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Revision as of 13:00, 14 October 2015 by Aaronock (Talk | contribs)

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In Game Characters: Aaronock, Ezekiel Stalker, Maxwell Maximillion, and Gale Cyrus

If any guides I've done have incorrect information feel free to contact me on forums via PM. My username is also Aaronock there. You may try contacting me in game, however you may not be able to give me the information as quickly. If you would like to help with the heRO wiki, be sure to sign up and add information to pages as needed.

Pages I Worked On:

Future Projects: Damp Card Album page listing all possible cards one can obtain!

Other ways to help heRO:

  • Help add content to the Wiki!
  • Join and help in testing and development of new heRO content (PM GM-Ciar on forums to join T&D)
  • Review the server on RMS
  • Make suggestions on the forum
  • Follow heRO rules so GM's can spend time doing other things and not babysit us. :]