Christmas Quest - 2018

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Christmas Quest - 2018

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:




Items (Consumed):





Other Requirements:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



  • 1 or 2 Old Green Boxes
  • 3 Red & Green Gift Boxes
  • 1 Cat Santa Hat
  • 1 Winter Scarf (Random, Optional)

Quest Rewards:

  • 100 or 150 Reputation Points

1. At crystal shore (cshore 143138), Orc Lady Roma is badly injured and unable to travel. She was apparently travelling with her husband Jule through the lonely shore when they were attacked by a Grayphon. She claims Jule is somewhere in the northwest part of Lutia, which encompasses lutia field 10, 11, 12, and 14. There are 5 possible areas he can be found in:

  • Lonely Shore (Pingvi Island Entrance Map), in either lutia14 270 40, or lutia14 335 77
  • Shifting Snowfield (Slydda Map), in either lutia12 188 131, or lutia12 113 215
  • Crystal Forest South (Chill Winds area), in lutia10 34 171

Note: While Lutia Field 11 is in the North East area as specified by the NPC, the NPC won't be located there, otherwise the townsfolk would rescue him themselves.

2. Once you find Jule he will require a butterfly wing to go back to town.

3. Bring him the butterfly wing and return to crystal shore, where you'll suggest to them to visit the nearby hospital.

4. At lutia_in01 33 145, Roma will request either incredibly spicy curry (+8 Agi Food) or the ingredients to make one

5. By bringing only the ingredients, you'll obtain: Costume Santa Hat, 3 GB, 1 Old Green Box, and 100 lutia reputation points

6. If you bring the actual food item (by cooking it or from an old green box), you'll obtain the above items, plus 1 more old green box, 1 random winter scarf headgear and 50 more reputation points. And so ends the quest!