Wrapped Mask Add Ons

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Wrapped Masks have extra custom masks within them that you can obtain. Typically these are won as prizes from quests and events but also can be obtained from the Hatter Quest.

All masks take up the Middle and Lower Headgear slots.

Hatter's Masks

  • Warai Nose
Item#: 10216 Warai nose.jpg

You can evade security while wearing this clever disguise!
Copyrights: ayaa

Warai Nose

Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 20 Refinable: No Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 30
  • +2 Flee
  • Availability: Is available with the Hatter Quest or as prizes from quests and events from the Wrapped Mask item

  • Guy Fawkes Mask
Item#: 10217 Guy fawkes mask.jpg

A smirking mask in the imagine of a man from a faraway kingdom.
Copyrights: Dwai90

Guy Fawkes Mask

Def: 2 MDef: 0 Weight: 29 Refinable: No Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 30
  • Availability: Is available with the Hatter Quest or as prizes from quests and events from the Wrapped Mask item

  • Majora Mask
Item# 10229 Majora mask.jpg

A colourful mask.
Copyrights: Usako

Majora Mask

Def: 2 MDef: 0 Weight: 20 Refinable: No Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 20
  • We are not responsible if you make the moon fall by wearing this
  • Availability: Is available with the Hatter Quest or as prizes from quests and events from the Wrapped Mask item

  • Loki Mask
Item#: 10230 Loki mask.jpg

A mask that represents the chaotic god Loki.
Copyrights: Usako

Loki Mask

Def: 0 MDef: 0 Weight: 0 Refinable: No Usable Jobs: All Required Level: 20
  • 3% chance of autocasting Confusion on the enemy
  • Availability: Is available with the Hatter Quest or as prizes from quests and events from the Wrapped Mask item