, and the simpleness of being outdoors. By the age of 12, he had already become a killer. Used as a tool in simple assassinations. By the age of 14, he was knighted. The youngest to ever be bestowed such an honor(normally). And finally, by the age of 17, he had already established himself, one of the highest ranking Generals.

His rise to fame and power would be cut short though, for the fated day he was ordered to kill a particular woman. She was left out on the courtyard, shackled and in chains, simply waiting for her life to be cut short t.Death had been a part of his life as far back as he could remember, she looked up to him as he swung his sword out above his head- ready to cleave her in two. She began to cry softly, small tears rolling down her cheeks before she turned her head back down and waiting for the blade to fall. The fatal hit never came though. The look in her eyes burned deep into his soul. She was innocent unlike the others. She had not committed a crime, she had not done anything wrong...he was given no reasons for the execution, but simply told to do it. Yet he couldn't bring himself to it. Something had snapped within him, broken free from the binds that kept his heart tied down from feeling anything. Instead, when his blade was swung...the blow connected with the chains that kept her in place, setting her free instead. She would never make it out alive though on her own, instead...he fled from the Kingdom with her off into the wilderness.

They traveled for several days, some in silence, others filled with conversation. They were camped outside a near by town when the day fate started to turn it's hand back towards him. It was that day, under the stars, he made love to her well into the morning light. They drifted off into dreams once they'd stilled their passion...or at least he did. He awoke a few hours later, the sun just breaking over the horizon and feeling quite invigorated- though his rest had been interrupted by the sure sounds of people approaching. Instinctively he grabbed for his weapon, finding himself unarmed and still naked. The new guests appeared to be bandits of sorts, armed and marching towards him...with a familiar hostage. They'd taken her! Was his only thoughts, even if unarmed and out numbered...he charged down their ranks and broke in the nose of the first person he got in reach. Taking their weapon and proceeding to free her and toss her behind him, protecting her fiercely by the blade with ribbons of flesh piling onto the cold dark ground. As the final one fell to his blade... he leaned over in extreme exhaustion, but glad he had succeeded in protecting his new found love. He smiled, opening his mouth to speak to her...but his words became suddenly caught. Her hand sliding along his form found him with a sudden jab into his rib cage, a certain piercing feeling...a sharp pain that echoed through-out his entire being and forced him to cry out with pain. He collapsed to his knees and looked over his shoulder. The eyes he saw were no longer innocent. They were his lovers...but they were filled with scorn and hatred. She gave a twist to the dagger she had embedded in his side and it torn away at the flesh- another howl of pain rewarded with her brutality. He collapsed onto his back, staring up at her blankly- protecting her had taken his energy away...and with that wound she had left him barely able to breath. The last thing he saw, was her hovering over him and raising the dagger high up into the air. His eyes shifted to the sky above him, the vivid orange and red sky set aflame with the breaking of a new day. It was beautiful. It was the first sunset he'd seen so clearly. His eyes closed as he whispered softly "sorry, Love."...before the dagger was plunged into chest- breaking through flesh and bone and piercing his heart. The rain began to fall from the skies in streams. That was the day, the heavens wept. That was the day, Alexander died.


I opened my eyes again to look around at the new world I floated within. The place was bathed in a brilliant light and yet there was no light to be seen. It was not the kind of light the sun generates nor the flames that flicker. It was a light one feels and experiences instead of simply "seeing." It lifts one's spirits up higher and gives a feeling of utter contentment and safety. My vision no longer existed-for my mortality no longer existed, and yet I was able to experience everything with a keen awareness. My eyes fluttered to strain against this new sensation, or did they? I can't be so sure of what motions I make anymore in this new...existence.

From this realm of holy light, came a soft notion. Was it man or woman? Such definitions and concepts could not encompass the being that "spoke" without saying a word. To me, it was let known that the threads of fate were not done spinning my web. The voice is speaking tells me that I am to be granted life once more. To breath once more. To live once again. Such things always come at a price though. It tells me...that I am to become a servant to those who rekindle my extinguished flame. I must raise arms and carry on the wishes, to purify all that is dark and evil. To bring divine justice to a tarnished land. That, is all that I know- and with it I know I won't hesitate to agree.

