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Line 67: Line 67:
|Name=Deepsea Vadon
|Element=Water 1
|Drops=*Nipper 100%
*Crab Shell 90%
*Malang Crab 0.3%
*Rough Elunium 2.4%
*Blue Gemstone 4.5%
*Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
*Unidentified Fish 3%
*Vadon Card 0.05%
|Name=Deepsea Marse
|Element=Water 2
|Drops=*Squid Ink 100%
*Dried Squid 90%
*Silver Robe [1] 0.3%
*Rante Whip [1] 0.45%
*Unidentified Fish 3%
*Raw Fish 12%
*Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
*Marse Card 0.05%

Revision as of 08:37, 10 February 2020

Malangdo Culvert is an official Instance Dungeon, customized to fit heRO's pre-renewal mechanics and play style. In the instance, you help clean up culverts with issues of seaweed buildup.



Malangdo's cats store their treasure within one of the small caves in the island. However, sea water began to leak into their culverts one day, and with it came sea creatures. Missu, who was previously the manager of the culvert, now has to clean up the culverts constantly to prevent seaweed buildup.

Missu and his crew are not fond of doing cleaning work, and instead have adventurers work for them in exchange for coins.

Culvert Cleaning

Malangdo Culvert

Base Level:

Normal Mode: Lv 70+
Hard Mode: Lv 90+




Quest Rewards:

Normal Mode:
Hard Mode:

Other Details

Quest Cooldown:

2 hour

The entrance to the culvert can be found at Malangdo 135, 172, the second small island from left to right.
Inside you can find cats related to the instance, as well as the Warper Co. to unlock the dungeon and
warp to other areas.

Malangdo Culvert Loc.png

Instance Creation

1. To create the instance, you must be the party leader and talk to Albo at the entrance of the Malangdo Culvert. Only the party leader may create it. It is advised to create the instance only when everyone is online and ready to enter it. Albo offers two hunting tasks you may do in addition to the culvert instance. When you talk to Albo, choose either to do the Regular or Hard hunting quest.

Albo accept tasks.png

2. After you have chosen the task, speak to Missu to begin the instance. The party leader will first create the instance, then chose to enter the culvert. At this point, all other party members may enter.

Create Instance with Missu.png

3. Once inside, head to the center of the map and speak to Missu again. There, you will confirm with him again that you are doing either the Regular or Hard instance. Afterwhich, Missu will instruct the party to meet him at the 3 o'clock position on the instance map.

Meet Missu Inside.png

4. Once you speak to Missu again, he will explain how to do the instance. The culverts look like mechanical devices halfway submerged in water. You will be given 50 seconds to clean a randomly chosen culvert. It takes 10 seconds of uninterrupted cleaning to clean each device. The culvert that is chosen to be cleaned will be marked on your mini map and be given a large blue glowing aura. When a culvert is chosen, a mob of fish race monsters will spawn and attack. If you are hit while the cast bar is active, you will need to start the cleaning process.


Culvert Glow.png

Malangdo Enchanting Guide


Deepsea Vadon HP 11650 ATK 570~710 MATK 66~48 Level 54
Deepsea vadon.gif
Def 40 MDef 10 Race Fish STR 48
Exp 16310 (1.4 exp/hp) Job Exp 13980 (1.2 exp/hp) Element Water 1 AGI 28
MVP Exp 0 ASPD 0.48 atk/sec Size Small VIT 90
Speed 300 Stunlock Delay 540 Attack Range 1 INT 30
Flee 82 Hit 82 Spell Range 12 DEX 53
#2174 Flee (95%) 157 Hit (100%) 102 Sight Range 16 LUK 14

Can move, Aggressive, Cast sensor, Can attack, Change target, Change target melee, Change target chase

  • Guard Level 5 on self under any condition, 100% chance, 0s cast time, 30s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Divest Weapon Level 1 on target under any condition, 5% chance, 0s cast time, 15s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Water Attribute Attack Level 3 on target under any condition, 20% chance, 0.5s cast time, 5s cast delay interruptible
  • Nipper 100%
  • Crab Shell 90%
  • Malang Crab 0.3%
  • Rough Elunium 2.4%
  • Blue Gemstone 4.5%
  • Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Vadon Card 0.05%

Deepsea Marse HP 9600 ATK 485~690 MATK 314~198 Level 53
Deepsea marse.gif
Def 10 MDef 45 Race Fish STR 40
Exp 13920 (1.45 exp/hp) Job Exp 12480 (1.3 exp/hp) Element Water 2 AGI 81
MVP Exp 0 ASPD 0.37 atk/sec Size Medium VIT 25
Speed 275 Stunlock Delay 528 Attack Range 1 INT 77
Flee 134 Hit 134 Spell Range 12 DEX 54
#2175 Flee (95%) 209 Hit (100%) 154 Sight Range 16 LUK 12

Can move, Aggressive, Cast sensor, Can attack, Change target, Change chase, Change target chase

  • Blind Attack Level 5 on target under any condition, 20% chance, 0s cast time, 5s cast delay interruptible
  • Emotion Level 1 on self under any condition, 20% chance, 0s cast time, 5s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Emotion Level 1 on self under any condition, 2% chance, 0s cast time, 5s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Heal Level 6 on friend when HP less than max rate Gloria, 20% chance, 0.5s cast time, 5s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Heal Level 6 on self when HP less than max rate Gloria, 20% chance, 0.5s cast time, 5s cast delay uninterruptable
  • Water Attribute Attack Level 3 on target under any condition, 20% chance, 0.5s cast time, 5s cast delay interruptible
  • Squid Ink 100%
  • Dried Squid 90%
  • Silver Robe [1] 0.3%
  • Rante Whip [1] 0.45%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Raw Fish 12%
  • Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
  • Marse Card 0.05%

