Kaldheim Arena

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Kaldheim Arena is a party instance in which you fight waves of mobs to obtain rewards at the end.

Kaldheim Arena

Base Level:

Lv 70+




Quest Rewards:

Varies Per Wave Cleared

Other Details

Quest Cooldown:

1 hour

General Info

Years after the destruction of the eastern Lutia Region, the Kaldheim Arena has been reopened. Fight monster simulations to earn rewards!
The entrance to the Arena building is at Kaldheim 152 83. It is just a short walk south from the Kafra area. Once you enter, head east and then north once you reach the end to reach the Arena. At the north end (lutia_in02 43 188), you'll encounter the Arena Manager.

Kaldheim Arena Entrance

Instance Creation

To create the instance, the party leader must select to reserve the arena. You must also be in a party of at least 2 players, and all party members must be over Lv 70.
There is a 1 hour cooldown to re-enter the instance, starting from whenever you first enter it.
Once the instance has been created, all party members can talk to the Arena Manager and choose to enter instance.

Battle Arena Info

To begin the fight, the party leader must talk to the arena manager and select to start the fight. You will then be given a few seconds to prepare, and the fight will begin.
You have 20 minutes to defeat all 10 waves of mobs. When one wave is defeated, the next will automatically spawn a few seconds later.