My eyes fling open finally as sharp air fills my lungs with piercing cool air. The crystal blue sky above me radiates with the shining of the heavens as I take my fill of bountiful earth in steady gasps. My mind still hazy, my hand finds itself upon the wound of my chest. Though I do not doubt the feeling of solid flesh there, my eyes instinctively fleck to reassure myself I indeed feel no wound at all. No scar. No blood. Nothing. Was the woman a dream? My life a dream? Were the heavens a dream? Or am I now...just dreaming?

Such thoughts seem minute as I sweep my hands along the ground to gather up my things and redress and arm myself. Stopping my hand along the hilt of my blade I find it polished as delicately as a fine silver. Not a stain lines it edges. Lifting my eyes toward the heavens with a solemn nod I pledge my understanding toward my new found life. My body is pure, my armor pure, my weapon - pure. I am now purity. I will spread purity. I will cleanse this land in the name of the light. I finally purpose. The thoughts of my past life fade slowly in my new understanding...the betrayal...the matters not against what must be done. Whistling for my peco, I set out for the horizon allowing my instincts to guide me.

It led me many places, to Payon dungeon where the rotting dead plague the lands. To nifleheim where the unruly souls of scornful apparitions refuse to ascend into the after life...without a little persuasion. My largest expanse of time was spent in the fields of Geffen, where savage vile orcs raided the nearby human village on a regular basis. I heeded their pleas for help cutting a bloody lines through the fields with each orc that I found. Warriors, archers, their women and children. Not a single disgusting one of them would be left standing.

"You must destroy them," the voice rang inside of my head again.
"I swear it!" I called back to the Gods who'd granted me life.
"Behind you," it warned.
I turned in time to parry an arrow which had been aimed for the back of my neck, charging ahead to disembowel the brute in a single stroke.
"You must work faster," the voices urged, "Spill their vile blood upon the ground. Make their evil flow out into the Earth so that this land may be purified! Cut the beating hearts from their bodies as they gasp for their last breath! Do not leave this village standing!"

The frenzy of the voices fueled me past the point I'd even noticed I'd felled two of their leaders. Calming at the sight of no further motion, I hesitantly entered the bastard's tent. It was there I met her...within one of the cages sat a small girl. Her eyes peered up to me widely, brimmed with tears though clearing at the sight of someone human. And yet...she herself seemed inhuman. The voices spoke nothing ill of the small set of ears atop her head perked up with interest and tail swayed softly. My arm flexed as the giant two-handed sword was extended with the grip of a single arm to proudly display my strength - it's dripping tip directed at her forehead.

"Do you believe in God?" the question directed to her.
She merely nodded her affirmation. Freed from her cage, her lithe body flung forward to hug around my battered waist. Though I didn't understand the gesture, I neither pushed her away as I let the sword slip back into it's sheath. My eyes settled on the window to stare outside at it's expanse. I was done here.

She refused to stay in the town however, timid thing that she was. Even when I refused to allow her along, she simply followed of her own volition. Stupid girl would have gotten herself killed to had I not turned to fend off the wolves! What could I do...but at least protect her if she would have to be near by?

I didn't like the familiarity. Traveling with a female companion again, one that always gazed up at me with warm eyes. One that around the quiet night campfires insisted on striking up her jabbering conversations. I was doing God's work, not playing some...child's game of Truth or Dare! Pfah. Still...on the cold nights...she was all I had. I'd never dare act on the feelings that developed. It was...wrong to think to defile the girl. I pushed those thoughts as far from my mind as I could; especially when she slept resting against me.

I never allowed her anywhere near the battles when things got serious. It would be difficult to protect her and myself all at once and overcome the odds I was constantly faced with. God's will...divine light shined upon me. Not upon her. Neither did I want her to witness the horrors of purification or the demons that lurked these lands. No child ever need know what evils lurk out in the shadows - their imaginations do bad enough without facts to back it up.

