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(August 2011)
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The following gears have been redeemable for "Vote For Points" points in the past or are redeemable at the moment from the GM Assistant.
To see more on Vote For Points, visit [http://forum.hero-server.net/showthread.php?tid=14727&pid=187315#pid187315 here]
The following gears can be obtained by redeeming "[[Vote For Points]]" points at the [[GM Assistant]] NPC in Prontera during the corresponding month for 50 points each or by random chance with a [[V4P Gear Box]] for 30 points. These gears are often referred to as "Help heRO Hats."
==October 2011==
The V4P scheme started in June 2010, and has released new headgears every month ever since (with some exceptions).
While only one new gear is implemented/introduced each month, all other V4P gears for that corresponding month are made available again. For example, in January 2013, Samurai Mask was available for the first time, but Ribbon of Life and Spiked Scarf were also redeemable, even though they were introduced the previous years before.
|itemname= Chewing bubblegum
|itemid= Item#: 5597
|portrait= [[image:chewingbubblegum.jpg|Chewing Bubblegum]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 2
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|effect= *HP +50
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>October 2011</b> }}
If a player lacks enough points that month, or they missed the month of a headgear they really want and do not wish to wait a full year for it to come around again, the player can use other ways to obtain them:
*They are frequently offered at the [[Great Fairy Auction]].
*They are available via [[donation]].
*They can be purchased or traded from other players.
To see more on Vote For Points, see [[Vote For Points|here]].
==September 2011==
'''Note:''' Many previous headgears and costumes that were part of the V4P lineup were split to other means of acquisition in Jan 2022.
|itemname= Sigrun's Wings
|itemid= Item#: 5592
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:sigrunwing.jpg|Sigrun's Wings]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 1
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Middle Headgear
|description= Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
|effect= *If swordsman, merchan, thief, taekwon or star gladiator gives +1 STR
*If mage, acolyte, ninjar or soul linker gives +1 INT
*If archer or gunner gives +1 DEX
*If novice or super novice gives +250 HP and +65 SP
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>September 2011</b> }}
==August 2011==
=List of V4P Gear=
|itemname= Donut In Mouth
|itemid= Item#: 5594
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:donut.jpg|Donut In Mouth]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|effect= *Max HP + 100
*HP Recovery +1 every 10 seconds.
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>August 2011</b>
<b>Note:</b> Although this gear isn't custom, the way of obtaining it is.}}
==July 2011==
{{:Blood Butterfly Ears}}
{{:Chilly Breath}}
|itemname= Well-Chewed Pencil
|itemid= Item#: 5574
|sprite= [[image:WCPencil.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:chewedpencil.jpg]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 10
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 10
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= A popular snack while taking tests. It makes one look more studious but, it's days may be numbered if it stays in somebody's mouth any longer.
|effect= *Hit +3
*[+Model Training Hat]
*Dex +2
*Def +2
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>July 2011</b>
<b>Note:</b> Although this gear isn't custom, the way of obtaining it is.}}
{{:Injured Eyepatch}}
==June 2011==
{{:Costume Full Bloom Hairpin}}
|itemname= Elven Sunglasses
|itemid= Item#: 5245
|sprite= [[image:Elven_Blinker.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:elvensunglasses.jpg]]
|def= 1
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 0
|type= Middle Headgear
|description= Sunglasses to which elven ears are attached.
|effect= *25% Resistance to Curse status
*10% Resistance to Blind Status
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>June 2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.}}
{{:Costume Vicious Stop Bandage}}
==May 2011==
{{:Costume Heart Wing Hairband}}
{{:Costume Gothic Heart Wing Ribbon}}
|itemname= Observer
|itemid= Item#: 5315
|sprite= [[image:observer_.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:observer.jpg]]
|def= 1
|mdef= 0
|weight= 10
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 35
|type= Middle Headgear
|description= An equipment that can check energy. Looks like it came from another world.
|effect= *Enables use of Level 1 Estimation. (The skill is better known under the name 'Monster Property')
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>May 2011</b>
<b>Note:</b> Although this gear isn't custom, the way of obtaining it is.}}
{{:Heart Eyepatch}}
==April 2011==
{{:Worg In Mouth}}
{{:Tongue Charm}}
|itemname= Elven Blinker
|itemid= Item#: 5244
|sprite= [[image:Elven_Blinker.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:elvenblinker.jpg|Elven Blinker]]
|def= 1
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 0
|type= Middle Headgear
|description= A blindfold to which elven ears are attached.
|effect= *Complete resistance against Blind
*10% resistance to Curse
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>April 2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==March 2011==
{{:Pink Clover}}
|itemname=Scuba Mask
|itemid= Item#: 5397
|sprite= [[image:Scuba_Mask.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:scubamask.jpg|Scuba Mask]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Middle Headgear
|description= Scuba Glasses meant for Divers.
