Difference between revisions of "Pets & Tames"

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(Normal Pets)
(Normal Pets: Adjusted the description for Civil Servant's loyalty bonus for accuracy.)
(131 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
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In addition to [[Regular Pets| Gravity's regular pets]], heRO features a host of custom pets- ranging from Wild Rose to an Angeling. Perhaps the only difference, other than obvious aesthetics, between the official and custom pets are the lack of bonuses when they reach loyalty. The only thing custom pets are currently capable of doing is loot items, much like a Poring, and they share similar dialogue with Poring. More can and may very well be added eventually (along with things like custom lines), but for now, this is a list of all taming items available on the server, and their related monster.
This page contains a list of all monsters that can be pets along with their pet information and bonuses, if any.
==Normal Pets==
Listed below are pets that are mostly obtainable through the conventional way, which is to tame a monster with an item. Typically, the tames for the monsters are obtained as a drop from the target monster itself. There are some pets which require questing or event participation but they are completely obtainable at any time with the player's own effort.
{| class="herotable3 sortable" width="90%" |
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
!width="14%" colspan=2| Pet
!width="22%" | Source
!width="10%" | Food
!width="10%" | Accessory
!width="22%" | Accessory bonus
!width="22%" | Loyalty bonus
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Alice.gif|center|Alice|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Alice
| Tame: Soft Apron
| White Potion
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Demi-Human race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Aliot.gif|center|Aliot|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Aliot
| Tame: Briefcase
| Iron Ore
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Formless race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:BabyDesertWolf.gif|center|Baby Desert Wolf|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Baby Desert Wolf
| Tame: Well Dried Bone
| Pet Food
| Transparent Head Protector
| +5% HP Recovery
| INT +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:BaphometJr.gif|center|Baphomet Jr.|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Baphomet Jr.
| Tame: Book of Devil
| Honey
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Skull Helm}}
| Attacks will have a 1 cell splash range for 5 seconds every 55 seconds
| ATK +5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Blazering.gif|center|Blazering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Blazering
| Tame: Charred Muspel Rock
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Bleeding status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Bongun.gif|center|Bongun|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Bongun
| Tame: Her Heart
| Pet Food
| Grave Keeper's Sword
| Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5 to 10% chance
| Max SP +1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Chipmunk.gif|center|Chipmunk|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Chipmunk
| Quest: [[Reputation_Rewards|1,500 Fairy Reputation Points]]
| Acorn
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| 5% chance to restore 5% damage as HP when attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Chonchon.gif|center|Chonchon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Chonchon
| Tame: Rotten Fish
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Monster Oxygen Mask}}
| Hit +2
| +5% HP Recovery, +5% SP Recovery
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Civil Servant.gif|center|Civil Servant|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Civil Servant
| Tame: Imprint of the Cat King
| Catnip
| Golden Earring
| Casts Recovery on the pet owner when HP is below 100%
| Reduce SP Cost of all four elemental Bolts by 5 SP
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Deviruchi.gif|center|Deviruchi|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Deviruchi
| Tame: Contract in Shadow
| Shoot
| Pacifier
| AGI +6, DEX +6, STR +6 for 20 seconds with a 40 seconds delay
| MATK +1%, ATK +1%, Max HP -3%, Max SP -3%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dokebi.gif|center|Dokebi|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dokebi
| Tame: Old Broom
| Pet Food
| Wig
| Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5 to 10% chance
| MDEF +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Drops.gif|center|Drops|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Drops
| Tame: Orange Juice
| Yellow Herb
| Backpack
| {{None}}
| HIT +3, ATK +3
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dryad.gif|center|Dryad|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dryad
| Tame: Rich Soil
| Maneater Root
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Plant race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dullahan.gif|center|Dullahan|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dullahan
| Tame: Luxury Whisky Bottle
| Damp Darkness
| Ring of Death
| Casts Critical Wounds at 5 to 10% rate
| Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:EmberLizard.gif|center|Ember Lizard|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ember Lizard
| Tame: Muspel Herb
| Flame Gemstone
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Burning status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Familiar.gif|center|Familiar|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Familiar
| Tame: Blood Ball
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Blind status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Galapago2.gif|center|Galapago|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Galapago
| Tame: Latest Fashion Sunglasses
| Pina Colada
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Fish race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Garm Baby.gif|center|Garm Baby|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Garm Baby
| Tame: Snowflake
| Nursing Bottle
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Brute race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:GoblinLeader.gif|center|Goblin Leader|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Goblin Leader
| Tame: Staff of Leader
| Monster's Feed
| Beautiful Badges
| Casts Pierce for 750 damage at 5 to 10% rate
| +5% Bash and Mammonite Damage
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Golem.gif|center|Golem|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Golem
| Tame: Magical Lithography
| Cyfar
| Spring
| Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5 to 10% chance
| DEF +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Grand_Peco.gif|center|Grand Peco|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Grand Peco
| Quest: [[Peco Breeding Quest|Peco Breeding]]
| Mastela Fruit
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:GreenMaiden.gif|center|Green Maiden|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Green Maiden
| Tame: Tantan Noodle
| Bao
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Fish race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Hillsrion.gif|center|Hillsrion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Hillsrion
| Tame: Golden Paw Bracer
| Meat Skewer
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:HunterFly.gif|center|Hunter Fly|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Hunter Fly
| Tame: Monster Juice
| Red Gemstone
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Monster Oxygen Mask}}
| +5% SP Recovery
| Gain 3 HP when killing monsters with physical attacks
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Ijsbal.gif|center|Ijsbal|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ijsbal
| Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| ATK +10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Isis.gif|center|Isis|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Isis
| Tame: Armlet of Obedience
| Pet Food
| Queen's Hair Ornament
| Casts Magnificat Level 2 every 60 seconds when HP/SP is below 50%
| +3% HP Recovery, +3% SP Recovery
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Imp.gif|center|Imp|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Imp
| Tame: Ice Fireworks
| Flame Gemstone
| Horn Barrier
| Casts Fire Ball for 800 damage at 5 to 10% rate
| Critical rate +3, ATK +5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Incubus.gif|center|Incubus|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Incubus
| Tame: Girl's Naviety
| Vital Flower
| Masked Ball
| +5% HP Recovery
| Max SP +2%, Max HP -1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kalpeahenki.gif|center|Kalpea Henki|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kalpea Henki
| Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points
| Ice Cream
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% Heal effectiveness on self
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Karakasa.gif|center|Karakasa|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Karakasa
| Tame: Golden Geta
| Mochi
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| INT +1, MATK +5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kasa.gif|center|Kasa|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kasa
| Tame: Lighter
| Flame Heart
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kraben.gif|center|Kraben|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kraben
| Tame: Banana Basket
| Banana Juice
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Add a 3% chance for the pet owner to perform a guiding attack (will not miss)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:LeafCat.gif|center|Leaf Cat|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Leaf Cat
| Tame: Very Soft Plant
| Monster's Feed
| Green Jewel Bag
| +5% SP Recovery
| Increases Red, Yellow and White Herb heal power by 10%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Loli_ruri.gif|center|Loli Ruri|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Loli Ruri
| Tame: Very Red Juice
| Pumpkin
| Fashion Glasses
| VIT +6 for 20 seconds with a 40 seconds delay
| Increases incoming heals by 3%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Lunatic.gif|center|Lunatic|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Lunatic
| Tame: Rainbow Carrot
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Silk Ribbon}}
| +5% HP Recovery
| LUK +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Mantis.gif|center|Mantis|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Mantis
| Tame: Tasty Bug
| Monster Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Bleeding status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Mavka.gif|center|Mavka|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Mavka
| Tame: Green Fairy Mirror
| Calla Lily Flower
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Plant race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Medusa.gif|center|Medusa|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Medusa
| Tame: Splendid Mirror
| Meat
| Queen's Coronet
| {{None}}