Then...we closed in on Amatsu. The light had drawn me there for my duty. Once more I beckoned her to stay behind at a safe distance before charging in through the city walls to see what had overcome the town. Shock was far from my mind...I was used to the twisted undead being in all places. My blade glinted off the setting sun's fire as I brought it down upon the first target.

"YES!" The voices cried out in appeasement, "Further, further. There are many more that infect this area!"

From the first that collapsed into a heap I spun counter clockwise to strike the next, carrying that momentum onto the other's throat....the next one's chest, completing a 360 turn as steel struck the ground at such a speed the air split as a shock wave barreled through the mass of evil headed toward me cutting them down and splitting open a civilian structure.

"Excellent, Alexander. MAGNIFICENT! There are many more, many many more. you must go faster! Or there won't be enough time! Kill them, kill them all! This land must be purified! You must cleanse this town! Cleanse the evil! Strike them down, strike them down!"

My blood pumped heavily in my ears, my face hardened as my feet carried me forward at blinding speed despite the bulkiness of my armor. I would not slow or be deterred as my sword danced through the crowd and the rain of red flew overhead.

"Beautiful! Smite them! I know you can do better! You must do it in the name of the light! We command you! The heaven's wrath must be done onto this tarnished land!"

My mind blurred as many more collapsed around me, the heavenly blue glow swirling faster around me. I could feel the power surging through my veins, I could feel it building up to that explosion. The pure energy grew in intensity, vortexing with my center as the apex until the small bits of holy energy broke off in small blue orbs, my eyes glazing over a pure sapphire color before all thoughts were lost in what took place.

"AMAZING! Go forth my holy protector! See to it that they never rise again! Send them into the will be the angel of Death which delivers them straight to hell! They will be greeted at the gates with their mangled plagued forms which you have befit them. Only you can do this! Only you have the power of the ages!"

My lips split a smirk, "You think me a mere angel...?"

The voices hardly ever replied. What reason do God's have to listen to the pitiful words of man?

I'd worked my way back toward the entrance without noticing it...and standing against a single cherry blossom stood Kitten, the girl I'd traveled with. Most fearsome of all, beside her lurked a twisted shadow of a man who's body seem wrought with decay. One need only eyes to know this man was a legion of darkness. I dashed forward in haste, arms flexing at the weight of the hilt as I sprung to the rescue. Her eyes widened at my advance, obviously scared at the position she was in! But my aim would be true, my speed would prove faster. God's will flowed through my veins, no villain would take her from me with me around or divinity driving me onward. I cleaved the beast with no effort, though it continued to breath as it stared up at me. The tip pointed at it's mouth my voice rang true, "Foul demon you'll never so much as touch her."

The girls eyes dazed, turned toward the ground and up to me, "...Alex, who are you talking to?"

I replied obvious as ever, "The demon that nearly had you!"

"What demon...?"


The girl backed away from her knight in shining armor. His blade pointed at the empty barren ground in proclamation. She had to see, she had to know. Moving into the village her eyes looked around and let out a shrill scream at all the blood and heaps of bodies there.

He followed after slowly, silvery hair whipping wildly in the wind. Singular wisps cascaded in their strands around his forehead, the bangs hanging down just far enough to half-covered the gentle orbs that glued to her meaningfully. His stained lips cracked as the corners turned upwards into the most decadent of smirks. His arms flung out toward his sides, unflexed and yet bulged with the strength he'd built them into. The entire white garbed plate armor of his muddied with the crimson rain that had ensued in the battle. Each clank brought him a step closer as the heavy blade dragged along the ground without malice.

"Ha...haha...hahahahahaha, " his voice fell from his lips like thick velvet, "this land is done! Don't you see?"

She shook her head with tightly clenched eyes. The heavy thuds of his greaves brought him to a stop just in front of the girl. "What have you done...?" she called out softly, wide eyes turning up toward him.

His sword straightened out held in the singular hand, the silvered tip pointed directly upon her forehead.

