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War of Emperium a.k.a. WoE is a guild-versus-guild event that takes place two times per week. The objective of WoE is to attack a castle and try to reach the emperium room. Inside the emperium room lies the Emperium which you have to break in order to occupy the castle for yourself and your guild.  
The War of Emperium, also referred to as WoE, is a guild-versus-guild event where said guilds fight in order to conquer a castle. The objective of WoE is to attack a castle and destroy the emperium at the end, to occupy the castle for your guild. <br>
On HeRO, WoE takes place once per week. <br>
==General Information==
All players are allowed to enter WoE castles and fight, but only players whose guild has learned the "Official Guild Approval" skill is able to attack and destroy an emperium.<br>
"Retro WoE" was available in HeRO for many years until 2018 when it was discontinued due to low participation. Only non-trans and non-extended classes were able to participate in it.
== '''Castles available on HeRO''' ==  
==Castle Mechanics==
HeRO has 3 available castles instead of the original 20. These are the castles avaible in HeRO.
Once a caste's emperium is destroyed, all players inside the castle that don't belong to the guild that conquered the castle will be warped out. The player that dealt the last hit against the emperium will claim the castle for their guild. In addition to its ability to be damaged only by guilds with the "Official Guild Approval" skill, the emperium can only be hit by normal attacks. All other skills will have no effect on the emperium with the exception on the following:<br>
'''Prontera''' (Castle number 5 is open) ~ '''Odin's Sanctuary'''
*Gravitation Field
*Pressure/Gloria Domini
*Sanctuary (can heal the emperium)
*Summon Flora (The plants' normal attacks can damage the emperium)
*Summon Homunculus (Homunculi normal attacks can damage the emperium)
Upon conquering a castle and warping non-dominating guilds out, these guilds can return to it right away challenge the defenders of the castle. Once the War of Emperium ends, the guild that holds the castle last can keep the castle until the next WoE when other guilds may try to take it.<br>
'''Payon''' (Castle number 3 is open) ~ '''Freya's Beauty'''
Inside WoE castles, guild mates and guild allies can not attack each other. Additionally, guild members cannot be expelled inside, and alliances cannot be broken by members inside a castle.<br>
===Banned Items===
The following items are banned within War of Emperium castles:
'''Aldebaran''' (Castle number 3 is open) ~ '''Thor's Might'''
*All God Items
(This castle is "retro", no reborn or new jobs allowed) ''Aldebaran was opened on 05-06-2007''
*All MVP Cards (all cards with golden color)
*Costume Fools Day
*Costume Jack Mask
*Costume Tormenting Spirit
*Costume Cute Octopus Balloon
*Costume Santa Poring Balloon
*Costume Birthday Balloon
*Costume Big Wedding Veil
*Costume Guild Recruiting Hat KOJ
*Costume Deviruchi Balloon
*Costume Rainbow
*Costume Rain Cloud
*Costume Lightning Cloud
*Costume Tiraya Bonnet
*Costume BF recruiter hat
*Costume GF recruiter hat
*Costume Twinkle Little Star
*Costume Blazing Sun
*Costume Banshee Master Kiss
*[[Nobility Mount]] (see note below)
The [[Nobility Mount]] cannot be used in the castle, though a player can enter the castle mounted already. However, they cannot dismount while they are in the castle since the item cannot be used inside the castle.
'''Note:''' Castles are rotated a few times per year at GM's call. All castles retain their owner and eco at each rotation. The date of the rotation will be announced in advance.
==Castle Benefits==
== '''Rewards''' ==
Owning a guild castle has several advantages. See below for more info on these benefits. <br>
The castle owner of any castle and their guildmates get access to all 4 guild dungeons, flip the switch and you will be offered a menu with all the choice of [http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=areainfo&area=1029 4 dungeons].
===Castle Chests===
In addition, the castles of Prontera and Payon, WoE castles that allow trans classes, will allow access to the 2 new guild dungeons of arunafeltz and schaltzward.
Every night at 12:01 AM / 00:01, castles generates treasures chests. These appear in a special room accessible only to the leader of the guild owning a castle. Every day, a certain number of chests will appear. The amount of chests will increase depending on the castle's economy, which you can increase by talking to the castle Steward (his name varies per castle) and investing in the castle's commercial growth. Every 5 points of investment adds one new treasure box spawned nightly. A maximum of 2 investment per day is possible, and can only be done by the guild leader. The content of the chests are customized in HeRO, and are listed in the [[War of Emperium Chests]] page.<br>
Each castle also generates treasures, those appear in a special room accessible only to the castle owner (guild leader). Everyday a certain number of chest will appear, calculated as follows:
The chests will be spawned at random from all the castle chests available for the region. This means that compared to officials, regardless of which Prontera castle is open, for example, there is a chance to spawn chests from any of the 5 Prontera Castles to compensate for the low amounts of castles open.<br>