| +5% Resistance to the Stone status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Miyabi_Ningyo.gif|center|Miyabi Doll|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Miyabi Doll
| Tame: Girl's Doll
| Apple Juice
| Summer Fan
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Silence status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Munak.gif|center|Munak|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Munak
| Tame: No Recipient
| Pet Food
| Punisher
| Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5 to 10% chance
| Max HP +1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nightmare_Terror.gif|center|Nightmare Terror|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Nightmare Terror
| Tame: Hell Contract
| Brigan
| Horn of Hell
| Casts Dark Strike for 600 damage at 5 to 10% rate
| HIT +5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nine_Tail.gif|center|Ninetail|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Nine Tail
| Tame: Starball
| Tofu
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:OrcWarrior.gif|center|Orc Warrior|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Orc Warrior
| Tame: Orc Trophy
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Wild Flower}}
| {{None}}
| ATK +1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Palidvulpine.gif|center|Pale Vulpine|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pale Vulpine
| Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points
| Tofu
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| -2% SP consumption
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:PecoPeco.gif|center|Peco Peco|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Peco Peco
| Tame: Fatty Chubby Earthworm
| Pet Food
| Battered Pot
| Move Speed +25 every 20 seconds with a 20 seconds delay
| Move Speed +3 (effect does not stack with equipment that also grants move speed)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Petite.gif|center|Petite|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Petite
| Tame: Shining Stone
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Stellar Hairpin}}
| Flee +2
| ASPD +1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Picky.gif|center|Picky|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Picky
| Tame: Earthworm The Dude
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Tiny Egg Shell}}
| +5% HP Recovery
| LUK +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pinguicula.gif|center|Pinguicula|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pinguicula
| Tame: Magic Beans
| Veggie Skewer
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Plant race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pingvi.gif|center|Pingvi|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pingvi
| Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points
| Fresh Fish
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| INT +1, -3% skill cast time
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:PoisonSpore.gif|center|Poison Spore|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Poison Spore
| Tame: Deadly Noxious Herb
| Pet Food
| Bark Shorts
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Poison and Deadly Poison statuses
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Poporing.gif|center|Poporing|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Poporing
| Tame: Bitter Herb
| Green Herb
| Backpack
| {{None}}
| None
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Poring.gif|center|Poring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Poring
| Tame: Unripe Apple
| Apple Juice
| Backpack
| {{None}}
| LUK +2, CRIT +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rocker.gif|center|Rocker|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rocker
| Tame: Singing Flower
| Pet Food
| Rocker Glasses
| +5% HP Recovery
| DEX +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:SavageBabe.gif|center|Savage Babe|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Savage Babe
| Tame: Sweet Milk
| Pet Food
| Green Lace
| +5% SP Recovery
| AGI +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Shinobi.gif|center|Shinobi|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Shinobi
| Tame: Kuloren
| Grilled Rice Cake
| Tassel for Durumagi
| Perfect Dodge +1
| -5% SP Cost of Hide, Cloak, Shadow Jump, Ciceda Skin Shed and Mirror Image
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Siroma.gif|center|Siroma|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Siroma
| Tame: Blue Scarf
| Ice Heart
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Smokie.gif|center|Smokie|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Smokie
| Tame: Sweet Potato
| Pet Food
| Red Scarf
| Character gains Perfect Hide (cannot be detected by monsters with Detector)
| AGI +1, Perfect Dodge +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Snowbunny.gif|center|Snow Bunny|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Snow Bunny
| Tame: Strawberry Pudding
| Korean Rice Cake
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| VIT +1, HP +100
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Snowmoth.gif|center|Snow Moth|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Snow Moth
| Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points
| Vital Flower
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Perfect Dodge +2
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Sohee.gif|center|Sohee|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Sohee
| Tame: Silver Knife Chastity
| Pet Food
| Golden Bell
| Heals for 400 HP every 60 seconds when HP is below 33%
| Max HP +100
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Spiky_Urchin.gif|center|Spiky Urchin|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Spiky Urchin
| Quest: [[Reputation_Rewards|1,500 Fairy Reputation Points]]
| Green Herb
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Gain 2 SP when killing a monster by physical attacks
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Spore.gif|center|Spore|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Spore
| Tame: Dew Laden Moss
| Pet Food
| Bark Shorts
| +5% SP Recovery
| VIT +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Springbeak.gif|center|Springbeak|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Springbeak
| Quest: [[Reputation_Rewards|1,500 Fairy Reputation Points]]
| Worm Peeling
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| ASPD +2%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:SteelChonchon.gif|center|Steel Chonchon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Steel Chonchon
| Tame: Rusty Iron
| Pet Food
| {{plainlink|https://irowiki.org/classic/Pet_Equipment Monster Oxygen Mask}}
| {{None}}
| Soft Defense +10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:StoneShooter.gif|center|Stone Shooter|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Stone Shooter
| Tame: Oilpalm Coconut
| Green Herb
| Afro
| Casts Splash Attack for 300 damage at 5~10% rate.
| Reduce the SP Cost of Bullseye and Tracking by -5%.
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Strigoi.gif|center|Strigoi|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Strigoi
| Tame: Ancient Spellbook
| Damp Darkness
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Curse status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Stumper.gif|center|Stumper|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Stumper
| Quest: [[Reputation_Rewards|1,500 Fairy Reputation Points]]
| Log
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% effectiveness of healing items
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Succubus.gif|center|Succubus|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Succubus
| Tame: Black Lipstick
| Immortal Heart
| Heart Headband
| +5% SP Recovery
| Max HP +2%, Max SP -1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Taini.gif|center|Taini|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Taini
| Event: Can be traded for 20 Taini Stars, obtainable from [[Novices Vs Taini]] events
| Candy Cane
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| All Stats +1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Teddy Bear.gif|center|Teddy Bear|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Teddy Bear
| Tame: Mjolnir Replica
| Well-Baked Cookies
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Demon race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Wanderer.gif|center|Wanderer|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Wanderer
| Tame: Vagabond's Skull
| Spirit Liquor
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Waste Stove.gif|center|Waste Stove|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Waste Stove
| Tame: CLR
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Insect race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:WickedNymph.gif|center|Wicked Nymph|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Wicked Nymph
| Tame: Charming Lotus
| Vital Flower
| Jade Trinket
| Casts Splash Attack for 600 damage at 5 to 10% rate
| Offensive Heal damage +5%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Wild Rose.gif|center|Wild Rose|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Wild Rose
| Tame: Fuzzy Yarn Ball
| Salmon
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Violy.gif|center|Violy|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Violy
| Tame: Music Sheets
| Royal Jelly
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Angel race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Yoyo.gif|center|Yoyo|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Yoyo
| Tame: Tropical Banana
| Banana Juice
| Monkey Circlet
| {{None}}
| CRIT +3, LUK -1
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Zealotus.gif|center|Zealotus|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Zealotus
| Tame: Forbidden Red Candle
| Immortal Heart
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Demon race
==Allegiance Pets==
==Allegiance Pets==
{| class=table1 width=1000
! colspan=2| Pet || Tame || Food
These pets require the player to a member of a certain [[Allegiance|allegiance]] in order to obtain. However, it is possible for the pets to be transferred to another player whom is not a member of the allegiance needed to obtain the pet.
! colspan=2| Pet || Tame || Food
{| class="herotable3 sortable" width="90%" |
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
!width="14%" colspan=2| Pet  
!width="22%" | Source
!width="10%" | Food
!width="10%" | Accessory
!width="22%" | Accessory bonus
!width="22%" | Loyalty bonus
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Retribution_v2.gif|center|Retribution|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Retribution
| Quest: [[Thanatos_Tower_Party_Quest|Thanatos Tower quest]] for Dark Allegiance players
| Ruby
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Observation_v2.gif|center|Observation|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Observation
| Quest: [[Thanatos_Tower_Party_Quest|Thanatos Tower quest]] for Light Allegiance players
| Topaz
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| align=center|[[image:Retribution.png]] ||'''Retribution'''||Obtainable as a result of the custom Thanatos Tower quest for Dark Allegiance players||Ruby
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Solace.gif|center|Solace|x35px]]