"Do you believe in God?"
02-23-2009, 06:39 PM
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Galt Offline

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RE: For The Light
Whoa. That's an intense story. The detail was pretty good, I'd have to admit.

So poor Alexander's being used as a tool? And he doesn't even realize it. I'm pretty sure that no deity of (good) divine right would order him to murder countless "demons" just like that.

Awesome story, though. Looking forward to future updates. ^_^
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.

Hi, I copy and paste profound and meaningful quotes without having an iota's worth of what it actually means!
02-23-2009, 10:05 PM
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Sepharius Offline

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RE: For The Light

I'm confused...

But good story nonetheless. No1
02-23-2009, 10:15 PM
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Alexander Offline
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RE: For The Light
There's no definitive answer, actually. I think that's the beautiful part. Is he being led by a divine being? Is the being corrupt? Or is he himself just completely insane and hearing voices? Did he slaughter demons? Imaginary things? Or actual civilians? That was the sort of approach I wanted it to have. Justice and faith versus blind insanity. Much like modern day religion is based off of the words of God...was there really any word or just the rambling of a crazy man?

Thanks though! But like I said. There probably won't be updates. Maybe in another four years I'd run through and polish it. XD MAYBE.
02-24-2009, 07:17 AM
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Rika Offline
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RE: For The Light
I really want a background story on the first woman Icon_cry
[Image: livingcolor.jpg][Image: soulessence.jpg]
Angel Empire♥
Rika[Assassin Cross]    -    Aorie[High Priest]
02-24-2009, 07:23 AM
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Galt Offline

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RE:??For The Light
Rika Wrote:I really want a background story on the first woman Icon_cry??
It looks like even though she -looked- innocent, she actually wasn't, and killed Alexander (the first time), after they had their "moment". At least, that's how I read it. Thinking
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.

Hi, I copy and paste profound and meaningful quotes without having an iota's worth of what it actually means!
02-24-2009, 08:02 PM
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Rika Offline
Angel of Infinity

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RE: ??For The Light
Galt Wrote:
Rika Wrote:I really want a background story on the first woman Icon_cry??
It looks like even though she -looked- innocent, she actually wasn't, and killed Alexander (the first time), after they had their "moment". At least, that's how I read it. Thinking

Obviously, but that doesn't explain the "whys".??Something we'll never know considering its all from Alex's perspective.??Even if she wasn't innocent he still saved her when he was expected to kill her.??If that was all there was to it, it would be pure randomness for her to do a 180 and kill him.??Assuming Alex was ever sane in his lifetime too ._.
[Image: livingcolor.jpg][Image: soulessence.jpg]
Angel Empire♥
Rika[Assassin Cross]    -    Aorie[High Priest]
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2009, 03:52 AM by Rika.)
02-24-2009, 08:28 PM
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Galt Offline

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RE:????For The Light
Rika Wrote:
Galt Wrote:
Rika Wrote:I really want a background story on the first woman Icon_cry??
It looks like even though she -looked- innocent, she actually wasn't, and killed Alexander (the first time), after they had their "moment". At least, that's how I read it. Thinking

Obviously, but that doesn't explain the "whys".??Something we'll never know considering its all from Alex's perspective.??Even if she wasn't innocent he still saved her when he was expected to kill her.??If that was all there was to it, it would be pure randomness for her to do a 360 and kill him.??Assuming Alex was ever sane in his lifetime too ._.
Well, killing machines were never the ideal Renaissance man...
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.

Hi, I copy and paste profound and meaningful quotes without having an iota's worth of what it actually means!
02-25-2009, 01:15 AM
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Sepharius Offline

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RE: For The Light
Ah, faith. Blind faith. That is why I never put too much trust into any one thing, even my own person. Never know what might happen...

Crazy things happen in this world. Who can even think what can happen in a world with magic?

Which also reminds me, I should probably type up a backstory to my character...
02-25-2009, 01:40 AM
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Alexander Offline
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RE: For The Light
Rika Wrote:Assuming Alex was ever sane in his lifetime too ._.

Now that's the sort of thinking I wanted to provoke. No1
02-25-2009, 07:15 AM
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