War of Emperium

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War of Emperium a.k.a. WoE is a guild-versus-guild event that takes place two times per week. The objective of WoE is to attack a castle and try to reach the emperium room. Inside the emperium room lies the Emperium which you have to break in order to occupy the castle for yourself and your guild.

Castles avaible on HeRO

HeRO has 3 available castles instead of the original 20. These are the castles avaible in HeRO.

Prontera (Castle number 2 is open) ~ Odin's Sanctuary


Payon (Castle number 4 is open) ~ Freya's Beauty


Aldebaran (Castle number 1 is open) ~ Thor's Might (This castle is "retro", no reborn or new jobs allowed) Aldebaran was opened on 05-06-2007


Note: Castles are rotated about 4 times per year at GM's call. All castles retain their owner and eco at each rotation. The date of the rotation will be announced in advance.


The castle owner of any castle and their guildmates get access to all 4 guild dungeons, flip the switch and you will be offered a menu with all the choice of 4 dungeons.

In addition, the castles of Prontera and Payon, WoE castles that allow trans classes, will allow access to the 2 new guild dungeons of arunafeltz and schaltzward.

Each castle also generates treasures, those appear in a special room accessible only to the castle owner (guild leader). Everyday a certain number of chest will appear, calculated as follows:

(Economy/5) + 4 = Number of chest spawned.

The retro castle's treasures are calculated as follows:

(Economy/6) + 2 = Number of chest spawned. Number of chests spawned is rounded down to a whole number, with a cap eco of 60.

The chests will be selected at random from all the castle chests available (we wanted to ensure that our lower number of castles does not hinder access to any items.) Economy can be raised by investing in the castle, a maximum of 2 investment per day is possible (can only be done by the guild leader). The content of the chests are customized in heRO, and are listed in the following section.

Note: In the rare occurrence of a server crash or if a reboot occurs before you had time to pick up the treasures, chests will NOT be spawned back.

WoE Points

When you sign up at the WoE Agent (She looks like the PvP NPC) before or during WoE in front of the castle, you will gather 1 WoE point each minute you are in one of the current WoE Castles, with these points you can collect rewards by speaking to the WoE agent.

Note you will not collect any points if you are in a castle but have not signed up at the WoE Agent.



  • 1 Point = 5 War White Potion
  • 5 Points = 5 War Blue Potion

Battle ground Key

  • 40 Points = 1 Battlegrounds Key


  • 100 Points = 1 War Shield
  • 400 Points = Elven Warrior Crown
  • 400 Points = Elven Warrior Headband
  • 400 Points = Elven Warrior Circlet

Be a Monster

  • Will be updates soon with more information*
  • 2000 = Be a monster

More info on the WoE Points page.

WoE Rewards- Chest Contents

Treasures in heRO are customized as follow:

Treasure Chest 1 3 5 7 9-

  • Yggdrasil Berry 75%
  • Yggdrasil Seed 90%
  • Old Card Album 30%,
  • 3 Carat Diamond 100%
  • Gold 4.5%
  • Coat[1] 24%
  • Thief Clothes[1] 15%
  • Chainmail[1] 15%,
  • Saint's Robe[1] 15%

Treasure Chest 11 13 15 17 19-

  • Yggdrasil Berry 75%
  • Yggdrasil Seed 90%
  • Old Card Album 30%
  • 3 Carat Diamond 100%
  • Gold 4.5%
  • Guard[1] 24%
  • Buckler[1] 15%
  • Shield[1] 15%
  • Mirror Shield[1] 15%

Treasure Chest 21 23 25 27 29-

  • Yggdrasil Berry 75%
  • Yggdrasil Seed 90%
  • Old Card Album 30%
  • 3 Carat Diamond 100%
  • Gold 4.5%
  • Muffler[1] 24%
  • Manteau[1] 15%
  • Heavenly Maiden Robe[1] 15%
  • Silk Robe[1] 15%

Treasure Chest 31 33 35 37 39-

  • Yggdrasil Berry 75%
  • Yggdrasil Seed 90%
  • Old Card Album 30%
  • 3 Carat Diamond 100%
  • Gold 4.5%
  • Shoes[1] 24%
  • Boots[1] 15%
  • Greaves[1] 15%
  • Mink Coat[1] 15%

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Blade[4]
  • 6% Odin's Blessing[1]
  • 3% Life Link[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Composite Bow[4]
  • 6% Wool Scarf[1]
  • 4.5% Drooping Cat[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 45% Fuuma Shuriken Daisharin[4]
  • 15% Critical Ring[0]
  • 4.5% Drill Katar[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 12% Formal Suit[1]
  • 4.5% Battle Hook[1]
  • 3% Feather Beret[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Violin[4]
  • 6% Wool Scarf[1]
  • 3% Harp of Nepentis[2]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Rope[4]
  • 6% Tidal Shoes[1]
  • 3% Stem of Nepentis[2]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 6% Divine Clothes[1]
  • 4.5% Barrage Fist[4]
  • 4.5% Stunner[2]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 6% Divine Clothes[1]
  • 4.5% Tracker's Dagger[3]
  • 3% Orcish Axe[4]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Ashura[3]
  • 6% Ninja Suit[1]
  • 3% Bazerald[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 4.5% Freezing Bow
  • 4.5% Gale Bow
  • 4.5% Earthen Bow

