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(Adding in lesser rewards as I find them)
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====500k Lottery====
====500k Lottery====
Random rewards, with a 10% chance to get a lesser backpack.
Random rewards, with a 10% chance to get a lesser backpack.
Random rewards include:
*Oridecon Box (5 oridecon)
====5mil Lottery====
====5mil Lottery====

Revision as of 07:58, 13 October 2012

Happy heROversary! To celebrate our 7th year, Pandelina needs your help to settle Occupy Prontera with the porings! Complete the quest to earn the new "Gentility Hat" and other rewards.

HeRO Birthday Quest - 2012

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:




Items (Consumed):

1 Poring Doll
1 Black Dyestuffs
1 Cobaltblue Dyestuffs
1 Darkgreen Dyestuffs
1 Lemon Dyestuffs
1 Orange Dyestuffs
1 Scarlet Dyestuffs
1 Violet Dyestuffs
1 White Dyestuffs
1 Medicine Bowl

One of following:

  • 60 Dry Sand
  • 20 Fine Sand
  • 40 Sand Clump
  • 15 Witch Starsand

Items (Not Consumed):

1 Poring Hat


100,000~130,000z (30,000z for the warp)

Quest Prerequisites:


Other Requirements:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



Choice between three lotteries:

  • 500k - 10% chance for lesser backpack
  • 5mil - guaranteed lesser backpack, 10% chance for higher one
  • 25mil - guaranteed higher backpack, 10% chance for brand new Rainbowring Backpack

Quest Rewards:

  • 25 Birthday Firecracker
  • 2 Delicious Cake
  • 1 Bloody Branch

Choice between the following:

  • Gentility Hat
  • First Anniversary Hat
  • heRO Cake Hat
  • Drops Party Hat
  • Stylish heRO Cap


1) In order to start the Quest you'll need to talk to Pandelina, who stands between Tool shop and Armor/Weapon shop in Prontera.

Agree that we should "of course" help the Porings. You will get a reward if you've done previous birthday quests. Prizes include:

  • 3rd Birthday Quest Complete: Damp Card Album
  • 4th Birthday Quest Complete: Bloody Branch
  • 5th Birthday Quest Complete: Gold
  • 6th Birthday Quest Complete: Poring Box

2) She asks you to collect fairy dust by finding 5 fairies scattered around the world in under 30 minutes. This part of the quest can be repeated if you go over the allotted time. Their locations are as follows:

  • Toy Factory F2 (37, 220) on the heart-shaped platform
  • Bylan F4 (228, 154) on the platform by Hydras
  • Gonryun Shrine F3 (182, 114) by the river to the right
  • Umbala Dungeon F1 (122, 108) at the end of the dead-end path
  • Payon Cave F5 (120, 113) right in the middle (Be careful of Moonie!)

3) Then turn the fairy dust in to Fairy Pima (Pixie and Pico's mother). She is in Amatsu field (319, 317) at the northeast-most part of the map.

4) Return to Pandelina. She tells you she needs a land permit.

5) Go to the Public Service Official in Yuno in front of the Library (330,205) all the way on the right, center. He wants 100,000z to speed up the process. (I chose "Here's the money.")

6) You have to get the land permit stamped by a noble, if you're not one yourself. The permit can be traded between players for this purpose. Once it's been stamped, return to Pandelina.

7) She tells you to go talk to Belita the poring expert. Belita resides in Louyang, and will want a Poring Doll. She's in the house at (131, 60) to the southwest of the warper NPCs.

8) She tells you the poring leader's name (is one of the porings that walk around in Prontera) tells you and that you should wear a Poring Hat while talking to him.

9) Talk to Pandelina again. She says Scratchy should be in Prontera (I found him hopping around in the southeast corner).

10) The leader poring will tell you to see Pandelina again. She wants a multi-color dyestuff from the Coupon Lady.

11) Bring the Coupon Lady (prontera - 77, 93 in the building with three portals in the southwest corner) the following:

  • 1 Black Dyestuffs
  • 1 Cobaltblue Dyestuffs
  • 1 Darkgreen Dyestuffs
  • 1 Lemon Dyestuffs
  • 1 Orange Dyestuffs
  • 1 Scarlet Dyestuffs
  • 1 Violet Dyestuffs
  • 1 White Dyestuffs
  • 1 Medicine Bowl

12) Return to Pandelina. She asks you to get some type of sand, out of the following choices:

  • 60 Dry Sand
  • 20 Fine Sand
  • 40 Sand Clump
  • 15 Witch Starsand

Once you give her the sand, you will be warped to the new Poring City! (kid_ground) There is a new warp NPC! It is 30k zeny to unlock the warp.

13) Talk to the Poring npc (just north of where you enter) for base experience based on your level. He (Scratchy) then asks you to find 5 sandy areas around the city and flatten them. They are invisible spots labeled "Ground" when you hover over them. They are at the following coordinates:

  • (35, 171) northwest corner
  • (73, 122) west of center
  • (95, 21) southwest in the narrow section of the map
  • (134, 111) east of center
  • (162, 175) northeast corner

14) Talk to Poring again. He pays you back the warp unlock fee of 30k. Talk to him again for Lottery info (see Rewards section) and to contribute to the dungeon fund.

15) Return to Pandelina again for your quest reward (see Rewards section).


There are free rewards from Pandelina just for completing the quest, and then paid rewards from the Poring NPC in the new Poring City. They are as follows:

See Seasonal Gears for information on all the gears.

Pandelina's Rewards

25 Birthday Firecracker, 2 Delicious Cake, 1 Bloody Branch, and your choice between the following:

  • Gentility Hat (NEW!!!)
  • First Anniversary Hat
  • heRO Cake Hat
  • Drops Party Hat
  • Stylish heRO Cap
  • Hatter Voucher

Poring's (Scratchy's) Rewards

Note: Backpacks considered "lesser" are:

  • 4th Birthday Backpack
  • Marin Backpack
  • Poporing Backpack
  • Bombporing Backpack

Backpacks considered "higher" are:

  • Advanced Backpack
  • Arcangeling Backpack
  • Angeling Backpack
  • Deviling Backpack
  • Rainbowring Backpack

500k Lottery

Random rewards, with a 10% chance to get a lesser backpack.

Random rewards include:

  • Oridecon Box (5 oridecon)

5mil Lottery

Guaranteed lesser backpack, with a 10% chance to get a higher backpack.

25mil Lottery

Guaranteed higher backpack, with an exclusive 10% chance to get the brand new Rainbowring Backpack.