If you wear this on the Ground, people will think you are a person
not taking outside views seriously.
|effect= *Increases resistance to <font color=blue>water</font> property by 6%
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>March 2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==February 2011==
{{:Weissbier Hat}}
{{:Irish Topper}}
|itemname=Rainbow Scarf
|itemid= Item#: 5463
|sprite= [[image:Rainbow_scarf.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:rainbowscarf.jpg|Rainbow Scarf]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 3
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= Rainbow Scarf.
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>February 2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==January 2011==
{{:Pterios Fins}}
|itemname=Spiked Scarf
|itemid= Item#: 5462
|sprite= [[image:Spiked_scarf.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:spikedscarf.jpg|Spiked Scarf]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= Spiked Scarf.
|effect= *Reduces damage from demihuman monster by 2%
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>January 2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==December 2010==
{{:Carrot in Mouth}}
|itemname= Lollipop
|itemid= Item#: 5445
|sprite= [[image:lollipop.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:Lollypop.jpg|Lollipop]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= A piece of candy you hold in your mouth. Remember to brush your teeth afterwards!
|effect= *SP +20
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>December 2010</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==November 2010==
{{:Gambler Seal}}
{{:Shaving Cream}}
|itemname= Peco Peco Ears
|itemid= Item#: 5358
|sprite= [[image:peco_ears.gif]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:pecpecoear.jpg|Peco Peco Ears]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Mid Headgear
|description= An ornament wing made out of peco peco feathers.
|effect= *AGI + 1
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>November 2010</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
==October 2010==
{{:Cheering Whistle}}
|itemname= Robo Eye
|itemid= Item#: 5325
|sprite= [[image:robo_eye.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:roboeye.jpg|Robo Eye]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Mid Headgear
|description= An unidentified object look like eye. It comes from space and can give out light.
|effect= *ATK +2%
*MATK +2%
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>October 2010/2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
'''Note #2:''' Currently has Monocle sprite.
==September 2010==
{{:Handkerchief In Mouth}}
|itemname= Pirate Dagger
|itemid= Item#: 5532
|sprite= [[image:pirate_dagger.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:piratedagger.jpg|Pirate Dagger]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= A small silver knife that is held between your teeth to allow free use of your hands.
|effect= *ATK + 5
*Reflect 1% of all Physical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>September 2010/2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
{{:Costume Sombrero}}
{{:Ifrit's Breath}}
==August 2010==
{{:Bushy Moustache}}
|itemname= Odin Mask
|itemid= Item#: 5483
|sprite= [[image:odin_mask.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:odinmask.jpg|Odin Mask]]
|def= 1
|mdef= 0
|weight= 10
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Mid Headgear
|effect= *Decrease damage from Boss Monster by 2%
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>August 2010/2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, some stats and the way of obtaining it are custom.<br>
{{:Costume Rainbow}}
==July 2010==
{{:Costume Clear Sun}}
{{:Hexagon Glasses}}
|itemname= Mask of Goddess
|itemid= Item#: 5389
{{:New Wave Sunglasses}}
|sprite= [[image:goddess_mask.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
{{:Angel Earrings}}
|portrait= [[image:goddessmask.jpg|Mask of Goddess]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 0
|weight= 20
{{:Costume Hat Of Girl}}
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
{{:Costume Drooping Argiope}}
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Mid Headgear
{{:Fan In Mouth}}
|description= A golden mask rumored to be worn by some ancient Goddess.
|effect= *Hit +5
{{:Cherry Twig in Mouth}}
*STR +1
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>July 2010/2011</b>
{{:Poker Card In Mouth}}
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, its stats and way of obtaining it are custom.
{{:Costume White Lily}}
{{:Stunner Shades}}
{{:Cherry Blossom Bell}}
{{:Wing Style Spectacle}}
{{:Costume Twinkle Little Star}}
{{:Sake Cup}}
{{:Orange in Mouth}}
{{:Costume Baby Panda}}
{{:Costume Pandaring Hat}}
{{:Abacus In Mouth}}
{{:Syringe In Mouth}}
{{:Blood Sucker}}
{{:Costume Peco Peco Cap}}
{{:Red Vane Hairpin}}
{{:Stunning Star Eyepatch}}
{{:Imperial Feather}}
{{:Costume Ice Cream Hat}}
{{:Cat Santa Hat}}
{{:CD in Mouth}}
{{:Leek in Mouth}}
{{:Poring Sunglasses}}
==June 2010==
* From June 2014 until May 2015 new hat releases were halted to have some time for new headgear sprites to be made. During this period hats of the respective month received a boost.
|itemname= Ninja's Scroll
|itemid= Item#: 5362
|sprite= [[image:ninja_scroll.jpg]]
|copyright= Gravity
|portrait= [[image:ninjascroll.jpg|Ninja Scroll]]
|def= 0
|mdef= 2
|weight= 20
|refinable= No
|usablejobs= All
|reqlevel= 30
|type= Lower Headgear
|description= Ninja were used to create this scroll.
|effect= *MATK increased by 2%
*<b>Availability:</b> Redeemable for 50 points in <b>June 2010/2011</b>
'''Note:''' Although an official sprite, its stats and way of obtaining it are custom.
[[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Custom Items]]