(Economy/5) + 4 = Number of chest spawned.
'''Note:''' In the occurrence of a server crash/reboot between midnight and 12:00 noon and the guild leader did not have the opportunity to pick up the treasures, the guild leader may contact the GMs within 12 hours with a screenshot of the castle's economy score. GMs will spawn chests manually as compensation. In the case of a server crash/reboot taking place between 12:00 noon to 23:59 of a day, then no compensations will be given.
The retro castle's treasures are calculated as follows:
===Guild Dungeons===
(Economy/6) + 2 = Number of chest spawned. Number of chests spawned is rounded down to a whole number, with a cap eco of 60.
Members of guilds that own a castle all have access to ten different dungeons for free. These can be accessed via the guild flags located outside the conquered castles. <br>
The chests will be selected at random from all the castle chests available (we wanted to ensure that our lower number of castles does not hinder access to any items.) Economy can be raised by investing in the castle, a maximum of 2 investment per day is possible (can only be done by the guild leader). The content of the chests are customized in heRO, and are listed in the following section.
All castles share the same guild dungeons, and PVP is enabled in them, meaning you can meet players of opposing guilds inside, and engage in battle or party with them. Like other dungeons, you will lose experience if you are KO'd inside.
'''Note:''' In the rare occurrence of a server crash or if a reboot occurs before you had time to pick up the treasures, chests will NOT be spawned back.
A list of all available Guild Dungeons can be found [[Guild Dungeons|here]].
== '''WoE Points''' ==
===God Items===
When you sign up at the WoE Agent (She looks like the PvP NPC) before or during WoE in front of the castle, you will gather 1 WoE point for each minute that you are in one of the current WoE Castles. With these points, you can collect rewards by speaking to the WoE agent.
God Items are very powerful gears that can only be obtained by crafting them from special items that drop from castle treasure chests. The process of acquiring all the required pieces for a single item can take many months or more. This is usually considered the endgame payoff of WoE by some guild leaders. For information regarding heRO's modified God Item acquirement methods, please see '''[[God_Item_Quest|this page]]''' for details.<br>
'''Note:''' You will not collect any points if you are in a castle but have not signed up at the WoE Agent.
Note that God Items cannot be used in War of Emperiums.
For details about what WoE Points can be used for, see the [[WoE_Points|WoE Points]] page.
== '''WoE Rewards - Chest Contents'''==
===Castle Guardians===
Treasures in heRO are customized as follow:
Guardians can be summoned at the request of the guild leader owning the castle by talking to the castle steward. While WoE is ongoing, guardians automatically attack all non-allied characters. The guild skill "Guardian Research" is required to summon Guardians, while the "Strengthen Guardians" skill will increase their stats (attack, etc). <br>
<br>'''Treasure Chest 1 3 5 7 9-'''
Guardians are spawned at fixed locations within the castle and can move around on their own, but obviously cannot go through warps to other rooms. There are 3 types of WoE Guardians:<br>
*Yggdrasil Berry 75%
*Yggdrasil Seed 90%
*Old Card Album 30%,
*3 Carat Diamond 100%
*Gold 4.5%
*Coat[1] 24%
*Thief Clothes[1] 15%
*Chainmail[1] 15%,
*Saint's Robe[1] 15%
<br>'''Treasure Chest 11 13 15 17 19-'''
*Soldier Guardian has the lowest attack and HP out of all the castle guardians. However, it makes up for it with Bash Lv 10 and Stun Attack Lv 5, the latter of which has a 50% chance of causing stun if it hits. It also does not change targets, meaning once it targets a player, it won't stop attacking them until they leave the area or one of the two die.
*Yggdrasil Berry 75%
*Archer Guardians have high attack and magic defense, as well as a 12 cell range which can be useful to interrupt spells. It also uses archer skills such as double strafe.
*Yggdrasil Seed 90%
*Knight Guardian has high attack, high physical defense, average magic defense, and slightly higher attack range than Soldier Guardian. It has uses no skills however.
*Old Card Album 30%
*3 Carat Diamond 100%
*Gold 4.5%
*Guard[1] 24%
*Buckler[1] 15%
*Shield[1] 15%
*Mirror Shield[1] 15%
<br>'''Treasure Chest 21 23 25 27 29-'''
*Yggdrasil Berry 75%
*Yggdrasil Seed 90%
*Old Card Album 30%
*3 Carat Diamond 100%
*Gold 4.5%
*Muffler[1] 24%
*Manteau[1] 15%
*Heavenly Maiden Robe[1] 15%
*Silk Robe[1] 15%
<br>'''Treasure Chest 31 33 35 37 39-'''
===Kafra Access===
*Yggdrasil Berry 75%
*Yggdrasil Seed 90%
*Old Card Album 30%
*3 Carat Diamond 100%
*Gold 4.5%
*Shoes[1] 24%
*Boots[1] 15%
*Greaves[1] 15%
*Mink Coat[1] 15%
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
The leader of a guild that owns a castle can hire their own Kafra Employee by talking to the castle steward. A castle kafra can provide free storage, guild storage and cart rental services, plus the option to warp to the town nearest to the castle. These services will only be provided to members of the dominating guild.<br>