| align=center|[[image:Deviling.png]] ||'''Deviling'''||Lord Matthew Cursed Water (quest for Dark Allegiance)||Large Jellopy
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Solace
| Quest: [[Thanatos_Tower_Party_Quest|Thanatos Tower quest]] for players who are in neither allegiance
| Blue Gemstone
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| align=center|[[image:Observation.png]] ||'''Observation'''||Obtainable as a result of the custom Thanatos Tower quest for Light Allegiance players|| Topaz
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Deviling.gif|center|Deviling|35px]]
| align=center| [[image:Angeling.png]] ||'''Angeling''' || Father Benedict Holy Water (quest for Light Allegiance) || Large Jellopy
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Deviling
| Tame: Lord Matthew Cursed Water<br>(Obtained from a [[Allegiance_Pet_Quest|quest]] for Dark Allegiance)
| Large Jellopy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| align=center|[[image:Solace.png]]||'''Solace'''||Obtainable as a result of the custom Thanatos Tower quest for players who are in neither allegiance||Blue Gemstone
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Angeling.gif|center|Angeling|35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Angeling
| Tame: Father Benedict Holy Water<br>(Obtained from a [[Allegiance_Pet_Quest|quest]] for Light Allegiance)
| Large Jellopy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
==Seasonal Pets==
=== Halloween ===
All of the below pets are obtainable from the Halloween seasonal quests, beginning 2009. Being quests rewards, they have no ingame tames except for Dullahan and Marionette. You may also get them by opening a Halloween Pet Box.
==Normal Pets==
{| class="herotable3 sortable" width="90%" |
{| class=table1 width=1000
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
! colspan=2| Pet || Tame || Food
!width="14%" colspan=2| Pet  
! colspan=2| Pet || Tame || Food
!width="22%" | Source
!width="10%" | Food
!width="10%" | Accessory
!width="22%" | Accessory bonus
!width="22%" | Loyalty bonus
| align=center |[[image:Aliot.png]]|| '''Aliot''' || Briefcase (drops from Aliot) || Burnt Pieces (drops from Aliot/Alicel/Constant)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Diabolic.gif|center|Diabolic|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Civil Servant.png]]||'''Civil Servant''' || Imprint of the Cat King (drops from Civil Servant) || Catnip (drops from Civil Servant)
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Diabolic
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Curse status when physically attacking
| align=center |[[image:Galapago.png]]||'''Galapago''' || Latest Fasion Sunglasses (drops from Galapago) || Pina Colada (drops from Galapago)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dullahan.gif|center|Dullahan|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Garm Baby.png]]||'''Garm Baby''' || Snowflake (drops from Baby Garm) || Nursing Bottle (drops from Baby Garm)
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dullahan
| Tame: Luxury Whisky Bottle
| Damp Darkness
| Ring of Death
| Casts Critical Wounds at 5 to 10% rate
| Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%
| align=center |[[image:Hillsrion.png]]||'''Hillsrion''' ||Golden Paw Bracer (drops from || Meat Skewer
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Evil druid.gif|center|Evil Druid|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Karakasa.png]]||'''Karakasa''' || Golden Geta (drops from Karasaka) || Mochi (drops from Karasaka)
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Evil Druid
| Quest: Halloween
| Damp Darkness
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Stone Curse status when physically attacking
| align=center |[[image:Kraben.png]]||'''Kraben''' || Banana Basket (drops from Kraben) || Banana Juice
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Ghostring.gif|center|Ghostring|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Familiar.png]] || '''Familiar''' ||? (drops from Familiar) || Red Herb
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ghostring
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| align=center |[[image:Mavka.png]]||'''Mavka''' || Green Fairy Mirror (drops from Mavka) || Calla Lily Flower (drops from Mavka)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Jakk.gif|center|Jakk|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Ninetail.png]]||'''Ninetail''' || Starball (drops from Ninetail) || Tofu (drops from Ninetail)
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Jakk
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Silence status
| align=center |[[image:Pinguicula.png]]||'''Pinguicula''' || Magic Beans ||Veggie Skewer
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Lude.gif|center|Lude|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Siroma.png]]||'''Siroma''' || Blue Scarf (drops from Siroma and Snow Bunny (probably at a smaller rate)) || Ice Heart
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Lude
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Pierce the MDEF of all enemies by 2%
| align=center |[[image:Snow Bunny.png]]||'''Snow Bunny''' || Strawberry Pudding (drops from Snow Bunny) || Songypon (drops from Snow Bunny)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Marionette.gif|center|Marionette|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Succubus.png]]||'''Succubus''' || Black Lipstick || Immortal Heart
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Marionette
| Tame: Delicious Shaved Ice
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Reduce the SP cost of Napalm Beat, Soul Strike and Napalm Vulcan by 5%
| align=center |[[image:Teddy Bear.png]]||'''Teddy Bear''' || Mjolnir Replica (drops from Teddy Bear) || Well-Baked Cookies
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nightmare.gif|center|Nightmare|x35px]]
| align=center |[[image:Waste Stove.png]]||'''Waste Stove''' || CLR (drops from Waste Stove) || Coal
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Nightmare
| Quest: Halloween
| Damp Darkness
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Sleep status
| align=center |[[image:Wild Rose.png]]||'''Wild Rose''' || Fuzzy Yarn Ball (drops from Wild Rose) || Salmon (obtainable from Fishing system)
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nightmare_Terror.gif|center|Nightmare Terror|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Nightmare Terror
| Quest: Halloween
| Brigan
| {{None}}
| Uses Dark Soul Strike for 600 damage at a 5 to 10% chance
| Hit + 5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pumpkinring.gif|center|Pumpkinring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pumpkinring
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Demon race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Quve.gif|center|Quve|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Quve
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Pierce the DEF of all enemies by 2%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Whisper.gif|center|Whisper|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Whisper
| Quest: Halloween
| Pumpkin
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| AGI + 1, Flee + 3
=== Easter ===
The below pet is obtainable from the Easter seasonal quests, beginning in 2010. Being a quest reward, it has no in-game tame, and its food item is Handmade Chocolate.
{| class="herotable3 sortable" width="90%" |
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
!width="14%" colspan=2| Pet
!width="22%" | Source
!width="10%" | Food
!width="10%" | Accessory
!width="22%" | Accessory bonus
!width="22%" | Loyalty bonus
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Easter bunny.gif|center|Easter Bunny|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Easter Bunny
| Quest: Easter
| Handmade Chocolate
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| When physically attacking there is a 5% chance gain SP equal to 1% of your dealt damage.
==Seasonal Pets==
== Unavailable Pets ==
Below are pets that are unobtainable through normal means such as questing or taming. Pets from this list tend to be either bought from [[Fairy_Auction|Fairy Auction]] or obtained as [[Donation#Donation_for_Pet|donation reward]]. Auctioned pets have a very slim chance of returning into the auction pool while donation pets can be obtained at any time with a [[GM Team|GM]] available. As for donation pets, if the desired pet has not ever been made and added into the game database, the player will have to wait until the next upcoming patch in order to retrieve their donation pet.
=== Halloween 2009/10 ===
{| class="herotable3 sortable" width="90%" |
All of the below pets are obtainable from the Halloween seasonal quests, beginning 2009. Being quests rewards only, they have no ingame tames, and all are fed Pumpkin.
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
{| class=table1
!width="14%" colspan=2 | Pet
! colspan=12|Halloween pets
!width="22%" | Source
!width="10%" | Food
!width="10%" | Accessory
!width="22%" | Accessory bonus
!width="22%" | Loyalty bonus
| align=center | [[image:Diabolic.png]]
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Knight_of_abyss.gif|center|Abyssmal Knight|x35px]]
| align=center | [[image:Dullahan.png]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Abysmal Knight
| align=center | [[image:Evil Druid.png]]
| Donation
| align=center | [[image:Ghostring.png]]
| Candy
| align=center | [[image:Loli Ruri.png]]
| {{None}}
| align=center | [[image:Lude.png]]
| {{None}}
|- align=center
| {{None}}
|Evil Druid
|Loli Ruri 
| align=center | [[image:Marionette.png]]
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Acidus.gif|center|Acidus|x35px]]
| align=center | [[image:Pumpkinring.png]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Acidus
| align=center | [[image:Quve.png]]
| Donation
| align=center | [[image:Jakk.png]]
| Candy
| align=center | [[image:Whisper.png]]
| {{None}}
|- align=center
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Aliza.gif|center|Aliza|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Aliza
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Am_mut.gif|center|Am Mut|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Am Mut
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Anubis.gif|center|Anubis|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Anubis
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Applering.gif|center|Applering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Applering
| Fairy Auction
| Apple
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Dex + 1, Hit + 3
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Aqua_Elemental.gif|center|Aqua Elemental|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Aqua Elemental
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Autumn Mouse.gif|center|Autumn Mouse|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Autumn Mouse
| Fairy Auction
| Cheese
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Babyeddgapet.gif|center|Baby Eddga|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Baby Eddga
| Fairy Auction
| Flame Heart
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Baby_Leopard.gif|center|Baby Leopard|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Baby Leopard
| Fairy Auction
| Meat
