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Manuk is an official town, home to the Sapha Race. It was released on heRO at around august 2009, though the town itself would not be populated with NPCs until March 2016.

About Manuk

Manuk is a town located southeast of the Midgard Expedition Camp.

The Sapha, a race of giants, are descendants of Hwergelmir. After surviving what they call a great flood, they rebuilt their tribe, but for reasons unknown, they developed a chronic disease in which their bodies dry and harden over time, like old trees. After much studying, the Sapha found that by injecting themselves with refined bradium, the progression of the disease is slowed down. Due to this, they established their towns around regions rich in bradium.

The giants of Jotunheim are at constant conflict/war with the Laphine of Splendide. They've recently began official relations with the humans from Midgard, and are at peace with them, for now.

Manuk Town

Town Access

To access Manuk, you can head 2 maps east and 1 map south from Midcamp, or use the Cat Hand warp services.

Language Barrier

Most, if not all Sapha of Manuk, do not speak Midgard's language. To understand them, you need to complete the Ring of the Wise King quest and have said ring equipped when talking to NPCs. For some quests, you'll need to have completed up to a certain step of some new world quests, usually Two Tribes.



Locations of Interest

At town center, near Manuk's Stonehenge, you can find the Cat Hand NPC, Warpers, DB Man, etc. On the southeastern part of map you can find a shop where you can trade Manuk Coins for certain items.


Note: Only quests that start in Manuk are listed below.

Bradium Collection
Midgard Ore
Monster Suppression


Manuk fields may be accessed by heading east from midcamp or north from Manuk. it is recommended for Lv 85+ nontrans classes or Lv 75+ trans classes.


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Scaraba Hole, also known as Kamidal Tunnel, connects the town of Manuk with the Kamidal Mountains, which leads to the currently unreleased town, El Dicastes.

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