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Blade[4]
*6% Odin's Blessing[1]
*3% Life Link[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
The skill "Contact With Kafra" is required in order to hire a Kafra Employee, and the guild leader can fire them at any time. If a rival guild conquers a castle, the Kafra Employee will be automatically fired.<br>
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Composite Bow[4]
*6% Wool Scarf[1]
*4.5% Drooping Cat[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
==WoE Rewards==
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*45% Fuuma Shuriken Daisharin[4]
*15% Critical Ring[0]
*4.5% Drill Katar[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
As an incentive to participate in WoE, you can receive experience and WoE points, which can be traded for items. You must speak to the WoE Agent outside castles to sign up in order to receive experience and WoE points, otherwise you will miss out on them. For every minute you spend inside a WoE castle on a Lv 85 character or higher, you will obtain 50,000 base and job experience (assuming server rates are at 5 times base), as well as <b>4 WoE points</b>. The list of players registered for WoE is cleared after every WoE or at midnight if no WoE is ongoing. This means that you must register for every WoE.<br>
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*12% Formal Suit[1]
*4.5% Battle Hook[1]
*3% Feather Beret[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
The WoE Agent offers various goods such as consumables, and even access to a special dungeon. For more details, see the [[WoE Points]] page.<br>
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Violin[4]
*6% Wool Scarf[1]
*3% Harp of Nepentis[2]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
==WoE Times==
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Rope[4]
*6% Tidal Shoes[1]
*3% Stem of Nepentis[2]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
The times at which the War of Emperium takes place is listed below. You can also check [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20191130T160000&p1=165&p2=155&p3=55&p4=224&p5=233&p6=136&p7=37&p8=218&p9=236&p10=248&p11=152 timeanddate.com] in which the cities most heroes are from are listed. To find your own time zone on the site, click "Add another city or time zone" below the converted times, just type in your city and select it once it shows up.
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*6% Divine Clothes[1]
*4.5% Barrage Fist[4]
*4.5% Stunner[2]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*6% Divine Clothes[1]
*4.5% Tracker's Dagger[3]
*3% Orcish Axe[4]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Eastern (EST) time, server local time. '''GMT -5''' (Montreal, Toronto, New York, Boston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington DC)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Wednesday from 9 PM to 10 PM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 11 AM to 12 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Ashura[3]
*6% Ninja Suit[1]
*3% Bazerald[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Central (CST) time, '''GMT -6''' (Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Memphis, Mexico City, New Orleans, Manitoba, Saskatchewan)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Wednesday from 8 PM to 9 PM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 10 AM to 11 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*4.5% Freezing Bow
*4.5% Gale Bow
*4.5% Earthen Bow
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Mountain (MST) time, '''GMT -7''' (Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Alberta)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Wednesday from 7 PM to 8 PM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 9 AM to 10 AM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Jur[3]
*12% Specialty Jur[4]
*4.5% Kandra[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Pacific (PST) time, '''GMT -8''' (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, British Columbia)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 8 AM to 9 AM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*4.5% Survivor's Rod[1] (Int)
*4.5% Survivor's Rod[1] (Dex)
*4.5% High Quality Sandal[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
'''GMT -3''' (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia) -> with no daylight saving
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Wednesday from 10 PM to 11 PM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 12 (noon) to 1 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*12% Mage Coat[0]
*4.5% Survivor's Manteau[0]
*3% Sage's Diary[2]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Apple of Archer[0]
*15% Long Barrel[1]
*6% Sheriff's Manteau[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
'''Europe''': +1 hour to all times during daylight saving
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*6% Stone Buckler[1]
*6% Odin's Blessing[1]