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Banshee_Master.gif|center|Banshee Master|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Banshee Master
| Fairy Auction
| Damp Darkness
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Bathory.gif|center|Bathory|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Bathory
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Blazer.gif|center|Blazer|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Blazer
| Fairy Auction
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Formless race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Bloody_knight.gif|center|Bloody Knight|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Bloody Knight
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Blue_Plant.gif|center|Blue Plant|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Blue Plant
| Fairy Auction
| Maneater Root
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Bombporing.gif|center|Bombporing|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Bombporing
| Fairy Auction
| Detonator
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Cat_o_nine_tail.gif|center|Cat o' Nine Tails|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Cat o' Nine Tails
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Cendrawasih.gif|center|Cendrawasih|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Cendrawasih
| Fairy Auction
| Asai Fruit
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Insect race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Coco.gif|center|Coco|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Coco
| Fairy Auction
| Acorn
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Sleep status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Crab.gif|center|Crab|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Crab
| Fairy Auction
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Soft Magic Defense +10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Creamy.gif|center|Creamy|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Creamy
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Cupcakering.gif|center|Cupcakering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Cupcakering
| Fairy Auction
| Milk
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Formless race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Curupira.gif|center|Curupira|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Curupira
| Fairy Auction
| Meat
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Confusion status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dancing_Dragon.gif|center|Dancing Dragon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dancing Dragon
| Fairy Auction
| Monster's Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Dragon race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dandelion.gif|center|Dandelion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dandelion
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dark_illusion.gif|center|Dark Illusion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dark Illusion
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Deviruchiring.gif|center|Deviruchiring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Deviruchiring
| Fairy Auction
| Little Evil Wing
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Draco.gif|center|Draco|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Draco
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dragon_egg.gif|center|Dragon Egg|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Dragon Egg
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Drosera.gif|center|Drosera|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Drosera
| Fairy Auction
| Maneater Root
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dunyrr.gif|center|Duneyrr|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Duneyrr
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Eclipse.gif|center|Eclipse|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Eclipse
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Eralia.gif|center|Eralia|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Eralia
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Eremes.gif|center|Eremes|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Eremes
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Sword_executioner.gif|center|Executioner|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Executioner
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Explosion.gif|center|Explosion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Explosion
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:EyeOfSurtur.gif|center|Eye of Surtur|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Eye of Surtur
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Fabre.gif|center|Fabre|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Fabre
| Tame: Lucky Clover
| Herb of Incantation
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Falseangel.gif|center|False Angel|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | False Angel
| Fairy Auction
| Red Gemstone
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Angel race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Flame Skull.gif|center|Flame Skull|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Flame Skull
| Fairy Auction
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Demi-human race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Foxring.gif|center|Foxring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Foxring
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Gajomart.gif|center|Gajomart|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Gajomart
| Fairy Auction
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Dragon race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Galion.gif|center|Galion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Galion
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Gemini.gif|center|Gemini-S58|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Gemini-S58
| Fairy Auction
| Monster's Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Demi-human race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Goblin_archer.gif|center|Goblin Archer|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Goblin Archer
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Goldring.gif|center|Goldring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Goldring
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Greenapplering.gif|center|Green Applering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Green Applering
| Fairy Auction
| Apple
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Decrease Cast time by 3%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:GreenLady.gif|center|Green Lady|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Green Lady
| Fairy Auction
| Green Live
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Gryphon.gif|center|Gryphon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Gryphon
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Harword.gif|center|Harword|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Harword
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Haunted_Teddy_Bear.gif|center|Haunted Teddy Bear|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Haunted Teddy Bear
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:High_Orc.gif|center|High Orc|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | High Orc
| Fairy Auction
| Monster's Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Stun status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Hornet.gif|center|Hornet|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Hornet
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Horong.gif|center|Horong|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Horong
| Fairy Auction
| Coal
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Freeze status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Hydro.gif|center|Hydro|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Hydro
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Hyegun.gif|center|Hyegun|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Hyegun
| Fairy Auction
| Monster's Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Undead race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Ice_titan.gif|center|Ice Titan|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ice Titan
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Icering.gif|center|Icering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Icering
| Fairy Auction
| Ice Cubic
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Morroc_ghost.gif|center|Incarnation of Morroc (10506)|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Incarnation of Morroc
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Morroc_golem.gif|center|Incarnation of Morroc (10386)|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Incarnation of Morroc
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Joker.gif|center|Joker|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Joker
| Fairy Auction
| Zargon
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| Increase the success rate of Steal skill by 5%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Katrinn.gif|center|Kathryne Keyron|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kathryne Keyron
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Khalitzburg.gif|center|Khalitzburg|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Khalitzburg
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kobold.gif|center|Kobold|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kobold
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kobold_archer.gif|center|Kobold Archer|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kobold Archer
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Les.gif|center|Les|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Les
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Lora.gif|center|Lora|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Lora
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Poring_love_balloon.gif|center|Love Balloon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Love Balloon
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Lovering.gif|center|Lovering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Lovering
| Fairy Auction
| Garlet
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Magaleta.gif|center|Magaleta|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Magaleta
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Shelter.gif|center|Mistress of Shelter|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Mistress of Shelter
| Fairy Auction
| Red Gemstone
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Mutant_dragon.gif|center|Mutant Dragon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Mutant Dragon
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Naga.gif|center|Naga|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Naga
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Necromancer.gif|center|Necromancer|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Necromancer
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nekoring.gif|center|Nekoring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Nekoring
| Donation
| Fresh Fish
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:New_year_doll.gif|center|New Year Doll|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | New Year Doll
