Minority Rules

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In today's democratic voting system, most cases follow "Majority Rules" guidelines where the choice with the most votes will 'win' within the voting process. The game of "Minority Rules" is to reverse this process completely. The option with the least amount of people who voted for it, will survive, while the option with the majority, will lose the vote.

While it seems like a simple game of luck at first glance, time is of the essence as there are ways to manipulate the vote to ensure that you (and your friends) will triumph to be one of the last few who makes it to the last few rounds of the vote.

"Minority Rules" is infallible to rigging the system just because a group of friends have more people, because having more people does nothing to ensure a minority in every round. Strategies exist that allow you (or your group) to rig the system to your benefit which is strongly encouraged, but number of people is not always relevant. The thinking "more the merrier" matters even less for this game.

Game Procedure

In the beginning of a round, GM will give a "yes/no" question for all players to answer. The only answer acceptable is "yes" or "no." Any other answer is automatically voided as "auto-lost" and you may only answer once. Also, failure to cast your vote will count as "auto-lost" as well.

GM will start a 2-person "Answer Box" chat for players to go and place in their secret votes. After saying "yes" or "no", players are to leave the chatroom so others can go in to vote. GM will tally up the vote of "yes" and "no." The side with the minority will advance and a new round begins. Any notion where there is a tie in vote, or if everyone voted for the same side, the round is nulled and will restart.

However, GM will only announce how many people advanced to the next round, but will NOT specify who they are. Although those who failed to advance will not be allowed to enter the "Answer Box" to place their vote for the next round, they are free to communicate with other players. Only those who were part of the minority in the previous round are they allowed to enter the "Answer Box" of the next round. Those who entered when they are not allowed to, will be kicked out of the game and denied all participation prizes.

This process continues on until there are only 2 or 1 player left in the game, where these player(s) will be considered the winner.

During the game, you are allowed to communicate with any other players in the game through any methods EXCEPT starting a chat box. Only the hosting GM is allowed to start any chat boxes within the game.

Game Tips

  • Only the GM speaks absolute, definite truths within the game
  • You don't need that much luck, but you need TIME
  • You are allowed to lie, especially for the answer to the Yes/No question
  • You are allowed to PM other players secretly, or use guild/party chat to your advantage
  • You are allowed to form alliances and teams
  • You are allowed (and encouraged) to try to rig the system if you can
  • You are allowed to bribe other players at your own expense
  • You are allowed to pretend that you advanced in a round even if you didn't, and vice versa
  • Don't think that your role in the game is over once you fell to the majority and failed to advance. Only the GM knows for certain that you failed to advance. You still yield influence in the game through a mixture of deceits and truths.