Latest revision as of 11:37, 17 March 2023


The following gears can be obtained by redeeming "Vote For Points" points at the GM Assistant NPC in Prontera during the corresponding month for 50 points each or by random chance with a V4P Gear Box for 30 points. These gears are often referred to as "Help heRO Hats."

The V4P scheme started in June 2010, and has released new headgears every month ever since (with some exceptions).

While only one new gear is implemented/introduced each month, all other V4P gears for that corresponding month are made available again. For example, in January 2013, Samurai Mask was available for the first time, but Ribbon of Life and Spiked Scarf were also redeemable, even though they were introduced the previous years before.

If a player lacks enough points that month, or they missed the month of a headgear they really want and do not wish to wait a full year for it to come around again, the player can use other ways to obtain them:

  • They are frequently offered at the Great Fairy Auction.
  • They are available via donation.
  • They can be purchased or traded from other players.

To see more on Vote For Points, see here.

Note: Many previous headgears and costumes that were part of the V4P lineup were split to other means of acquisition in Jan 2022.

List of V4P Gear


Costume New Year Hairpin
Id #: 20229 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume New Year Hairpin A hairpin made to celebrate the new year.


  • Introduced in 2021 as a January V4P Gear
Costume New Year Hairpin

Blood Butterfly Ears
Id #: 18915 Blood Butterfly Ears Scary but beautiful. Blood is still dripping from the wings, don't ask how it was acquired.
Blood Butterfly Ears
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear Every Job
  • 1% Less damage from medium size monsters
  • Increase physical damage to medium size monster by 2%.

Introduced: 2018

Chilly Breath
Id #: 18746 Chilly Breath It's so cold, you can see your own breath!
Chilly Breath
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 2 20 No 30 Lower Headgear Every Job Except Novice
  • Reduce damage from the Water property by 3%.
  • Increase damage with Water property spells by 3%.


  • Introduced in 2017 as a January V4P Gear

Injured Eyepatch
Id #: 18615 Injured Eyepatch A patch that protects a single eye socket.
Injured Eyepatch
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear Every Job Except Novice
  • HP Recovery +10%.

Introduced: 2016


Costume Full Bloom Hairpin
Id #: 19806 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Full Bloom Hairpin A fancy hairpin which you can feel spring flowers.


  • Introduced in 2022 as a February V4P Gear
Costume Full Bloom Hairpin

Costume Vicious Stop Bandage
Id #: 19825 Location:
Costume Mid
Costume Vicious Stop Bandage Tight bandages for wounds of the eyes. It seems that they were already used.