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Noxious.gif|center|Noxious|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Noxious
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Octopus_leg.gif|center|Octopus Leg|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Octopus Leg
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Orc_Lady.gif|center|Orc Lady|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Orc Lady
| Fairy Auction
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| MATK + 1%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pandaring.gif|center|Pandaring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pandaring
| Fairy Auction
| Piece of Bamboo
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Phylla.gif|center|Phylla|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Phylla
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pom_spider.gif|center|Pom Spider|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pom Spider
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Pouring.gif|center|Pouring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Pouring
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rafflesia.gif|center|Rafflesia|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rafflesia
| Fairy Auction
| Green Herb
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Confusion status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rainbowring.gif|center|Rainbowring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rainbowring
| Fairy Auction
| Rainbow Shell
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rata.gif|center|Rata|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rata
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Red_Ferus.gif|center|Red Ferus|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Red Ferus
| Fairy Auction
| Strawberry
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Dragon race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Red_mushroom.gif|center|Red Mushroom|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Red Mushroom
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rhyncho.gif|center|Rhyncho|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rhyncho
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Rideword.gif|center|Rideword|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Rideword
| Fairy Auction
| Worn Out Page
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Salamander.gif|center|Salamander|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Salamander
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Santa_girl.gif|center|Santa Girl|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Santa Girl
| Fairy Auction
| Strawberry
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Scorpion.gif|center|Scorpion|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Scorpion
| Fairy Auction
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Poison status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Sea_otter.gif|center|Sea Otter|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Sea Otter
| Fairy Auction
| Fresh Fish
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% chance to inflict Freeze status when physically attacking
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Sedora.gif|center|Sedora|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Sedora
| Fairy Auction
| Guppy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Fish race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Seyren.gif|center|Seyren|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Seyren
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Shecil.gif|center|Shecil|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Shecil
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Shellfish.gif|center|Shellfish|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Shellfish
| Fairy Auction
| Grit
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +5% resistance to Blind status
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Shining_plant.gif|center|Shining Plant|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Shining Plant
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Skogul.gif|center|Skogul|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Skogul
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Snow Leopard.gif|center|Snow Leopard|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Snow Leopard
| Fairy Auction
| Monster Feed
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Brute race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Soheon.gif|center|Soheon|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Soheon
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Spring Fae.gif|center|Spring Fae|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Spring Fae
| Fairy Auction
| Sprout
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Summer Tortoise.gif|center|Summer Tortoise|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Summer Tortoise
| Fairy Auction
| Huge Leaf
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Sunny Bug.gif|center|Sunny Bug|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Sunny Bug
| Fairy Auction
| Flower
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Insect race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Tatacho.gif|center|Tatacho|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Tatacho
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Teddyring.gif|center|Teddyring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Teddyring
| Fairy Auction
| Apple Juice
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +2% experience from Angel race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Dolor.gif|center|Thanatos Dolor|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Thanatos Dolor
| Fairy Auction
| Brigan
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Tha_odium.gif|center|Thanatos Odium|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Thanatos Odium
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Toucan.gif|center|Toucan|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Toucan
| Fairy Auction
| Banana
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| LUK + 1, Critical Rate +3%
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Valkyrie.gif|center|Valkyrie|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Valkyrie
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Venatu.gif|center|Venatu|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Venatu
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Wanderess.gif|center|Wanderess|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Wanderess
| Donation
| Spirit Liquor
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% physical damage against Undead race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Warg.gif|center|Warg|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Warg
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Winterwolf.gif|center|Winter Wolf|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Winter Wolf
| Fairy Auction
| Ice Cream
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Brute race
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Ygnizem.gif|center|Ygnizem|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ygnizem
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Yuki_onna.gif|center|Yuki Onna|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Yuki Onna
| Donation
| Candy
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Zipper_Bear.gif|center|Zipper Bear|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Zipper Bear
| Fairy Auction
| Pet Food
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| STR + 1, ATK + 5
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Zombie_Master.gif|center|Zombie Master|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Zombie Master
| Fairy Auction
| Rotten Meat
| {{None}}
| {{None}}
| +3% damage reduction from Undead race
== Looter Pets ==
A looter pet can carry items for you. The amount of items it can carry varies by pet and equips. 1 item "slot" on a pet can be filled with 1 item, unless it stacks.
'''Example:''' If you drop 20 Stones at once the pet will loot them and take 1 slot. But if you drop each Stone separate then it will take 20 slots.
It is important to note that once the player logs out of the game, the items from their looting pet will then be transferred to the player's inventory. If the player does not have sufficient weight capacity, the items will fall on the floor.
=== Easter 2010/11 ===
The contents of your looter pet's inventory can be managed with the [[Oct_13_2024_Changelog#.40petinventory|@petinventory]] command.
| [[image: Easter Bunny.png]] || Easter bunny
{| class="herotable3"
|- style="position:sticky; top:0px;"
!width="40%" colspan=2 | Pet
!width="60%" | Loot Slot
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Poring.gif|center|Poring|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Poring
| 10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Drops.gif|center|Drops|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Drops
| 10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Icering.gif|center|Icering|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Icering
| 10
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Poporing.gif|center|Poporing|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Poporing
| 15
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Snowbunny.gif|center|Snow Bunny|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Snow Bunny
| 15
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Yoyo.gif|center|Yoyo|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Yoyo
| 20
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Waste_Stove.gif|center|Waste Stove|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Waste Stove
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Galapago.gif|center|Galapago|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Galapago
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Kraben.gif|center|Kraben|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Kraben
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Siroma.gif|center|Siroma|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Siroma
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Wild_Rose.gif|center|Wild Rose|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Wild Rose
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Garm_Baby.gif|center|Garm Baby|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Garm Baby
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Karakasa.gif|center|Karakasa|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Karakasa
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Teddy_Bear.gif|center|Teddy Bear|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Teddy Bear
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Nine_Tail.gif|center|Ninetail|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Ninetail
| 25
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Angeling.gif|center|Angeling|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Angeling
| 50
| style="border-right: 0px;" | [[Image:Deviling.gif|center|Deviling|x35px]]
| style="border-left: 0px;" | Deviling
| 50
[[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Custom Content]]

