Easter Quest - 2013

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Quest 1: King Ernst has asked Annabelle to organize another Bunny Hunt this year. Complete her missions to gain points, then spend those points for prizes! Compete with the other players on the server and see if you can be one of the top 3 point collectors!

Quest 2: Pandelina has received a magic fairy chicken that lays special Easter Eggs under the right conditions. Help her provide food, drink, and comfort for Chicko to receive prizes!

Easter Quest - 2013

Base Level:


Job Level:


Job Class:


Skill Requirements:



May be helpful for some of the harder missions

Items (Consumed):

Quest 1 - Decorated Easter Egg
Quest 2 - variation of any of the following (you will NOT need ALL of these!):

  • 3 Rainbow Carrot
  • 5 Grilled Mushrooms
  • 2 Sesame Pastry
  • 2 Chewy Ricecake
  • 15 Angel Fish
  • 3 Orange Juice
  • 15 Blue Potion
  • 5 Chocolate Drink
  • 5 Pina Colada
  • 5 Green Beer
  • Live Coal
  • Burning Heart
  • Lava
  • Burning Hair
  • Flame Heart
  • Glacial Heart
  • Ice Cubic
  • Aquamarine
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Frozen Rose

Items (Not Consumed):



Varies (warp NPC)

Quest Prerequisites:


Other Requirements:



Base Experience:

Varies by level

Job Experience:

Varies by level


Quest 1:

  • Easter Basket (automatic)
  • Token of Ziegfried (automatic)
  • Random Past Easter Gear (bought with points)
  • Assortment of Chocolate (bought with points)
  • Chance Rewards (bought with points)
  • Easter Bunny Pet (bought with points)

Quest 2:

  • 5 Magical Easter Egg
  • 1 Old Card Album

Quest 1

1) Talk to Annabelle in Prontera. She will explain how the missions work.

2) Agree to try her Bunny Hunt missions.

3) Select a mission level (the levels correspond to both the difficulty and the number of Bunny Points you will receive)

4) Collect a Decorated Easter Egg (either by purchasing one from Annabelle for 5,000 zeny or hunting the Wild Bunnies hopping around towns). You can collect as many eggs at once as you want; each mission requires 1 egg.

5) Go to the location Annabelle assigned to you and locate the Easter Bunny NPC on the map (they move around!)

6) Click on the Easter Bunny with a Decorated Easter Egg in your inventory to complete the mission successfully.

7) Return to Annabelle within the hour to receive your Bunny Point(s). If you do not return to her within the same hour in which she assigned you the mission, you will fail the mission, so watch that clock!

8) Continue going on missions to build up your stash of points. When you've gotten 20 points, you will automatically receive the new Easter gear, Easter Basket, as well as 1 Token of Ziegfried.

9) You may now continue to amass points, which can then be spent by talking to Annabelle and choosing the "Spend Bunny Points" option.

10) Special prizes will be awarded to the people who end the event with one of the top 3 point totals. (See the Easter Decree 2013 forum post for details.)


There are 20 easy missions, 16 medium missions, and 12 hard missions, for a total of 48 possible missions. Below is a list of known missions:

Easy Missions:

1) Veins Field 4 (ve_fild04)
2) Toy Factory Warehouse (xmas_dun01)
3) Byalan Island Dungeon 2 (iz_dun01)
4) Rachel Grass Land 4 (ra_fildl04)
5) Mjolnir Coal Mine (mjo_dun01)
6) Amatsu Tatami Maze (ama_dun01)
7) Geffen Dungeon F2 (gef_dun01)
8) Ice Cave F1 (ice_dun01)
9) Orc Dungeon 2 (orcsdun02)
10) Payon Dungeon 2 (pay_dun01)
11) Sphinx F2 (in_sphinx2)
12) Orc Dungeon 1 (orcsdun01)
13) Labyrinth Forest F2 (prt_maze02)
14) Comodo North Cave (beach_dun2)
15) Prontera Culvert F2 (prt_sewb2)
16) Ant Hell F1 (anthell01)
17) Prontera Culvert Sewer 1 (prt_sewb1)
18) Moscovia Les Forest (mosk_dun01)
19) Comodo East Cave (beach_dun3)

