Mourning The Fallen

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Mourning The Fallen



Quest Prerequisites:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:




In the Tessera Tavern, a fairy drinks away her feelings over the loss of a loved one. Can you bring some consolation to her?


1. Requires the Rekenber Purge quest to be completed.

After completing the Rekenber Investigation quest, you can go back to visit Dollos sister, who is in the Tessera tavern, heartbroken & disappointed at her brother's actions. This sidequest starts in fae_in03,34,20

After you choose to explain everything that happened to her brother, you must select the following choices to make a coherent story for her.

1. He was an independent contractor 2. He was told to make a mining company 3. The incident wasn't his fault 4. Dollos was sorry for everything 5. In the end 6. He turned on Rekenber 7. Dollos confessed 8. and did the right thing

You have to pick these without failing once. After you pick all the correct options, your character will explain everything, and she will she will be consoled at the fact Dollos did the right thing in the end, and you will receive some reputation points.