Halloween Quest - 2014

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Halloween Quest - 2014

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:




Items (Consumed):

All required items are obtainable in the witch's house EXCEPT

  • Diamond Ring (optional, but you will get an extra reward)


600,000+ Zeny (optional)


Base Experience:


Job Experience:


Quest Rewards:

  • Pumpkinring Backpack
  • Damp Card Album (ONLY if you go in a certain order)
  • Chance at previous years' Halloween hats (600k zeny apiece)

Happy Halloween, heROes! This year, a pair of young lovers needs your help. Save them from the witch's plot to make sure they make it to the altar!


1) Speak to Conny the Snow Bunny and offer to help find her missing fiance, Brown. Note: once you agree to go to the witch's house for her, you won't be able to leave that map until you've completed the quest or the event ends.

2) You've been cursed! Ah well; such is the life of the adventurer. Explore the objects around the house to find various odds and ends. If you are looking to speed through, you only really need to check the Smelly Box in the room north of the Verit, the Book Shelf in the south-most room, and one of the two boxes behind the fence in the south-most room. This should result in your picking up 1 Rotten Meat and 2 Empty Bottles.

3) Make your way left down the long hallway until you can't go any further. There are two connected rooms here; you'll find Brown in the northern room, shackled to the bed. Your appearance freaks him out, and he pokes you with an axe to make sure you're not really a ghost (takes 10% of your HP). He explains how the witch captured him, and tells you his escape plan.

4) First, you must find the source of the witch's power. Brown will place a mark on your mini-map that corresponds to a Glass in the south-most room. No matter which option you select, you will lose a significant chunk of HP/SP (I especially do not recommend dropping it on the floor). Return to Brown and he will try to remember what you might use to break it. You may have to speak with him several times before he comes up with the location of the magic hammer.

5) Once he tells you where to find it, return to the room with the Glass and search the Boxes on the outside of the fence to find the hammer. Check the Glass again and you should manage to smash it this time! You find a note inside and it asks you to input the correct sequence of magic words (they are numbered; you need to choose the number corresponding with the word you want to try). You only have a certain number of chances to guess correctly before the code resets to another random number. For help, try this site (you cheater, you).

6) Inputting the correct code will weaken the witch's magic enough to continue with Brown's plan. Speak to him again and he'll tell you where to find a book to look up a cure for your curse. Head back to the area where you first entered the house and go up to the Verit guarding the stairs. Select the option to Throw Rotten Meat, and the Verit will be distracted long enough for you to run past (you will be automatically warped after a few seconds). Once inside the witch's room, check the bookshelf on the right to find the book. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 2 Lizard's Meat
  • 1 Poisonous Pill
  • 1 Teaspoon of Life Solution
  • 1 Teaspoon of Death Solution

Don't worry if you didn't find any of these in your search of the house so far - you can't obtain them until you speak to Brown again.

7) Brown will ask you to repeat back the list to him. Once you've done so, he will tell you to search the Gargoyle Heads mounted on the walls for Lizard Meat. There is one there in the room where Brown is, one in the room across the hall (the room with the Duster), one directly north (in the room with the Organ), and one up the wooden steps in the room with the fountain (all the way to the left from the Organ). The placement of the meat is randomized, so check them until you've found 2 Lizard Meats ("Pet Food").

8) Bring the meat back to Brown and he'll tell you to look under the beds for 3 poisonous mushrooms so he can craft a Poison Pill. Two beds can be found in the hallway between Brown's room and the Verit, and the third is in the room where you started. You may end up getting poisoned during this part. Bring your well-earned mushrooms back to Brown and he will make the pill for you.

9) After 5 minutes have passed, talk to him again and he'll tell you to go find Death Solution. He doesn't know where that might be, but if you poked around in the witch's room earlier, you probably noticed the disgusting cauldron she has up there. That's your Death Solution! Make sure you have one of the Empty Bottles from the south-most room, and grab another Rotten Meat from the Smelly Box, then make your way past the Verit again. Fill up a bottle with Death Solution and head back to see Brown.

10) Now he wants you to find the Life Solution, and again, he has no idea where you might look. In your explorations, you may have noticed a pretty fountain in the northwestern-most room - head there with your other Empty Bottle to get your Life Solution!

11) Now Brown will combine the ingredients you gathered to create the antidote for your ghost curse. He will need about 5 minutes in real time to accomplish this task. Once 5 minutes are up, speak to him again to change back into a human!

12) You are not quite free yet, though. To continue with Brown's plan, you will need the Golden Key from the drawer beside his bed. Take the key and use it on each of the 6 clocks scattered around the house. There is a clock in each of the following places:

  • The room with the Fountain
  • The room with the Organ
  • The room across the hall from Brown's
  • The room with the Glass
  • The room where you first entered
  • The witch's room (you'll need another Rotten Meat to get past that Verit; it's a wonder you haven't given him food poisoning by now)

Click on each clock, select "Use Item" and then type "Golden Key" when prompted.

13) Once all 6 clocks are stopped, talk to Brown again to learn about the Organ. You'll want to turn your sound effects on and bump the volume up for this part. Examine the Organ and it will eventually start to play several notes. When prompted by the dialogue box, choose the notes that correspond to what you heard. Good luck with this part; Garr hates us all. If you manage to get it right, you'll be rewarded with a Damp Card Album. If you fail twice, you will be given the option to kick the Organ out of frustration, thus ending the madness and allowing you to continue, but without the additional prizes. If you're dead-set on bonus prizes, choose the "Leave it" option to keep trying.

14) When you're done with the evil Organ, talk to Brown one final time to be warped back to Prontera. If you want to collect any of the miscellaneous stuff littered around the house, you should do so BEFORE talking to Brown here. The items you can find include a Jellopy, a Large Jellopy, more Rotten Meat, a Rotten Fish, a Skel-Bone, a Well-Dried Bone, a Skull, a Worn Out Page, a Cobweb, a Sharp Paper, a Condensed Red Potion, and some Star Dust. Nothing too amazing, but hey, it's free zeny, right? You'll also take the Golden Key with you, which NPCs for a nice amount of zeny, but it cannot be put in storage.

15) Once you return to Prontera, you'll be standing in front of Conny. Talk to her and she'll tell you to look for Brown in the Prontera Inn (the one on the left). You can find him upstairs, and he will explain how he came up with his master escape plan. Then he will sigh and lament the fact that he was unable to find the family ring he went there for in the first place.

16) IMPORTANT: It is at this point that you should go get a Diamond Ring if you want an extra Damp Card Album when you complete the quest. If you talk to Brown and then talk to Conny without giving Brown the Diamond Ring, you will have missed your chance. Give Brown a Diamond Ring and he will thank you profusely and tell you to go see Conny. This step may be skipped if you want.

17) Talk to Conny again and she will reward you for your help with a Pumpkinring Backpack (and a Damp Card Album, if you gave Brown that Diamond Ring). She then offers to let you pay 600,000 zeny for a chance at a random past Halloween item from the magic bag Brown stole from the witch's house. These include gears as well as Halloween-themed pets.