Scheduled Events

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Revision as of 01:40, 6 August 2008 by Ayu (Talk | contribs)

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We make sure that there is on average, a total of 7 events within a week. If possible, GMs will also vary the time of when these events occur, but there is no guarantee that this is always the case.

Daily Events

Daily Events in heRO are spontaneous and usually do not have an advanced warning until 15-30 minutes before the time of the event. They are usually run in style of mini-games and have no continuous aspect to other Daily Events.

For a list of the Daily Events that may be hosted in heRO, click on Events for details.

Recent Events

Below is a record of the events that occurred in the last 5 days.

  • Aug 4: (Chronicle of the Heroes- Shadow Side Story Arc 4) Skoll's attack in Geffen
  • Aug 4: (Chronicle of the Heroes- Shadow Side Story Arc 3) Roleplay in Geffen
  • Aug 4: (Daily Event) Zombie Escape
  • Aug 2-3: (Chronicle of the Heroes- Shadow Side Story Arc 3) Blood Enticement Ritual- guild item collection
  • Aug 2: (Daily Event) Run, Hydro, Run!