*4.5% Sacred Mission[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Western Europe (WEST) time, '''GMT +1''' (Ireland, Portugal, UK, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Thursday from 2 AM to 3 AM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 4 PM to 5 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*6% Divine Clothes[1]
*3% Masamune[0]
*0.06% Helm of the Sun God[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Central Europe (CEST) time, '''GMT +2''' (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Finland)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Thursday from 3 AM to 4 AM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 5 PM to 6 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*15% Jewel Sword[0]
*15% Gaia Sword[0]
*15% Zeny Knife[0]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
Eastern Europe (EEST) time, '''GMT +3''' (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine)
*3.99% Bloody Branch
<br>Thursday from 4 AM to 5 AM
*100% Dead Branch
<s><br>Saturday from 6 PM to 7 PM</s>
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*6% Wolfheiden[1]
*6% Tidal Shoes[1]
*3% Valkyrja's Shield [1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*12% Spiky Band[0]
*6% Tidal Shoes[1]
*4.5% Naga Scale Armor[1]
<br>'''Treasure Chest'''
'''Asia/Australia''': -> with no daylight saving
*3.99% Bloody Branch
*100% Dead Branch
*100% Oridecon
*100% Elunium
*15% Tribal Solidarity
*2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
*24% Book[3]
*6% Wool Scarf[1]
*4.5% Glittering Jacket[1]
'''GMT +7''' (Bangkok, Saigon)
<br>Thursday from 8 AM to 9 AM
<s><br>Saturday from 10 PM to 11 PM</s>
<br>'''Statistical Analysis for items that only drop from 1 chest:'''
'''GMT +8''' (Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Perth)
<br>Thursday from 9 AM to 10 AM
<s><br>Saturday from 11 PM to Sunday 12 (Midnight)</s>
The chance of obtaining a 24% drop item within any one chest: 0.6%
'''GMT +9''' (Tokyo, Seoul)
The chance of obtaining a 6% drop item within any one chest: 0.15%
<br>Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM
The chance of obtaining a 4.5% drop item within any one chest: 0.11%
<s><br>Saturday from 12 (Midnight) to Sunday 1 AM</s>
The chance of obtaining a 3% drop item within any one chest: 0.075%
The chance of obtaining a tidal/wool/divine within any one chest: 0.45%
The chance of obtaining an odin's blessing within any one chest: 0.30%
<br>To obtain the percentage of getting at least one of the drop item within one treasure chest session instead of per chest, use:
'''GMT +10''' (Melbourne)
<br>Thursday from 11 AM to 12 (noon)
<s><br>Sunday from 1 AM to 2 AM</s>
<br>1-{[1-(chance of obtaining that item within one chest in percent)/100]^(number of chests you are expecting)}
<br>eg: chance of getting valk shield if a castle owner has 10 chests
<br>1-{[1-(0.075)/100]^10} = 0.74%
Please note that War of Emperium will ALWAYS take place as long as the server is available at the start of War of Emperium. If the server is offline when War of Emperium is supposed to start, then War of Emperium will be cancelled with no changes to castle ownership, and chests will not be taken away from the owners of the castles. No "compensations" of any sort will be given to anyone.<br>
<br>So castle owner has a 0.74% to get at least one valk shield in one night if his/her castle produces 10 chests. (this number is true for any equipment that drops at 3% here)
This means that War of Emperium will take place regardless if a previous outage take place before WoE. It will be up to the guilds that are interested to participate in WoE to prepare for it regardless of what happens. This also means that heRO will no longer cancel War of Emperium for "other" reasons either, such as but not limited to holidays.
== '''WoE Times''' ==
==WoE Castles==
HeRO has less castles open compared to official servers, due to lower population in comparison to them. To know which castles are open, simply talk to the WoE Agent outside any WoE castle. The Warper NPC will also list which and when a castle is open if you select the "specials" option, and then the "WoE Castle" option.<br>
<addhtml><script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://rspeyer.googlepages.com/clock.xml&amp;up_zones=&amp;up_timeFormat=g%3Ai%3As%20a&amp;up_weekdayFormat=l&amp;up_dateFormat=m-j-Y&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=200&amp;title=World+Clock&amp;lang=all&amp;country=ALL&amp;border=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gmodules.com%2Fig%2Fimages%2F&amp;output=js"></script></addhtml> to see your time zone against the server time zone select your location then choose Montreal/New York.
The location of all WoE castles are available below, along with the castle numbers. Castles are rotated 4 times a year. All castles retain their owner and economy with each rotation.<br> Rotation is per-determined according to the following schedule:
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! Month
! Wednesday<br />
! style="font-weight:bold;" | Saturday
| July 2021
| Geffen 4
| Aldebaran 4
| October 2021<br />
| Prontera 5
| Payon 5
| January 2022<br />
| Aldebaran 5
| Geffen 5
| April 2022<br />
| Payon 1
| Prontera 1
| July 2022
| Geffen 1
| Aldebaran 1
| October 2022
| Prontera 2
| Payon 2
| January 2023
| Aldebaran 2
| Geffen 2
| April 2023
| Payon 3
| Prontera 3
