Traditional Weapon Quest

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Traditional Weapon Quest

Base Level:


Items (Consumed):

Keris Hilt:

  • 25 Comodo Leathers
  • 1 Log


  • 1 Keris Hilt
  • 40 Comodo Leathers
  • 10 Steel
  • 10 Rough Oridecon


100,000 (For Enchanting Only)

Quest Prerequisites:

Dewata Legend

Other Requirements:

Dewata Legend



1 Keris

Main Quest

1. Talk to Gatti at Dewata Field 01 127 240.


2. Gatti will ask that you tell him the name of the place he's at. Typing in either "Dewata", "dewata", "Dewata Island", "dewata Island" will work.

3. If you haven't done the Dewata Legend Quest, he will ask that you be recognized by the Jaty Tribe, meaning you must complete up to around step 9 of the quest.

4. If you've done up to Step 9 of the Dewata Legend Quest, Gatti will ask you to find 25 Comodo Leathers. These can be obtained from Comodo

5. Return to Gatti after collecting the 25 Comodo leathers and he will create a Keris Hilt for you.

6. Talk to him again and he will ask for 40 Comodo Leathers, 10 Steel, 10 Rough Oridecon, plus the Keris Hilt you obtained earlier to create the weapon.

7. Give Gatti the items and he will finally create a Keris for you.

Creating Keris

1. Once you've helped Gatti create his first Keris, he can forge more for you, just talk to him and select "I need another Keris".

2. He will then ask for 25 Comodo Leathers and 1 Log to create a Keris Hilt. (If you already have one then he will proceed to list the items required for the Keris itself.)

3. To forge the Keris, Gatti will ask for 40 Comodo Leathers, 10 Rough Oridecon, 10 Steel, and a Keris Hilt.

Note: You can make more than 1 Keris Hilt or Keris as long as you don't have it on your inventory.

Keris Enchants

If you've completed the main quest, you can ask Gatti to make the weapon stronger. He will ask 1 Keris and 100,000 Zeny for each enchant attempt.

Each enchant attempt will have a chance to endow Slot 3 and 4 of the weapon with an enchant.

Slot 3 may receive any of the following enchants:

  • +1, +2, or +3 STR
  • +1, +2, or +3 AGI
  • +1, +2, or +3 VIT
  • +1, +2, or +3 INT
  • +1, +2, or +3 DEX
  • +1, +2, or +3 LUK

Slot 4 may be endowed with any of the following enchants:

  • +1% or +2% ATK
  • +1% or +2% MATK
  • +25, +50, or +75 Max SP
  • +100, +200, or +300 Max HP
  • +3 DEF or +3 MDEF
  • +3 Perfect Dodge
  • +3 CRIT
  • +6 Flee
  • +1% ASPD

Note: There is a 60% chance to get any stat on slot 3, and a 3.33% chance to get one specific stat.

Note: There is a 45.7% chance to get any stat on slot 4, and a 2.85% chance to get a specific stat.