  • Introduced in 2021 as a February V4P Gear
Costume Vicious Stop Bandage

Costume Heart Wing Hairband
Id #: 19573 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Heart Wing Hairband Decorated with tiny hearts and lace wings, this is a headband young girls crave.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a February V4P Gear
Costume Heart Wing Hairband

Costume Gothic Heart Wing Ribbon
Id #: 19928 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Gothic Heart Wing Ribbon Gothic style hairband with small heart wing and lace decoration.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a February V4P Gear
Costume Gothic Heart Wing Ribbon

Heart Eyepatch
Id #: 18620 Heart Eyepatch An eyepatch for those who would like to look lovelier than a pirate.
Heart Eyepatch
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Mid Headgear Every Job
  • Reduce damage from the Neutral property by 2%

[+ Valentine Heart]

  • SP + 50

[+ Yellow Valentine Heart]

  • HP + 600


  • Introduced in 2018 as a February V4P Gear

Worg In Mouth
Id #: 20071 Worg In Mouth A baby warg that you carry with your mouth for some reason
Worg In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Increase physical and magical damage against brute monsters by 4%.
  • [+Husky Hat]
  • Perfect Dodge +3
  • Increase damage with critical attacks by 5%

Introduced: 2017

Tongue Charm
Id #: 18648 Tongue Charm A charm, once it was used to scare and expel demons.
Tongue Charm
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Max SP +3%

Introduced: 2016


Costume Pink Clover
Id #: 20259 Location:
Costume Lower
Costume Pink Clover Availability:
  • Introduced in 2023 as a January V4P Gear
Costume Pink Clover

Weissbier Hat
Id #: 5881 Weissbier Hat Yummy beer made of wheat and yeast- a secret recipe has been developed for hundreds of years to brew this drink. Introduced during the St. Patrick's Day 2016 quest.
Weissbier Hat
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
4 0 30 No 60 Upper Headgear Every Job
  • Max HP and SP +5%
  • Agi - 1
  • Impossible to refine this item.

Introduced to V4P Shop: March 2020

Irish Topper
Id #: 10645 Irish Topper The perfect Hat to celebrate St-Patrick's Day.
Irish Topper
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
4 0 30 yes 60 Upper Headgear All
  • Small chance to drop Beer when killing monsters
  • Beer heals significally more HP and also heals SP
  • All bonus are increased by refine rate
  • Beer will not confuse you

Introduced to V4P Shop: 2020

Id #: 18900 Weisswurst The sacred sausage that all yearn for is finally in your mouth.
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from the holy property by 3%.
  • Increase damage with holy property spells by 3%.

Introduced: 2018

Pterios Fins
Id #: 18896 Pterios Fins Elegant Red Fin-like decoration worn on the side of the head.
Pterios Fins
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • +4% more physical damage against Large Size Mobs.

Introduced: 2017

Carrot in Mouth
Id #: 18683 Carrot in Mouth Carry this Carrot In Mouth so that you can feel like a real rabbit!
Carrot in Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Increases physical and magic damage on Plant race enemies by 4%
  • HP + 50
  • SP + 15


  • Introduced in 2016 as a March V4P Gear


Gambler Seal
Id #: 5918 Gambler Seal Pictures of playing card suits are attached to the cheeks as a lucky charm.
Gambler Seal
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Mid Headgear Every Job
  • When inflicting any damage on an enemy, there is a 5% chance to increase OR decrease ATK and MATK by 2% for 6 seconds. These changes may stack with itself.


  • Introduced in 2021 as an April V4P Gear

Shaving Cream
Id #: 18702 Shaving Cream This is just shaving cream. What did you think it was?
Shaving Cream
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear Every Job
  • Reduce damage from the Ghost property by 5%
  • Increase damage with Ghost property spells by 5%


  • Introduced in 2021 as an April V4P Gear

Cheering Whistle
Id #: 18837 Cheering Whistle A whistle used to cheer people up.
Cheering Whistle
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • STR +2

Introduced: 2017

Id #: 18682 Teardrop An accessory attached below the eyes.
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • Inflict +7% more physical and magical damage to Fish monsters
  • Reduce Damage from water property by 3%.

Introduced: 2016


Handkerchief In Mouth
Id #: 18670 Handkerchief In Mouth Nibbling on this handkerchief in advance can stop any bleeding caused by internal injuries. Probably.
Handkerchief In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 1 10 No None Lower Headgear All
  • Add a 50% resistance against Bleeding.

Introduced: 2021

Costume Sombrero
Id #: 20330 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Sombrero A hat with a wide, round brim.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a May V4P Gear
Costume Sombrero

Ifrit's Breath
Id #: 19817 Ifrit's Breath A fiery breath just like Ifrit's. Or maybe you ate something really spicy?
Ifrit's Breath
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from the Fire Property by 3%.
  • Increase damage with fire spells by 3%.
  • [+Ears of Ifrit]
  • Increase physical and magical damage against the earth property by 5%.

