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(Created page with "{{Template:Monster |Name=Spiky Urchin |Race=Fish |Level=24 |Minatk=30 |Maxatk=80 |Sprite=TBA |Element=Water 1 |Hp=877 |Def=5 |Mdef=10 |Size=Small |Exp=1315 (1.5 exp/hp) |Jexp=...")
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Revision as of 21:52, 28 September 2019

Spiky Urchin HP 877 ATK 30~80 MATK 66~48 Level 24
Def 5 MDef 10 Race Fish STR 5
Exp 1315 (1.5 exp/hp) Job Exp 1750 (2 exp/hp) Element Water 1 AGI 5
MVP Exp 0 ASPD 0.51 atk/sec Size Small VIT 30
Speed 350 Stunlock Delay 480 Attack Range 1 INT 30
Flee 29 Hit 29 Spell Range 10 DEX 20
#3506 Flee (95%) 104 Hit (100%) 49 Sight Range 12 LUK 10

Can move, Cast sensor, Can attack, Change target

  • Shield Reflect Level 1 on self when HP < 50%, 10% chance, 1s cast time, 30s cast delay, interruptible
MVP Drops



An alternative to wolves before moving on to other areas or to sandgrass. Its Orange Potions help with sustainability.