Medium Missions:

1) True Poring Island (poring01)
2) Payon Cave F5 (pay_dun04)
3) Thanatos Tower F2 (tha_t02)
4) Magma Nogg Road F1 (mag_dun01)
5) Glast Heim Chivalry F2 (gl_knt02)
6) Brasilis Dungeon F2 (bra_dun02)
7) Turtles Village (tur_dun03)
8) Louyang Dungeon F3 (lou_dun03)
9) Gonryun Dungeon F3 (gon_dun03)
10) Inside Pyramid F4 (moc_pryd04)
11) Niflheim Valley of Gyoll (nif_fild02)
12) Amatsu Underground Shrine (ama_dun03)
13) Clock Tower F2 (c_tower2)

Hard Missions:

1) Dimensional Gorge (moc_fild21)
2) The Ruins of Juperos (juperos_02)
3) Thor’s Volcano F3 (thor_v03)
4) Rachel Sanctuary F5 (ra_san05)
5) Kiel Robot Factory F2 (kh_dun02)
6) Inside Ancient Ayothaya Shrine (ayo_dun02)
7) Bio Laboratory F3 (lhz_dun03)
8) Fairy Paradise (fairy_dun01)

Rewards 1

See Seasonal Gears for information on the Easter Basket and other past Easter gears.

Everyone who reaches 20 points will receive the Easter Basket and Token of Ziegfried. After that, the following options become available from Annabelle's "Spend Bunny Points" list:
1) Past Easter gear (60 pts) - selected randomly from the choices below:

  • Pink Bunny Hat
  • Blue Bunny Hat
  • Lunatic Hat (different from the one that drops from monsters)
  • Bunny Top Hat
  • Moon/Jade Rabbit Hat
  • Rabbit Earplugs
  • Rainbow Coloured Eggshell
  • Yummy Chocolate
  • Easter Hat

2) Assortment of chocolate (1pt) - chance item that gives you various chocolate consumables
3) Chance Rewards (3 pts) - gives you a random chance item (such as OBB, OPB, Hatter Voucher, etc.)
4) Easter Bunny Pet (25 pts) - gives you a cute Easter Bunny pet

Quest 2

This quest can be completed once per character.

1) Talk to Pandelina. She tells you about the magical fairy chicken she was given that lays Easter eggs. He doesn’t eat and drink the same things as normal chickens, and she needs your help to make him feel well enough to lay eggs.

2) Agree to help.

3) She’ll tell you Chicko is hungry. You need to bring her one of the following options:

  • 3 Rainbow Carrot
  • 5 Grilled Mushrooms
  • 2 Sesame Pastry
  • 2 Chewy Ricecake
  • 15 Angel Fish

4) Bring the items of your choice to Chicko and feed them to her.

5) Talk to Pandelina again. Now Chicko is thirsty. You need to bring her one of the following options:

  • 3 Orange Juice
  • 15 Blue Potion
  • 5 Chocolate Drink
  • 5 Pina Colada
  • 5 Green Beer

6) Bring the items of your choice to Chicko and feed them to her.

7) Talk to Pandelina again. Now Chicko needs to be at a comfortable temperature. Depending on whether she is cold or hot, you will need either:

  • Live Coal
  • Burning Heart
  • Lava
  • Burning Hair
  • Flame Heart


  • Glacial Heart
  • Ice Cubic
  • Aquamarine
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Frozen Rose

The number of items will vary. For example, I used 8 Glacial Hearts and 1 Lava. Just keep giving her one item at a time until she's comfortable.

8) Once Chicko is comfortable, Pandelina will give you 5 Magical Easter Eggs and 1 Old Card Album

Rewards 2

Known drops from the Magical Easter Egg item are:

  • Lovely Choco-Tart
  • Chocolate Mousse Cake
  • Cookie Bag
  • Hand-made White Chocolate
  • White Chocolate