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Revision as of 21:18, 23 November 2010

Novice Wing

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:




Items (Consumed):

Many, see quest for full list

Items (Not Consumed):




Quest Prerequisites:

Must be a member of an Allegiance

Other Requirements:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



Baby Angel / Baby Devil Wings

Quest Rewards:


Wings acquired from the NPC Novice Emmy! These wings are Novice class only, and may only be equipped if you are part of the <span style="color:pink">Light Allegiance</span> or the <span style="color:purple">Dark Allegiance</span>. They have +10 Magic Defence, 10 Defence, Cannot be traded or sold or refined, and like every Wing-class armor, are equipped in your Lower Headgear and Armor slots. They require a minimum base level of 30 to be equipped, have a weight of 100, and will also reduce damage by 20% from targets of the opposing allegiance (Player Characters are not included).

If the user is of the <span style="color:green">Novice Class</span>, they get an additional +10 to all stats.

If the user is of the <span style="color:green">Super Novice Class</span>, they get an additional +2 to all stats. (This is not cumulative with the Novice bonus of +10 to all stats)

They are also able to complete the equipment combo with the Angelic set gears for novices (Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Cardigan, & Angel's Kiss) -- this combo gives the Novice/Super Novice +900 Maximum HP, +100 Maximum SP, and it adds a 3% chance of casting <span style=color:green">Level 3 Assumptio</span> when the user takes Physical Damage.

They also have an equipment combo with the Angel Wing Ears / Devil Wing Ears (Based on allegiance) -- This combo gives the wearer +300 Maximum HP and +80 Maximum SP.

How to get your Novice Wings

1. Obtain Base Level 10, and find Emmy in the Novice Training Grounds. She's found at (81, 83) on all of the different monster maps. Ask about what a Super Novice is.

Novice Emmy.JPG

2. She will ask you to hand over 200 of your Novice Potions to continue her training. Give them to her.

3. She then asks you for two lists of items. We will tackle one list at a time, since you cannot give items for the second list until you are done the first. She will also take items as you collect them (meaning, you don't need to give the full amount of items right away) to help you out. The first list of items are as follows:

  • 40x Feather of Bird (Picky, Condor)
  • 100x Clover (Lunatic, Fabre)
  • 10x Grasshopper Leg (Rocker)
  • 75x Feather (Lunatic, Picky, Fabre)
  • 50x Fluff (Fabre)
  • 20x Talon (Condor)

4. Once you bring the first set of items to Emmy, it's time to get started on the second set of items. Most of these items are not found normally in the Training Grounds-- instead you need to find something called the Magic Hole. The magic hole is an invisible NPC that will teleport at intervals, meaning it is never in the same spot for too long. However, it announces when it's going to move, and it can only be found on the first map-- the same as Novice Emmy.

Magic Hole.JPG

5. A dialogue box with the Novice Hole will prompt you to throw items into it. Failed attempts will give you Stones, and successful attempts yield the items you want. Again, Novice Emmy will take stones without you needing to get the full quantity of 100.

  • 1 Rainbow carrot + 66 Shells = Rainbow Shell
  • 5 Resin + 5 Mushroom Spore = Orange Gooey Mushroom
  • 1 Milk + 2 Strawberry = Sweet Milk
  • 4 Arrows + 4 Green Herbs = 4 Wind Arrows
  • 2 Iron ore + Nothing = Iron (Note: Alternatively, you could kill Chonchons for them-- they drop full Iron at a low rate)
  • 3 Empty Bottles + 17 Apple = Apple Juice

Your end totals are thus:

  • 45 Empty Bottles + 255 Apples = 15 Apple Juice
  • 1 Rainbow Carrot + 66 Shells = 1 Rainbow Shell
  • 20 Resin + 20 Mushroom Spore = 4 Orange Gooey Mushroom
  • 3 Milk + 6 Strawberries = 3 Sweet Milk
  • 12 Arrows + 12 Green Herbs = 12 Arrows of Wind
  • 20 Iron Ore + Nothing = 10 Iron Ore

As well as 100 Stones. Make these as you see fit. Again, any combination that is not one of the above will yield a Stone.

6. Bring all these items to Novice Emmy. She says you're not done, and you need Accreditation from the Trunk Lady. She can be found South West of Emmy, hiding in the bushes at (65, 45)

Trunk Lady.JPG

7. The Trunk Lady will give you accreditation if you give her various trunks (Obtained from Willow Monsters on the second Novice Training Grounds map). Each trunk is worth different amounts of points, and you need 100 total. The point breakdown is as follows:

  • Solid Trunk = 1 point
  • Barren Trunk = 1 point
  • Fine-grained Trunk = 2 points
  • Trunk = 5 points

8. Once you give the Trunk Lady 100 points worth of trunks, she then asks you for 30,000z.

9. Once you have paid the Trunk Lady, return to Novice Emmy. She rewards you with your wings!

Novice Wings.JPG

(Isn't Azote just a cutie? :3)