Deepsea Crab HP 10320 ATK 400~702 MATK  ?~? Level 51
Def 30 MDef 25 Race Fish STR 50
Exp 13415 Job Exp 12380 Element Earth 1 AGI 32
MVP Exp None ASPD  ? Size Small VIT 70
Speed  ? Stunlock Delay Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 60
Flee 83 Hit 108 Spell Range  ? DEX 57
#{{{Id}}} Flee (95%)  ? Hit (100%)  ? Sight Range  ? LUK 2




  • Crab Shell 100%
  • Sand Clump 60%
  • Star Dust 6%
  • Star Dust Blade [1] 0.6%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Rough Elunium 3%
  • Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
  • Crab Card 0.05%
MVP Drops


Deepsea Cornutus HP 9180 ATK 550~620 MATK  ?~? Level 53
Def 35 MDef 20 Race Fish STR 15
Exp 14250 Job Exp 12215 Element Water 1 AGI 5
MVP Exp None ASPD  ? Size Small VIT 50
Speed  ? Stunlock Delay Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 20
Flee 58 Hit 166 Spell Range  ? DEX 113
#{{{Id}}} Flee (95%)  ? Hit (100%)  ? Sight Range  ? LUK 14




  • Coat [1] 0.3%
  • Conch 100%
  • Scell 45%
  • Brindle Eel 0.3%
  • Solid Shell 60%
  • Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Cornutus Card 0.05%
MVP Drops


Deepsea Shellfish HP 7870 ATK 300~515 MATK  ?~? Level 51
Def 20 MDef 30 Race Fish STR 10
Exp 11805 Job Exp 9440 Element Water 1 AGI 20
MVP Exp None ASPD  ? Size Small VIT 55
Speed  ? Stunlock Delay  ? Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 88
Flee 71 Hit 113 Spell Range  ? DEX 62
#{{{Id}}} Flee (95%)  ? Hit (100%)  ? Sight Range  ? LUK 50




  • Clam Shell 100%
  • Clam Flesh 75%
  • Pearl 0.75%
  • Long Mace 0.3%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Poor Coin Bag 1.2%
  • Fisher Boots [1] 0.3%
  • Shell Fish Card 0.05%
MVP Drops


Deepsea Deviace HP 28150 ATK 448~1054 MATK ~ Level 73
Def 10 MDef 45 Race Fish STR 10
Exp 45040 Job Exp 43630 Element Holy 1 AGI 50
MVP Exp ASPD Size Medium VIT 20
Speed Stunlock Delay Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 105
Flee 123 Hit 143 Spell Range DEX 70
#2184 Flee (95%) Hit (100%) Sight Range LUK 20
  • Steamed Acnient Lips 3%
  • Ancient Lips 100%
  • Unidentified Fish 3%
  • Holy Dagger 0.3%
  • Detrimindexta 9%
  • Normal Coin Bag 0.75%
  • Hairtail 0.45%
  • Deviace Card 0.05%

Dark Coelacanth HP 756,000 ATK 1890~2650 MATK ~ Level 70
Def 22 MDef 29 Race Fish STR 82
Exp 1,134,000 Job Exp 907,200 Element Water 2 AGI 55
MVP Exp 250,000 ASPD Size Large VIT 64
Speed Stunlock Delay Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 110
Flee 125 Hit 142 Spell Range DEX 72
#2187 Flee (95%) Hit (100%) Sight Range LUK 27

Can Move, Agressive

  • Elunium 100%
  • Normal Coin Bag 3%
  • Poor Coin Bag 100%
  • Oridecon 100%
  • Normal Coin Bag 15%
  • Shabby Coin Bag 100%
  • Poor Coin Bag 75%
  • Shabby Coin Bag 30%
  • Nice Coin Bag 3%
  • Dark Coelacanth Card 0.03%
MVP Drops
  • Nemo 100%
  • Dory 100%
  • Flying Fish Box 100%

Violent Coelacanth HP 2,739,000 ATK 3430~4620 MATK  ?~? Level 90
Def 26 MDef 40 Race Fish STR 112
Exp 3,286,800 Job Exp 3,286,800 Element Poison 4 AGI 92
MVP Exp  ? ASPD  ? Size Large VIT 42
Speed  ? Stunlock Delay Attack Range 1~12~16 INT 127
Flee 182 Hit 191 Spell Range  ? DEX 101
#2190 Flee (95%)  ? Hit (100%)  ? Sight Range  ? LUK 27




  • Premium Coin Bag 3%
  • Seagon Anger 100%
  • Damp Card Album 100%
  • Nice Coin Bag 15%
  • Normal Coin Bag 75%
  • Normal Coin Bag 100%
  • Nice Coin Bag 3%
  • Elunium 100%
  • Oridecon 100%
  • Dark Coelacanth Card 0.03%
MVP Drops



  • Malangdo Culvert was released on heRO in February 9, 2020.
  • Malangdo, the Octopus Cave and Malangdo Culvert were teased with the Valentine's Day Quest of 2016, which introduced the Orc couple, Roma and Jule. In the quest, the orc couple run away together, and travel by ship to Malangdo. On the way, the ship of cats is attacked by mobs, including a Giant Octopus, and later by a Coelacanth. However due to a variety of issues, mostly technical and balance-related, Malangdo Culvert would not be released until much later.
  • The official name for "Missu" was "Missing", but this was changed to prevent players for confusing his name for bugs or glitches while the cat broadcasted messages within the instance.
  • In official servers, Malangdo Culvert and Octopus Cave are limited to players with VIP status.