Introduced: 2017

Bushy Moustache
Id #: 5868 Bushy Moustache A very well furnished moustache.
Bushy Moustache
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 1 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • +1 INT

Introduced: 2016


Costume Rainbow
Id #: 19518 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Rainbow Show everyone how happy you are!


  • Introduced in 2020 as a June V4P Gear
Costume Rainbow

Costume Clear Sun
Id #: 19507 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Clear Sun A brightly shining sun that floats above your head.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a June V4P Gear
Costume Clear Sun

Hexagon Glasses
Id #: 18676 Hexagon Glasses Sunglasses that give a futuristic feeling.
Hexagon Glasses
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from Large size enemies by 1%
  • Increase damage dealt to Large size enemies by 2%

Introduced: 2018

New Wave Sunglasses
Id #: 18813 New Wave Sunglasses Sunglasses that give a futuristic feeling.
New Wave Sunglasses
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • Increases physical damage to Small Size monster by 4%

Introduced: 2017

Angel Earrings
Id #: 5890 Angel Earrings Earrings made of angel feathers.
Angel Earrings
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Mid Headgear All
  • Decreases damage from Shadow property by 7%.
  • Increases Physical damage dealing to Shadow property monster by 5%.


  • Introduced in 2016 as a June V4P Gear


Hat of Girl
Id #: 18842 Location:
Costume Upper
Hat of Girl A cute hat that protects you from the sun.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a July V4P Gear
Hat of Girl

Costume Drooping Argiope
Id #: 19959 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Drooping Argiope An argiope squirming and writhing on your head. Why do you do these things?


  • Introduced in 2020 as a July V4P Gear
Costume Drooping Argiope

Fan In Mouth
Id #: 18712 Fan In Mouth A cute paper fan that can be used to cool yourself down against the summer heat.
Fan In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from the Wind property by 3%.
  • Increase magical damage with Wind spells by 3%

[+ Red Vane Hairpin]

  • Increase physical and magical damage against the Water property by 5%.

Introduced: 2018

Cherry Twig in Mouth
Id #: 18677 Cherry Twig in Mouth Gives you a feeling of advantage over your enemies.
Cherry Twig in Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from the Earth property by 3%.
  • Increase damage with Earth property spells by 3%.

[+ Cherry Blossom Bell]

  • Increase physical and magical damage against the Wind property by 5%.

Introduced: 2017

Poker Card In Mouth
Id #: 18750 Poker Card In Mouth Gives you a feeling of advantage over your enemies.
Poker Card In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from the earth, fire, water and wind property by 3%.
  • LUK+1

Introduced: 2016


Costume White Lily
Id #: 19761 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume White Lily A costume designed from a white lily flower.


  • Introduced in 2020 as an August V4P Gear
Costume White Lily

Stunner Shades
Id #: 18664 Stunner Shades Fashion item with strong identity. Be a fashionista and do not mind what others say.
Stunner Shades
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Mid Headgear All
  • Reduce damage from Small size enemies by 1%.
  • Increase dealt damage to Small size enemies by 2%.

Introduced: 2018

Cherry Blossom Bell
Id #: 5673 Cherry Blossom Bell Decorative bella and cherry blossoms worn on the side of the head.
Cherry Blossom Bell
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • Add a 2.5% chance to autocast Lv. 3 Earth Spike when receiving physical damage.

Introduced: 2017

Wing Style Spectacle
Id #: 18808 Wing Style Spectacle Everyone will feel your eyesight is sharper if you wear these glasses.
Wing Style Spectacle
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear All
  • -7% Damage From Undead Race Monsters
  • +5% Physical damage to undead monsters

Introduced: 2016


Costume Twinkle Little Star
Id #: 19777 Location:
Costume Lower
Costume Twinkle Little Star Ornament modeled after the stars twinkling in the night sky.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a September V4P Gear
Costume Twinkle Little Star

Sake Cup
Id #: 5576 Sake Cup A beautiful lacquerware red cup for japanese liquor.
Sake Cup
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 10 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • For every 18 STR, gain 1 Perfect Dodge.