| July 2023
| Geffen 3
| Aldebaran 3
Cycle repeats on an annual basis. This should allow each region and their respective treasure chests to appear on both Saturday and Wednesday WoE once per year. The exact castle will rotate in order of 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5 => 1 and repeat within its region. In the case where a castle has technical difficulties for any reason such that it cannot be used for WoE, it will be "skipped" and the next castle of the same region will replace it.
Eastern (EST) time, server local time. '''GMT -5''' (Montreal, Toronto, New York, Boston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington DC)
If new castles are introduced, or if existing castles are removed, then a new cycle will be created. The information will be updated here with a new table.  
Wednesday from 9 PM to 10 PM
Sunday from 2 PM to 4 PM
Central (CST) time, '''GMT -6''' (Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Memphis, Mexico City, New Orleans, Manitoba, Saskatchewan)
The following maps show where the WoE Castles are, along with their numbers.
Wednesday from 8 PM to 9 PM
Sunday from 1 PM to 3 PM
Mountain (MST) time, '''GMT -7''' (Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Alberta)
[[Image:Prt_gld.png|Odin's Sanctuary in Valkyrie Realm north of Prontera]][[Image:Gef_fild13.png|Loki's Stronghold at Britoniah, southwest of Geffen]][[Image:Pay_gld.png|Freyja's Beauty at Greenwood Lake in Payon]][[Image:Alde_gld.png|Thor's Might at Luina, West of Aldebaran]]
Wednesday from 7 PM to 8 PM
Sunday from 12 (noon) to 2 PM
Pacific (PST) time, '''GMT -8''' (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, British Columbia)
==Differences Between HeRO & Official Servers==
Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM
Sunday from 11 AM to 1 PM
'''GMT -3''' (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia) -> with no daylight saving
The following is a list of differences between HeRO and officials, that haven't already been mentioned above. Please note that by "officials", HeRO refers to iRO and kRO, and especially the Hercules emulator. This can include old pre-renewal versions, classic, and renewal versions, where applicable.
Wednesday from 10 PM to 11 Pm
Sunday from 3 PM to 5 PM
'''WoE Guardians'''
*Hercules Pre-Re database lists/listed Soldier Guardian as Small, Earth and Insect. This has been corrected on HeRO to be the same as the other WoE guardians.
*Instead of using Charge Arrow/Arrow Repel Lv 1 which does not knock back and has no substantial damage increase, Archer Guardian uses Arrow Shower Lv 10 in order to attack several targets at once.
'''Europe''': +1 hour to all times during daylight saving
'''Quality of Life Changes'''
*WoE Flags outside castles allow warps to Guild Dungeons if you own the castle. The official guild dungeon switches have been removed to prevent fatal misclicks during WoE.
*The Prontera Castle 4 kafra NPC is no longer on the same cell as the flag-in warp, but slightly moved to the side in the same room
*The Payon Castle 1 flag-in warp now takes you to payg_cas01 98 27 (Near the warp to the third room), instead of the original payg_cas01 212 108 which is in the very first room not far from the entrance of the castle.
*WoE flags inside castles have been removed completely, to allow for better mobility and pathing within the castle, and not a dozen visual obstructions and misclicks.
*The amount of WoE flags outside castles has been limited to one per castle entrance, to allow for better mobility and less visual obstructions. Their positioning has also been changed so that the owning guild's emblem is always visible on the game's default camera angle.
*Attempting to enter a closed castle or talking to the flag outside it or its town one will now provide information on the open castles as well as the WoE times.
Western Europe (WEST) time, '''GMT +1''' (Ireland, Portugal, UK, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
Thursday from 2 AM to 3 AM
*The first ever emperium item in HeRO was obtained in the Orc Dungeon by a Baby Assassin. Until then, the server had no guilds. The options back then were to obtain Emperiums from Orc Zombies at a very low rate, or from Baphomet in the third level of the Forest Labyrinth. The guild created from the emperium came to be known as Order of Chaos.
Sunday from 7 PM to 9 PM
*The first guild to conquer a WoE castle was "Order of Chaos". The guild fought and defeated the GM team, who was defending the castle.
Central Europe (CEST) time, '''GMT +2''' (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Finland)
[[Category:Custom Content]]
Thursday from 3 AM to 4 AM
[[Category:War of Emperium]]
Sunday from 8 PM to 10 PM
Eastern Europe (EEST) time, '''GMT +3''' (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine)
Thursday from 4 AM to 5 AM
Sunday from 9 PM to 11 PM
'''Asia/Australia''': -> with no daylight saving
'''GMT +7''' (Bangkok, Saigon)
Thursday from 8 AM to 9 AM
Monday from 1 AM to 3 AM
'''GMT +8''' (Hong kong, Singapore, Shangai)
Thursday from 9 AM to 10 AM
Monday from 2 AM to 4 AM
'''GMT +9''' (Tokyo, Seoul)
Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM
Monday from 3 AM to 5 AM
'''GMT +10''' (Melbourne)
Thursday from 11 AM to 12 (noon)
Monday from 4 AM to 6 AM

