Arctic Wings Quest

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Arctic Wings Quest

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:



Maybe (To get to the NPC and clear it out)

Items (Consumed):

1x Swordfish Card, 3x Fangs of Garm, 50x Ice Cubic, 1x Cobalt Blue Dyestuff, 1x White Dyestuff, 20x Mystic Frozen, 15x False Angel Wings, 150x Wings of Dragonfly, 200x Feathers

Items (Not Consumed):




Quest Prerequisites:


Other Requirements:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



Arctic Wings

Quest Rewards:

Ability to use Forever Frost palette

The Arctic Wings are enchanted with the Water property, and add +2 to all stats. They allow the wearer to cast Level 3 Cold Bolt

How To Get Your Arctic Wings

1. Make your way to Byalan Dungeon. To get here, go to Izlude, and go to the North-Eastern dock. Here you'll find a Sailor, who'll offer to bring you to Byalan Island for 150z.

Boat To Byalan.JPG

2. Once at the island, head on into the dungeon. The Water Elementalist can be found at B5 of the dungeon, at the South-Easternmost corner of the map (225, 40). She will give you the list of items that you need to collect for your wings.

Water Elementalist.JPG

3. Collect the Ingredients.

  • 1x Swordfish Card (Swordfish)
  • 1x Cobalt Blue Dyestuff (Dyestuff Quest, Giftboxes)
  • 1x White Dyestuff (Dyestuff Quest, Giftboxes)
  • 3x Fangs of Garm / Fangs of Haiti NOTE: The NPC will tell you to collect Fangs of Haiti. This is, in fact, Fang of Garm (Garm)
  • 15x False Angel Wings (False Angel, Garden Watcher)
  • 20x Mystic Frozen (Mining, Forged from Crystal Blue, Ice Titan, Merman, Deviace, Marc)
  • 50x Ice Cubic (Gazeti, Ice Titan, Snowier, Siroma, Freezer)
  • 150x Wings of Dragonfly (Dragon Tail)
  • 200x Feathers (Red/Black Mushroom, Strouf, Spring Rabbit, Lunatic, Picky, etc.)

4. Return to the Elementalist, and give her the items. She will then make you the Arctic Wings. Additionally, you may also wear the "Forever Frost" palette that Styla offers in Prontera.

NOTE: You can only access this palette when you are wearing the Wings!

Arctic Wings.JPG