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Revision as of 07:51, 7 September 2019

Super Summer Suit Quest

Job Class:




Items (Consumed):

  • 20 Harpy Feather
  • 5 Peco Peco Feather
  • 30 Summer Suit
  • 86 Pina Colada


2 Gift Box

Quest Rewards:

Super Summer Suit

Adventuring can be hard work, especially when the temperature's climbing. Help a couple of showgirls out, and they'll give you a new outfit to beat the heat!

1. Talk to Lolah (brasilis 130, 77).


She asks you to visit her friend Elayne in Comodo and bring her some feathers to make a hairpiece for her show, as well as a fan to cool down:

  • 20 Harpy Feather
  • 5 Peco Peco Feather

2. Bring the feathers to Elayne (comodo 266, 178).


She'll thank you with 2 Gift Boxes. Then she'll ask if you'll help her repay Lolah for the feathers. She asks you to bring her some new clothes and a whole lot of drinks:

  • 30 Summer Suit
  • 86 Pina Colada

3. Return to Brasilis and give Lolah her presents. In her excitement and gratitude, she'll give you a Super Summer Suit!

Super Summer Suit
Id #: 10819 Super Summer Suit A suit that changes your clothes for beach suits, great for the summer!
Super Summer Suit
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
3 0 10 No 1 Armor All
  • Changes your character sprite in the same way as the consumable item Summer Suit, but can be equipped/unequipped as a gear
  • Cannot use skills while this gear is equipped

Availability: While the quest is available year round, the Summer Suits needed for it are only available during certain seasonal events.