Latest revision as of 09:20, 9 March 2025

This page contains a list of all monsters that can be pets along with their pet information and bonuses, if any.

Normal Pets

Listed below are pets that are mostly obtainable through the conventional way, which is to tame a monster with an item. Typically, the tames for the monsters are obtained as a drop from the target monster itself. There are some pets which require questing or event participation but they are completely obtainable at any time with the player's own effort.

Pet Source Food Accessory Accessory bonus Loyalty bonus
Alice Tame: Soft Apron White Potion None None +3% physical damage against Demi-Human race
Aliot Tame: Briefcase Iron Ore None None +3% damage reduction from Formless race
Baby Desert Wolf
Baby Desert Wolf Tame: Well Dried Bone Pet Food Transparent Head Protector +5% HP Recovery INT +1
Baphomet Jr.
Baphomet Jr. Tame: Book of Devil Honey Skull Helm Attacks will have a 1 cell splash range for 5 seconds every 55 seconds ATK +5
Blazering Tame: Charred Muspel Rock Coal None None +3% chance to inflict Bleeding status when physically attacking
Bongun Tame: Her Heart Pet Food Grave Keeper's Sword Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5 to 10% chance Max SP +1%
Chipmunk Quest: 1,500 Fairy Reputation Points Acorn None None 5% chance to restore 5% damage as HP when attacking
Chonchon Tame: Rotten Fish Pet Food Monster Oxygen Mask Hit +2 +5% HP Recovery, +5% SP Recovery
Civil Servant
Civil Servant Tame: Imprint of the Cat King Catnip Golden Earring Casts Recovery on the pet owner when HP is below 100% Reduce SP Cost of all four elemental Bolts by 5 SP
Deviruchi Tame: Contract in Shadow Shoot Pacifier AGI +6, DEX +6, STR +6 for 20 seconds with a 40 seconds delay MATK +1%, ATK +1%, Max HP -3%, Max SP -3%
Dokebi Tame: Old Broom Pet Food Wig Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5 to 10% chance MDEF +1
Drops Tame: Orange Juice Yellow Herb Backpack None HIT +3, ATK +3
Dryad Tame: Rich Soil Maneater Root None None +2% experience from Plant race
Dullahan Tame: Luxury Whisky Bottle Damp Darkness Ring of Death Casts Critical Wounds at 5 to 10% rate Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%
Ember Lizard
Ember Lizard Tame: Muspel Herb Flame Gemstone None None +5% resistance to Burning status
Familiar Tame: Blood Ball Pet Food None None +3% chance to inflict Blind status when physically attacking
Galapago Tame: Latest Fashion Sunglasses Pina Colada None None +2% experience from Fish race
Garm Baby
Garm Baby Tame: Snowflake Nursing Bottle None None +3% physical damage against Brute race
Goblin Leader
Goblin Leader Tame: Staff of Leader Monster's Feed Beautiful Badges Casts Pierce for 750 damage at 5 to 10% rate +5% Bash and Mammonite Damage
Golem Tame: Magical Lithography Cyfar Spring Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5 to 10% chance DEF +1
Grand Peco
Grand Peco Quest: Peco Breeding Mastela Fruit None None None
Green Maiden
Green Maiden Tame: Tantan Noodle Bao None None +3% damage reduction from Fish race
Hillsrion Tame: Golden Paw Bracer Meat Skewer None None None
Hunter Fly
Hunter Fly Tame: Monster Juice Red Gemstone Monster Oxygen Mask +5% SP Recovery Gain 3 HP when killing monsters with physical attacks
Ijsbal Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points Pet Food None None ATK +10
Isis Tame: Armlet of Obedience Pet Food Queen's Hair Ornament Casts Magnificat Level 2 every 60 seconds when HP/SP is below 50% +3% HP Recovery, +3% SP Recovery
Imp Tame: Ice Fireworks Flame Gemstone Horn Barrier Casts Fire Ball for 800 damage at 5 to 10% rate Critical rate +3, ATK +5
Incubus Tame: Girl's Naviety Vital Flower Masked Ball +5% HP Recovery Max SP +2%, Max HP -1%
Kalpea Henki
Kalpea Henki Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points Ice Cream None None +3% Heal effectiveness on self
Karakasa Tame: Golden Geta Mochi None None INT +1, MATK +5
Kasa Tame: Lighter Flame Heart None None None
Kraben Tame: Banana Basket Banana Juice None None Add a 3% chance for the pet owner to perform a guiding attack (will not miss)
Leaf Cat
Leaf Cat Tame: Very Soft Plant Monster's Feed Green Jewel Bag +5% SP Recovery Increases Red, Yellow and White Herb heal power by 10%
Loli Ruri
Loli Ruri Tame: Very Red Juice Pumpkin Fashion Glasses VIT +6 for 20 seconds with a 40 seconds delay Increases incoming heals by 3%
Lunatic Tame: Rainbow Carrot Pet Food Silk Ribbon +5% HP Recovery LUK +1
Mantis Tame: Tasty Bug Monster Feed None None +5% resistance to Bleeding status
Mavka Tame: Green Fairy Mirror Calla Lily Flower None None +3% damage reduction from Plant race
Medusa Tame: Splendid Mirror Meat Queen's Coronet None +5% Resistance to the Stone status
Miyabi Doll
Miyabi Doll Tame: Girl's Doll Apple Juice Summer Fan None +3% chance to inflict Silence status when physically attacking
Munak Tame: No Recipient Pet Food Punisher Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5 to 10% chance Max HP +1%
Nightmare Terror
Nightmare Terror Tame: Hell Contract Brigan Horn of Hell Casts Dark Strike for 600 damage at 5 to 10% rate HIT +5
Nine Tail Tame: Starball Tofu None None None
Orc Warrior
Orc Warrior Tame: Orc Trophy Pet Food Wild Flower None ATK +1%
Pale Vulpine
Pale Vulpine Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points Tofu None None -2% SP consumption
Peco Peco
Peco Peco Tame: Fatty Chubby Earthworm Pet Food Battered Pot Move Speed +25 every 20 seconds with a 20 seconds delay Move Speed +3 (effect does not stack with equipment that also grants move speed)
Petite Tame: Shining Stone Pet Food Stellar Hairpin Flee +2 ASPD +1%
Picky Tame: Earthworm The Dude Pet Food Tiny Egg Shell +5% HP Recovery LUK +1
Pinguicula Tame: Magic Beans Veggie Skewer None None +3% physical damage against Plant race
Pingvi Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points Fresh Fish None None INT +1, -3% skill cast time
Poison Spore
Poison Spore Tame: Deadly Noxious Herb Pet Food Bark Shorts None +5% resistance to Poison and Deadly Poison statuses
Poporing Tame: Bitter Herb Green Herb Backpack None None
Poring Tame: Unripe Apple Apple Juice Backpack None LUK +2, CRIT +1
Rocker Tame: Singing Flower Pet Food Rocker Glasses +5% HP Recovery DEX +1
Savage Babe
Savage Babe Tame: Sweet Milk Pet Food Green Lace +5% SP Recovery AGI +1
Shinobi Tame: Kuloren Grilled Rice Cake Tassel for Durumagi Perfect Dodge +1 -5% SP Cost of Hide, Cloak, Shadow Jump, Ciceda Skin Shed and Mirror Image
Siroma Tame: Blue Scarf Ice Heart None None None
Smokie Tame: Sweet Potato Pet Food Red Scarf Character gains Perfect Hide (cannot be detected by monsters with Detector) AGI +1, Perfect Dodge +1
Snow Bunny
Snow Bunny Tame: Strawberry Pudding Korean Rice Cake None None VIT +1, HP +100
Snow Moth
Snow Moth Quest: 1,500 Lutia Reputation Points Vital Flower None None Perfect Dodge +2
Sohee Tame: Silver Knife Chastity Pet Food Golden Bell Heals for 400 HP every 60 seconds when HP is below 33% Max HP +100
Spiky Urchin
Spiky Urchin Quest: 1,500 Fairy Reputation Points Green Herb None None Gain 2 SP when killing a monster by physical attacks
Spore Tame: Dew Laden Moss Pet Food Bark Shorts +5% SP Recovery VIT +1
Springbeak Quest: 1,500 Fairy Reputation Points Worm Peeling None None ASPD +2%
Steel Chonchon
Steel Chonchon Tame: Rusty Iron Pet Food Monster Oxygen Mask None Soft Defense +10
Stone Shooter
Stone Shooter Tame: Oilpalm Coconut Green Herb Afro Casts Splash Attack for 300 damage at 5~10% rate. Reduce the SP Cost of Bullseye and Tracking by -5%.
Strigoi Tame: Ancient Spellbook Damp Darkness None None +5% resistance to Curse status
Stumper Quest: 1,500 Fairy Reputation Points Log None None +3% effectiveness of healing items
Succubus Tame: Black Lipstick Immortal Heart Heart Headband +5% SP Recovery Max HP +2%, Max SP -1%
Taini Event: Can be traded for 20 Taini Stars, obtainable from Novices Vs Taini events Candy Cane None None All Stats +1
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear Tame: Mjolnir Replica Well-Baked Cookies None None +2% experience from Demon race
Wanderer Tame: Vagabond's Skull Spirit Liquor None None None
Waste Stove
Waste Stove Tame: CLR Coal None None +3% damage reduction from Insect race
Wicked Nymph
Wicked Nymph Tame: Charming Lotus Vital Flower Jade Trinket Casts Splash Attack for 600 damage at 5 to 10% rate Offensive Heal damage +5%
Wild Rose
Wild Rose Tame: Fuzzy Yarn Ball Salmon None None None
Violy Tame: Music Sheets Royal Jelly None None +3% damage reduction from Angel race
Yoyo Tame: Tropical Banana Banana Juice Monkey Circlet None CRIT +3, LUK -1
Zealotus Tame: Forbidden Red Candle Immortal Heart None None +3% physical damage against Demon race