Latest revision as of 06:17, 27 October 2024

The War of Emperium, also referred to as WoE, is a guild-versus-guild event where said guilds fight in order to conquer a castle. The objective of WoE is to attack a castle and destroy the emperium at the end, to occupy the castle for your guild.

On HeRO, WoE takes place once per week.

General Information

All players are allowed to enter WoE castles and fight, but only players whose guild has learned the "Official Guild Approval" skill is able to attack and destroy an emperium.

"Retro WoE" was available in HeRO for many years until 2018 when it was discontinued due to low participation. Only non-trans and non-extended classes were able to participate in it.

Castle Mechanics

Once a caste's emperium is destroyed, all players inside the castle that don't belong to the guild that conquered the castle will be warped out. The player that dealt the last hit against the emperium will claim the castle for their guild. In addition to its ability to be damaged only by guilds with the "Official Guild Approval" skill, the emperium can only be hit by normal attacks. All other skills will have no effect on the emperium with the exception on the following:

  • Gravitation Field
  • Pressure/Gloria Domini
  • Sanctuary (can heal the emperium)
  • Summon Flora (The plants' normal attacks can damage the emperium)
  • Summon Homunculus (Homunculi normal attacks can damage the emperium)

Upon conquering a castle and warping non-dominating guilds out, these guilds can return to it right away challenge the defenders of the castle. Once the War of Emperium ends, the guild that holds the castle last can keep the castle until the next WoE when other guilds may try to take it.

Inside WoE castles, guild mates and guild allies can not attack each other. Additionally, guild members cannot be expelled inside, and alliances cannot be broken by members inside a castle.

Banned Items

The following items are banned within War of Emperium castles:

  • All God Items
  • All MVP Cards (all cards with golden color)
  • Nemo
  • Dory
  • Costume Fools Day
  • Costume Jack Mask
  • Costume Tormenting Spirit
  • Costume Cute Octopus Balloon
  • Costume Santa Poring Balloon
  • Costume Birthday Balloon
  • Costume Big Wedding Veil
  • Costume Guild Recruiting Hat KOJ
  • Costume Deviruchi Balloon
  • Costume Rainbow
  • Costume Rain Cloud
  • Costume Lightning Cloud
  • Costume Tiraya Bonnet
  • Costume BF recruiter hat
  • Costume GF recruiter hat
  • Costume Twinkle Little Star
  • Costume Blazing Sun
  • Costume Banshee Master Kiss
  • Nobility Mount (see note below)

The Nobility Mount cannot be used in the castle, though a player can enter the castle mounted already. However, they cannot dismount while they are in the castle since the item cannot be used inside the castle.

Castle Benefits

Owning a guild castle has several advantages. See below for more info on these benefits.

Castle Chests

Every night at 12:01 AM / 00:01, castles generates treasures chests. These appear in a special room accessible only to the leader of the guild owning a castle. Every day, a certain number of chests will appear. The amount of chests will increase depending on the castle's economy, which you can increase by talking to the castle Steward (his name varies per castle) and investing in the castle's commercial growth. Every 5 points of investment adds one new treasure box spawned nightly. A maximum of 2 investment per day is possible, and can only be done by the guild leader. The content of the chests are customized in HeRO, and are listed in the War of Emperium Chests page.

The chests will be spawned at random from all the castle chests available for the region. This means that compared to officials, regardless of which Prontera castle is open, for example, there is a chance to spawn chests from any of the 5 Prontera Castles to compensate for the low amounts of castles open.

Note: In the occurrence of a server crash/reboot between midnight and 12:00 noon and the guild leader did not have the opportunity to pick up the treasures, the guild leader may contact the GMs within 12 hours with a screenshot of the castle's economy score. GMs will spawn chests manually as compensation. In the case of a server crash/reboot taking place between 12:00 noon to 23:59 of a day, then no compensations will be given.