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Jur[3]
  • 12% Specialty Jur[4]
  • 4.5% Kandra[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 4.5% Survivor's Rod[1] (Int)
  • 4.5% Survivor's Rod[1] (Dex)
  • 4.5% High Quality Sandal[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 12% Mage Coat[0]
  • 4.5% Survivor's Manteau[0]
  • 3% Sage's Diary[2]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Apple of Archer[0]
  • 15% Long Barrel[1]
  • 6% Sheriff's Manteau[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 6% Stone Buckler[1]
  • 6% Odin's Blessing[1]
  • 4.5% Sacred Mission[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 6% Divine Clothes[1]
  • 3% Masamune[0]
  • 0.06% Helm of the Sun God[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 15% Jewel Sword[0]
  • 15% Gaia Sword[0]
  • 15% Zeny Knife[0]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 6% Wolfheiden[1]
  • 6% Tidal Shoes[1]
  • 3% Valkyrja's Shield [1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 12% Spiky Band[0]
  • 6% Tidal Shoes[1]
  • 4.5% Naga Scale Armor[1]

Treasure Chest

  • 3.99% Bloody Branch
  • 100% Dead Branch
  • 100% Oridecon
  • 100% Elunium
  • 15% Tribal Solidarity
  • 2.4% (God Item Ingredient)
  • 24% Book[3]
  • 6% Wool Scarf[1]
  • 4.5% Glittering Jacket[1]

Statistical Analysis for items that only drop from 1 chest:

The chance of obtaining a 24% drop item within any one chest: 0.6% The chance of obtaining a 6% drop item within any one chest: 0.15% The chance of obtaining a 4.5% drop item within any one chest: 0.11% The chance of obtaining a 3% drop item within any one chest: 0.075% The chance of obtaining a tidal/wool/divine within any one chest: 0.45% The chance of obtaining an odin's blessing within any one chest: 0.30%

To obtain the percentage of getting at least one of the drop item within one treasure chest session instead of per chest, use:

1-{[1-(chance of obtaining that item within one chest in percent)/100]^(number of chests you are expecting)}

eg: chance of getting valk shield if a castle owner has 10 chests

1-{[1-(0.075)/100]^10} = 0.74%

So castle owner has a 0.74% to get at least one valk shield in one night if his/her castle produces 10 chests. (this number is true for any equipment that drops at 3% here)

WoE Times

unauthorized usage of addHtml extension. to see your time zone against the server time zone select your location then choose Montreal/New York.


Eastern (EST) time, server local time. GMT -5 (Montreal, Toronto, New York, Boston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington DC) Wednesday from 9 PM to 10 PM Sunday from 2 PM to 4 PM

Central (CST) time, GMT -6 (Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Memphis, Mexico City, New Orleans, Manitoba, Saskatchewan) Wednesday from 8 PM to 9 PM Sunday from 1 PM to 3 PM

Mountain (MST) time, GMT -7 (Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Alberta) Wednesday from 7 PM to 8 PM Sunday from 12 (noon) to 2 PM

Pacific (PST) time, GMT -8 (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, British Columbia) Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM Sunday from 11 AM to 1 PM

GMT -3 (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia) -> with no daylight saving Wednesday from 10 PM to 11 Pm Sunday from 3 PM to 5 PM

Europe: +1 hour to all times during daylight saving

Western Europe (WEST) time, GMT +1 (Ireland, Portugal, UK, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark) Thursday from 2 AM to 3 AM Sunday from 7 PM to 9 PM

Central Europe (CEST) time, GMT +2 (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Finland) Thursday from 3 AM to 4 AM Sunday from 8 PM to 10 PM

Eastern Europe (EEST) time, GMT +3 (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine) Thursday from 4 AM to 5 AM Sunday from 9 PM to 11 PM

Asia/Australia: -> with no daylight saving

GMT +7 (Bangkok, Saigon) Thursday from 8 AM to 9 AM Monday from 1 AM to 3 AM

GMT +8 (Hong kong, Singapore, Shangai) Thursday from 9 AM to 10 AM Monday from 2 AM to 4 AM

GMT +9 (Tokyo, Seoul) Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM Monday from 3 AM to 5 AM

GMT +10 (Melbourne) Thursday from 11 AM to 12 (noon) Monday from 4 AM to 6 AM