Allegiance Pets

These pets require the player to a member of a certain allegiance in order to obtain. However, it is possible for the pets to be transferred to another player whom is not a member of the allegiance needed to obtain the pet.

Pet Source Food Accessory Accessory bonus Loyalty bonus
Retribution Quest: Thanatos Tower quest for Dark Allegiance players Ruby None None None
Observation Quest: Thanatos Tower quest for Light Allegiance players Topaz None None None
Solace Quest: Thanatos Tower quest for players who are in neither allegiance Blue Gemstone None None None
Deviling Tame: Lord Matthew Cursed Water
(Obtained from a quest for Dark Allegiance)
Large Jellopy None None None
Angeling Tame: Father Benedict Holy Water
(Obtained from a quest for Light Allegiance)
Large Jellopy None None None

Seasonal Pets


All of the below pets are obtainable from the Halloween seasonal quests, beginning 2009. Being quests rewards, they have no ingame tames except for Dullahan and Marionette. You may also get them by opening a Halloween Pet Box.

Pet Source Food Accessory Accessory bonus Loyalty bonus
Diabolic Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None +3% chance to inflict Curse status when physically attacking
Dullahan Tame: Luxury Whisky Bottle Damp Darkness Ring of Death Casts Critical Wounds at 5 to 10% rate Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%
Evil Druid
Evil Druid Quest: Halloween Damp Darkness None None +3% chance to inflict Stone Curse status when physically attacking
Ghostring Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None None
Jakk Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None +5% resistance to Silence status
Lude Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None Pierce the MDEF of all enemies by 2%
Marionette Tame: Delicious Shaved Ice Pumpkin None None Reduce the SP cost of Napalm Beat, Soul Strike and Napalm Vulcan by 5%
Nightmare Quest: Halloween Damp Darkness None None +5% resistance to Sleep status
Nightmare Terror
Nightmare Terror Quest: Halloween Brigan None Uses Dark Soul Strike for 600 damage at a 5 to 10% chance Hit + 5
Pumpkinring Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None +3% damage reduction from Demon race
Quve Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None Pierce the DEF of all enemies by 2%
Whisper Quest: Halloween Pumpkin None None AGI + 1, Flee + 3


The below pet is obtainable from the Easter seasonal quests, beginning in 2010. Being a quest reward, it has no in-game tame, and its food item is Handmade Chocolate.

Pet Source Food Accessory Accessory bonus Loyalty bonus
Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny Quest: Easter Handmade Chocolate None None When physically attacking there is a 5% chance gain SP equal to 1% of your dealt damage.

Unavailable Pets

Below are pets that are unobtainable through normal means such as questing or taming. Pets from this list tend to be either bought from Fairy Auction or obtained as donation reward. Auctioned pets have a very slim chance of returning into the auction pool while donation pets can be obtained at any time with a GM available. As for donation pets, if the desired pet has not ever been made and added into the game database, the player will have to wait until the next upcoming patch in order to retrieve their donation pet.