Guild Dungeons

Members of guilds that own a castle all have access to ten different dungeons for free. These can be accessed via the guild flags located outside the conquered castles.

All castles share the same guild dungeons, and PVP is enabled in them, meaning you can meet players of opposing guilds inside, and engage in battle or party with them. Like other dungeons, you will lose experience if you are KO'd inside.

A list of all available Guild Dungeons can be found here.

God Items

God Items are very powerful gears that can only be obtained by crafting them from special items that drop from castle treasure chests. The process of acquiring all the required pieces for a single item can take many months or more. This is usually considered the endgame payoff of WoE by some guild leaders. For information regarding heRO's modified God Item acquirement methods, please see this page for details.

Note that God Items cannot be used in War of Emperiums.

Castle Guardians

Guardians can be summoned at the request of the guild leader owning the castle by talking to the castle steward. While WoE is ongoing, guardians automatically attack all non-allied characters. The guild skill "Guardian Research" is required to summon Guardians, while the "Strengthen Guardians" skill will increase their stats (attack, etc).

Guardians are spawned at fixed locations within the castle and can move around on their own, but obviously cannot go through warps to other rooms. There are 3 types of WoE Guardians:

  • Soldier Guardian has the lowest attack and HP out of all the castle guardians. However, it makes up for it with Bash Lv 10 and Stun Attack Lv 5, the latter of which has a 50% chance of causing stun if it hits. It also does not change targets, meaning once it targets a player, it won't stop attacking them until they leave the area or one of the two die.
  • Archer Guardians have high attack and magic defense, as well as a 12 cell range which can be useful to interrupt spells. It also uses archer skills such as double strafe.
  • Knight Guardian has high attack, high physical defense, average magic defense, and slightly higher attack range than Soldier Guardian. It has uses no skills however.

Kafra Access

The leader of a guild that owns a castle can hire their own Kafra Employee by talking to the castle steward. A castle kafra can provide free storage, guild storage and cart rental services, plus the option to warp to the town nearest to the castle. These services will only be provided to members of the dominating guild.

The skill "Contact With Kafra" is required in order to hire a Kafra Employee, and the guild leader can fire them at any time. If a rival guild conquers a castle, the Kafra Employee will be automatically fired.

WoE Rewards

As an incentive to participate in WoE, you can receive experience and WoE points, which can be traded for items. You must speak to the WoE Agent outside castles to sign up in order to receive experience and WoE points, otherwise you will miss out on them. For every minute you spend inside a WoE castle on a Lv 85 character or higher, you will obtain 50,000 base and job experience (assuming server rates are at 5 times base), as well as 4 WoE points. The list of players registered for WoE is cleared after every WoE or at midnight if no WoE is ongoing. This means that you must register for every WoE.

The WoE Agent offers various goods such as consumables, and even access to a special dungeon. For more details, see the WoE Points page.

WoE Times

The times at which the War of Emperium takes place is listed below. You can also check timeanddate.com in which the cities most heroes are from are listed. To find your own time zone on the site, click "Add another city or time zone" below the converted times, just type in your city and select it once it shows up.


Eastern (EST) time, server local time. GMT -5 (Montreal, Toronto, New York, Boston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington DC)
Wednesday from 9 PM to 10 PM
Saturday from 11 AM to 12 PM

Central (CST) time, GMT -6 (Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Memphis, Mexico City, New Orleans, Manitoba, Saskatchewan)
Wednesday from 8 PM to 9 PM
Saturday from 10 AM to 11 PM

Mountain (MST) time, GMT -7 (Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Alberta)
Wednesday from 7 PM to 8 PM
Saturday from 9 AM to 10 AM

Pacific (PST) time, GMT -8 (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, British Columbia)
Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM
Saturday from 8 AM to 9 AM

GMT -3 (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia) -> with no daylight saving
Wednesday from 10 PM to 11 PM
Saturday from 12 (noon) to 1 PM

Europe: +1 hour to all times during daylight saving

Western Europe (WEST) time, GMT +1 (Ireland, Portugal, UK, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
Thursday from 2 AM to 3 AM
Saturday from 4 PM to 5 PM

Central Europe (CEST) time, GMT +2 (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Finland)
Thursday from 3 AM to 4 AM
Saturday from 5 PM to 6 PM

Eastern Europe (EEST) time, GMT +3 (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine)
Thursday from 4 AM to 5 AM
Saturday from 6 PM to 7 PM

Asia/Australia: -> with no daylight saving

GMT +7 (Bangkok, Saigon)
Thursday from 8 AM to 9 AM
Saturday from 10 PM to 11 PM

GMT +8 (Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Perth)
Thursday from 9 AM to 10 AM
Saturday from 11 PM to Sunday 12 (Midnight)

GMT +9 (Tokyo, Seoul)
Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM
Saturday from 12 (Midnight) to Sunday 1 AM

GMT +10 (Melbourne)
Thursday from 11 AM to 12 (noon)
Sunday from 1 AM to 2 AM

Please note that War of Emperium will ALWAYS take place as long as the server is available at the start of War of Emperium. If the server is offline when War of Emperium is supposed to start, then War of Emperium will be cancelled with no changes to castle ownership, and chests will not be taken away from the owners of the castles. No "compensations" of any sort will be given to anyone.

