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(Part 2 : The Chroniclers)
(Part 2 : The Chroniclers)
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! style="width:3em; padding:10px;" |Details
! style="width:3em; padding:10px;" |Details
| style="padding:5px;" |Eudoxie
| style="padding:5px;" |[[2023_Anniversary_Quest#Eudoxie|Eudoxie]]
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where her former summon and companion roam now
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where her former summon and companion roam now
| style="padding:5px;" |Lucretia
| style="padding:5px;" |[[2023_Anniversary_Quest#Lucretia|Lucretia]]
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where she first appeared
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where she first appeared
| style="padding:5px;" |Kushiel
| style="padding:5px;" |[[2023_Anniversary_Quest#Kushiel|Kushiel]]
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where his spirit resides now
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where his spirit resides now
| style="padding:5px;" |Adelaide
| style="padding:5px;" |[[2023_Anniversary_Quest#Adelaide|Adelaide]]
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where their story is recorded
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where their story is recorded
| style="padding:5px;" |Unknowns
| style="padding:5px;" |[[2023_Anniversary_Quest#Unknowns|Unknowns]]
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where the unknowns attack first
| style="padding:5px;" |Map where the unknowns attack first

Revision as of 05:49, 18 October 2023

[WIP] will touch up the looks after work

Obligatory Spoiler Warning

This guide is for the 2023 heRO anniversary quest, so it is full of spoilers for the quest

If you do not want to see spoilers / want to do it yourself, then navigate away from this page

Also, Odiums are cute.

Starting Out

The quest starts by talking to Celebration Girl in Prontera, and getting warped to archer village

Once you arrive in archer village, talk to celebration Girl to start the quest The quest is divided into 2 main parts: Part 1 : Talk to the Minstrels around the world Part 2 : Talk to the Chroniclers around the world

And 1 bonus part : the Cat Caretaker and the Battle Priestess

You have to finish part 1 before you can start part 2

Part 1 : The Minstrels

There are 7 Minstrels that you need to talk to in order to progress the quest There are more minstrels that you can find, but they do not progress the quest and only give clues and directions

Topic Details
The First Guild Map where first guild got their emperium
The First Quest First custom quest giver in heRO
The First Custom Monster Map than contains the first custom monster in heRO
The First Custom Map First custom map made by heRO
The First Custom item Map that drops/rewards the first custom item
The First round 5 ToH monster Map that contains the monster
The First level 40 Guild Class change room of the leader of said guild

The First Guild

Hint : The First guild to be made got their emperium from orc zombies!

Map : Orc dungeon 1F

First Guild.png

The First Quest

Hint : The first custom quest is the zodiac quest

Map : Juno

First Quest01.png First Quest02.png

The First Custom Monster

Hint : The first monster is actually the Sapling, according to the minstrel

Map : Poring Island (Old)

First Custom Mob01.png First Custom Mob02.png

The First Custom Map

Hint : A map that costs a lot to enter… this is the only one, at least for now

Map : Fairy Garden

How to get there : Warp to Caerulia, and Bring at least 50,000 zeny

First Custom Area01.png First Custom Area02.png

Directions to reach npc:

1. Follow the path until you see the first purple light, then go towards that path

First Custom Area03.png

2. Continue following the path until you see another set of purple lights. Go towards the path of the purple light, but this time take a left

First Custom Area04.png

3. Follow the path until the very end. The minstrel is hidden behind a tree, so you may need to rotate your camera to see him

First Custom Area05.png

The First Custom item

Hint : Among the 4 elemental wings:

  • Aerial Wings (Item ID# 10070)
  • Arctic Wings (Item ID# 10061)
  • Gaia Wings (Item ID# 10071)
  • Phoenix Wings (Item ID# 10060)

Phoenix wings is the first one to be made

Map : Magma Dungeon 2F

The Minstrel is beside the Phoenix wings quest npc

First Custom Item01.png First Custom Item02.png

The First round 5 ToH monster

Hint : Mob is Underground, Soloable by pre-trans character, and is constantly camped

Map : Prontera Culvert 4F

First ToH MVP01.png First ToH MVP02.png

The First level 40 Guild

Hint : The Guildmaster was a spellcaster

Map : Geffen tower, Wizard class change room

First Lv40 Guild.png

Part 2 : The Chroniclers

There are 6 Chroniclers that you need to talk to in order to progress the quest You need to complete part 1 : the Minstrels before you can start this part.

Topic Details
Eudoxie Map where her former summon and companion roam now
Lucretia Map where she first appeared
Kushiel Map where his spirit resides now
Adelaide Map where their story is recorded
Unknowns Map where the unknowns attack first
Vynn Map where Vynn reside to escape from Light and Dark Allegiances


Hint : Eudoxie performed a summoning bond with Skoll in Shadow Side Story

 Eudoxie's spell binded Skoll to Eudoxie as one of her summons to be called in battle, and Skoll would obey Eudoxie's word 

Map : Magma Dungeon 2F

Eudoxie01.png Eudoxie02.png


Map : Payon Archer Village, Near the lake

Lucretia01.png Lucretia02.png


Map : Splendide Field 01

Just warp to Nydd and then go out

Kushiel01.png Kushiel02.png


Hint : Adelaide’s story is immortalized within Kaldheim’s record of history.

Map : Kaldheim

The Chronicler is inside Kaldheim Library

1. Go to Kaldheim Library

Adelaide01.png Adelaide02.png

2. Once Inside go straight down until you reach the bottom part of the map


3. Rotate the map 180° and walk along the edge of the map until you reach the bottom middle part of the map

(You can double right click to reset Map orientation)


4. The Chronicler is by the fireplace

Adelaide05.png Adelaide06.png


Hint : Hometown of buff fairy in the mountains

Map : Tessera, on the stairs

Unknowns01.png Unknowns02.png


Map : Hugel

1. Go to the House near airship

Vynn01.png Vynn02.png

2. Once inside the house, walk forward a bit and you can see the Chronicler


Bonus : The Legends

After finishing part 2, talk to the Celebratory Girl in Archer Village again and she will tell you about 2 legendary players:

  • Someone who looked after cats in a lone island
  • A battle priestess who stopped by Prontera Chapel

They are NPCs that can craft items for you, as long as you provide them with the materials


Map : Neko Island

Head to the bottom right part of the map.

Kets01.png Kets02.png

The Cat caretaker will craft you Peekaboo’s Cat Paws. The 3 materials needed are:

  • Black Cat
  • Thief Clothes [1]
  • Glove [1]

Battle Priestess

Map : Prontera Church

Once inside, walk forward until you see a Bishop. She will craft you Okama’s Legendary Mace, the 3 materials needed are:

  • Mace of Judgement [2]
  • Stunner [2]
Drops from Magaretha at 1% chance, or you can slot it in Prontera refine shop using
Stunner [0], 2 Oridecons, 10 Steels, and 500,000 Zeny at 20% success rate
  • 400,000 Zeny


For Completing Part 1 : the Minstrels, you get

For completing Part 2 : the Chroniclers, you get

  • Beer Hat


  • Costume Beer Server


  • 2 Old Card Albums
  • 5 Delicious Cakes
  • 1 ToH Gear Voucher
  • Unlocks the vending machine in Archer Village. It’s located just above the Celebratory Girl.
You can spend 6,000,000 Zeny to get 1 past anniversary gearbox

For Completing Bonus : The Legends, you get :

  • Cat’s Paw from the Cat Caretaker


  • Okama’s Battle Mace from the Bishop