Pet Source Food Accessory Accessory bonus Loyalty bonus
Abyssmal Knight
Abysmal Knight Donation Candy None None None
Acidus Donation Candy None None None
Aliza Donation Candy None None None
Am Mut
Am Mut Donation Candy None None None
Anubis Donation Candy None None None
Applering Fairy Auction Apple None None Dex + 1, Hit + 3
Aqua Elemental
Aqua Elemental Donation Candy None None None
Autumn Mouse
Autumn Mouse Fairy Auction Cheese None None None
Baby Eddga
Baby Eddga Fairy Auction Flame Heart None None None
Baby Leopard
Baby Leopard Fairy Auction Meat None None None
Banshee Master
Banshee Master Fairy Auction Damp Darkness None None None
Bathory Donation Candy None None None
Blazer Fairy Auction Coal None None +2% experience from Formless race
Bloody Knight
Bloody Knight Donation Candy None None None
Blue Plant
Blue Plant Fairy Auction Maneater Root None None None
Bombporing Fairy Auction Detonator None None None
Cat o' Nine Tails
Cat o' Nine Tails Donation Candy None None None
Cendrawasih Fairy Auction Asai Fruit None None +3% physical damage against Insect race
Coco Fairy Auction Acorn None None +3% chance to inflict Sleep status when physically attacking
Crab Fairy Auction Pet Food None None Soft Magic Defense +10
Creamy Donation Candy None None None
Cupcakering Fairy Auction Milk None None +3% damage reduction from Formless race
Curupira Fairy Auction Meat None None +3% chance to inflict Confusion status when physically attacking
Dancing Dragon
Dancing Dragon Fairy Auction Monster's Feed None None +2% experience from Dragon race
Dandelion Donation Candy None None None
Dark Illusion
Dark Illusion Donation Candy None None None
Deviruchiring Fairy Auction Little Evil Wing None None None
Draco Donation Candy None None None
Dragon Egg
Dragon Egg Donation Candy None None None
Drosera Fairy Auction Maneater Root None None None
Duneyrr Donation Candy None None None
Eclipse Donation Candy None None None
Eralia Donation Candy None None None
Eremes Donation Candy None None None
Executioner Donation Candy None None None
Explosion Donation Candy None None None
Eye of Surtur
Eye of Surtur Donation Candy None None None
Fabre Tame: Lucky Clover Herb of Incantation None None None
False Angel
False Angel Fairy Auction Red Gemstone None None +3% physical damage against Angel race
Flame Skull
Flame Skull Fairy Auction Coal None None +2% experience from Demi-human race
Foxring Donation Candy None None None
Gajomart Fairy Auction Coal None None +3% damage reduction from Dragon race
Galion Donation Candy None None None
Gemini-S58 Fairy Auction Monster's Feed None None +3% damage reduction from Demi-human race
Goblin Archer
Goblin Archer Donation Candy None None None
Goldring Donation Candy None None None
Green Applering
Green Applering Fairy Auction Apple None None Decrease Cast time by 3%
Green Lady
Green Lady Fairy Auction Green Live None None None
Gryphon Donation Candy None None None
Harword Donation Candy None None None
Haunted Teddy Bear
Haunted Teddy Bear Donation Candy None None None
High Orc
High Orc Fairy Auction Monster's Feed None None +3% chance to inflict Stun status when physically attacking
Hornet Donation Candy None None None
Horong Fairy Auction Coal None None +5% resistance to Freeze status
Hydro Donation Candy None None None
Hyegun Fairy Auction Monster's Feed None None +2% experience from Undead race
Ice Titan
Ice Titan Donation Candy None None None
Icering Fairy Auction Ice Cubic None None None
Incarnation of Morroc (10506)
Incarnation of Morroc Donation Candy None None None
Incarnation of Morroc (10386)
Incarnation of Morroc Donation Candy None None None
Joker Fairy Auction Zargon None None Increase the success rate of Steal skill by 5%
Kathryne Keyron
Kathryne Keyron Donation Candy None None None
Khalitzburg Donation Candy None None None
Kobold Donation Candy None None None
Kobold Archer
Kobold Archer Donation Candy None None None
Les Donation Candy None None None
Lora Donation Candy None None None
Love Balloon
Love Balloon Donation Candy None None None
Lovering Fairy Auction Garlet None None None
Magaleta Donation Candy None None None
Mistress of Shelter
Mistress of Shelter Fairy Auction Red Gemstone None None None
Mutant Dragon
Mutant Dragon Donation Candy None None None
Naga Donation Candy None None None
Necromancer Donation Candy None None None
Nekoring Donation Fresh Fish None None None
New Year Doll
New Year Doll Donation Candy None None None
Noxious Donation Candy None None None
Octopus Leg
Octopus Leg Donation Candy None None None
Orc Lady
Orc Lady Fairy Auction Pet Food None None MATK + 1%
Pandaring Fairy Auction Piece of Bamboo None None None
Phylla Donation Candy None None None
Pom Spider
Pom Spider Donation Candy None None None
Pouring Donation Candy None None None
Rafflesia Fairy Auction Green Herb None None +5% resistance to Confusion status
Rainbowring Fairy Auction Rainbow Shell None None None
Rata Donation Candy None None None
Red Ferus
Red Ferus Fairy Auction Strawberry None None +3% physical damage against Dragon race
Red Mushroom
Red Mushroom Donation Candy None None None
Rhyncho Donation Candy None None None
Rideword Fairy Auction Worn Out Page None None None
Salamander Donation Candy None None None
Santa Girl
Santa Girl Fairy Auction Strawberry None None None
Scorpion Fairy Auction Pet Food None None +3% chance to inflict Poison status when physically attacking
Sea Otter
Sea Otter Fairy Auction Fresh Fish None None +3% chance to inflict Freeze status when physically attacking
Sedora Fairy Auction Guppy None None +3% physical damage against Fish race
Seyren Donation Candy None None None
Shecil Donation Candy None None None
Shellfish Fairy Auction Grit None None +5% resistance to Blind status
Shining Plant
Shining Plant Donation Candy None None None
Skogul Donation Candy None None None
Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard Fairy Auction Monster Feed None None +2% experience from Brute race
Soheon Donation Candy None None None
Spring Fae
Spring Fae Fairy Auction Sprout None None None
Summer Tortoise
Summer Tortoise Fairy Auction Huge Leaf None None None
Sunny Bug
Sunny Bug Fairy Auction Flower None None +2% experience from Insect race
Tatacho Donation Candy None None None
Teddyring Fairy Auction Apple Juice None None +2% experience from Angel race
Thanatos Dolor
Thanatos Dolor Fairy Auction Brigan None None None
Thanatos Odium
Thanatos Odium Donation Candy None None None
Toucan Fairy Auction Banana None None LUK + 1, Critical Rate +3%
Valkyrie Donation Candy None None None
Venatu Donation Candy None None None
Wanderess Donation Spirit Liquor None None +3% physical damage against Undead race
Warg Donation Candy None None None
Winter Wolf
Winter Wolf Fairy Auction Ice Cream None None +3% damage reduction from Brute race
Ygnizem Donation Candy None None None
Yuki Onna
Yuki Onna Donation Candy None None None
Zipper Bear
Zipper Bear Fairy Auction Pet Food None None STR + 1, ATK + 5
Zombie Master
Zombie Master Fairy Auction Rotten Meat None None +3% damage reduction from Undead race

Looter Pets

A looter pet can carry items for you. The amount of items it can carry varies by pet and equips. 1 item "slot" on a pet can be filled with 1 item, unless it stacks. Example: If you drop 20 Stones at once the pet will loot them and take 1 slot. But if you drop each Stone separate then it will take 20 slots.

It is important to note that once the player logs out of the game, the items from their looting pet will then be transferred to the player's inventory. If the player does not have sufficient weight capacity, the items will fall on the floor.

The contents of your looter pet's inventory can be managed with the @petinventory command.

Pet Loot Slot
Poring 10
Drops 10
Icering 10
Poporing 15
Snow Bunny
Snow Bunny 15
Yoyo 20
Waste Stove
Waste Stove 25
Galapago 25
Kraben 25
Siroma 25
Wild Rose
Wild Rose 25
Garm Baby
Garm Baby 25
Karakasa 25
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear 25
Ninetail 25
Angeling 50
Deviling 50