Introduced: 2018

Orange in Mouth
Id #: 18865 Orange in Mouth According to some, holding an orange in one's mouth brings good luck.
Orange in Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 10 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • Flee +5
  • SP Recovery +5%

Introduced: 2017


Costume Baby Panda
Id #: 9437 Location:
Costume Lower
Costume Baby Panda A doll so well made some mistake it for the real thing.


  • Introduced in 2020 as an October V4P Gear
Costume Baby Panda

Costume Pandaring Hat
Id #: 9436 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Pandaring Hat A cute headgear modeled after a pandaring.


  • Introduced in 2019 as an October V4P Gear
Costume Pandaring Hat

Abacus In Mouth
Id #: 18679 Abacus In Mouth Just an abacus you put in your mouth for some reason. Don't worry, almost no one will judge.
Abacus In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All

When physically or magically attacking, add a 0.25% chance to increase Hit, Attack and Flee by 5 at the cost of 500 zeny.

Introduced: 2018

Syringe In Mouth
Id #: 18697 Syringe In Mouth It is made with the shape of a syringe. It looks like a nurse is injecting for the patient.
Syringe In Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • +3% more Physical Damage against Large size enemies.

Introduced: 2017

Blood Sucker
Id #: 18754 Blood Sucker A creepy mask inspired by vampire fangs.
Blood Sucker
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Lower Headgear All
  • When physically attacking, add a 5% chance to auto cast Level 1 Blood Sucking

Introduced: 2016


Costume Peco Peco Cap
Id #: 19816 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Peco Peco Cap An adorable cap inspired by the Peco Pecos of Sograt Desert.


  • Vote for Points gear option during November
  • Purchased with 100 medals at the Hugel prize medal exchange during November
  • Possible Thanksgiving event item
Costume Peco Peco Cap

Red Vane Hairpin
Id #: 10734 Red Vane Hairpin A red hairpin with a spinning windmill.
Red Vane Hairpin
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No Every Job Middle Headgear All
  • LUK + 1
  • Add a chance to automatically cast Level 3 Lightning Bolt on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.

[+ Fan In Mouth]

  • Increase physical and magical damage against the Water property by 5%.

Introduced: 2018

Stunning Star Eyepatch
Id #: 18647 Stunning Star Eyepatch The Stunning Star Eyepatch is absolutely fabulous!
Stunning Star Eyepatch
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 10 No Every Job Middle Headgear All

+10% resist to Stun

Introduced: 2017

Imperial Feather
Id #: 18823 Imperial Feather Decorative feathers worn on the backside of the head.
Imperial Feather
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 30 Mid Headgear All
  • 3% Less damage from small size monsters

Introduced: 2016


Costume Icecream Hat
Id #: 19813 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Icecream Hat Ice cream that you inexplicably wear on your head.


  • Introduced in 2020 as a December V4P Gear
Costume Icecream Hat

Costume Cat Santa Hat
Id #: 19976 Costume Cat Santa Hat A hat worn by cats of Malangdo during the winter holiday season
Costume Cat Santa Hat
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 0 No None Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Headgear Every Job

Introduced: Christmas Quest 2019

CD in Mouth
Id #: 18666 CD in Mouth Why are you putting this in your mouth? You're gonna damage it!
CD in Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 20 Lower Headgear Every Job except Novice
  • When physically attacking, there is a 5% chance to automatically cast Level 3 Caprice on the enemy.
  • Effect does not stack with any copy of Vanilmirth Cards.

Introduced: 2018

Leek in Mouth
Id #: 18678 Leek in Mouth A freshly picked leek vegetable.
Leek in Mouth
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
0 0 20 No 20 Lower Headgear Every Job
  • Decrease 2% damage from Small type of monster.

Introduced: 2017

Poring Sunglasses
Id #: 18839 Poring Sunglasses Cute Poring-shaped pink sunglasses. It protects your eyes from the harsh sunlight, while also making you look cute.
Poring Sunglasses
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
1 0 20 No 30 Middle Headgear Every Job Except Novice
  • Decrease damage from poring mobs by 5%.
  • Increase physical and magical damage against poring mobs by 5%.
  • If wearing Angeling or Deviling Helm (obtained from Trial of Heroes), reduce damage from Poring mobs by an additional 10% and increase physical and magical damage against poring mobs by another 10%.

Introduced: 2016


  • From June 2014 until May 2015 new hat releases were halted to have some time for new headgear sprites to be made. During this period hats of the respective month received a boost.