This means that War of Emperium will take place regardless if a previous outage take place before WoE. It will be up to the guilds that are interested to participate in WoE to prepare for it regardless of what happens. This also means that heRO will no longer cancel War of Emperium for "other" reasons either, such as but not limited to holidays.

WoE Castles

HeRO has less castles open compared to official servers, due to lower population in comparison to them. To know which castles are open, simply talk to the WoE Agent outside any WoE castle. The Warper NPC will also list which and when a castle is open if you select the "specials" option, and then the "WoE Castle" option.

The location of all WoE castles are available below, along with the castle numbers. Castles are rotated 4 times a year. All castles retain their owner and economy with each rotation.
Rotation is per-determined according to the following schedule:

Month Wednesday
July 2021 Geffen 4 Aldebaran 4
October 2021
Prontera 5 Payon 5
January 2022
Aldebaran 5 Geffen 5
April 2022
Payon 1 Prontera 1
July 2022 Geffen 1 Aldebaran 1
October 2022 Prontera 2 Payon 2
January 2023 Aldebaran 2 Geffen 2
April 2023 Payon 3 Prontera 3
July 2023 Geffen 3 Aldebaran 3

Cycle repeats on an annual basis. This should allow each region and their respective treasure chests to appear on both Saturday and Wednesday WoE once per year. The exact castle will rotate in order of 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5 => 1 and repeat within its region. In the case where a castle has technical difficulties for any reason such that it cannot be used for WoE, it will be "skipped" and the next castle of the same region will replace it.

If new castles are introduced, or if existing castles are removed, then a new cycle will be created. The information will be updated here with a new table.

The following maps show where the WoE Castles are, along with their numbers.

Odin's Sanctuary in Valkyrie Realm north of PronteraLoki's Stronghold at Britoniah, southwest of GeffenFreyja's Beauty at Greenwood Lake in PayonThor's Might at Luina, West of Aldebaran

Differences Between HeRO & Official Servers

The following is a list of differences between HeRO and officials, that haven't already been mentioned above. Please note that by "officials", HeRO refers to iRO and kRO, and especially the Hercules emulator. This can include old pre-renewal versions, classic, and renewal versions, where applicable.

WoE Guardians

  • Hercules Pre-Re database lists/listed Soldier Guardian as Small, Earth and Insect. This has been corrected on HeRO to be the same as the other WoE guardians.
  • Instead of using Charge Arrow/Arrow Repel Lv 1 which does not knock back and has no substantial damage increase, Archer Guardian uses Arrow Shower Lv 10 in order to attack several targets at once.

Quality of Life Changes

  • WoE Flags outside castles allow warps to Guild Dungeons if you own the castle. The official guild dungeon switches have been removed to prevent fatal misclicks during WoE.
  • The Prontera Castle 4 kafra NPC is no longer on the same cell as the flag-in warp, but slightly moved to the side in the same room
  • The Payon Castle 1 flag-in warp now takes you to payg_cas01 98 27 (Near the warp to the third room), instead of the original payg_cas01 212 108 which is in the very first room not far from the entrance of the castle.
  • WoE flags inside castles have been removed completely, to allow for better mobility and pathing within the castle, and not a dozen visual obstructions and misclicks.
  • The amount of WoE flags outside castles has been limited to one per castle entrance, to allow for better mobility and less visual obstructions. Their positioning has also been changed so that the owning guild's emblem is always visible on the game's default camera angle.
  • Attempting to enter a closed castle or talking to the flag outside it or its town one will now provide information on the open castles as well as the WoE times.


  • The first ever emperium item in HeRO was obtained in the Orc Dungeon by a Baby Assassin. Until then, the server had no guilds. The options back then were to obtain Emperiums from Orc Zombies at a very low rate, or from Baphomet in the third level of the Forest Labyrinth. The guild created from the emperium came to be known as Order of Chaos.
  • The first guild to conquer a WoE castle was "Order of Chaos". The guild fought and defeated the GM team, who was defending the castle.