Guild Storage Quest

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Guild Storage Quest

Base Level:


Job Class:




Items (Consumed):

  • 10 Storage Crystal
  • 1 Union of Tribe




Quest Rewards:

Access to Guild Storage

There is said to be a lady in the Kafra Headquarters in Al de Baran who can unlock guild storage. Approach her as the guild master of a guild and see what she needs done!

(Optional) 1) Talk to any Guild Admin in Al de Baran, Geffen, Payon or Prontera and ask them about guild storage.

2) As the leader of a guild that does not already have guild storage, head to Al de Baran and go to the northwest corner of the city. (Around 59,222) This is the location of the Kafra building. Head into the right warp

Guild Storage 1.png

3) Inside, walk forward until you see an NPC named Guild Admin Rep (148, 243). Speak to her.

Guild Storage 2.png

4) You are told to have the following two skills:

  • Approval
  • Contract with Kafra

You can get both of these by the time you get guild level 3! So get those two skills if you don't have them.

5) When you return to the Guild Admin Rep. she rechecks the skills, but then tells you that you need some items!

  • 10 Storage Crystal (WoE Agent)
  • 1 Union of Tribe (Levia Lusca, Eralia, Turtle General, Castle chests)
  • 500k zeny

The WoE Agent can be found outside any of the castles that are currently active for the War of Emperium. When you speak to the warper, he will tell you which castles are active when you go to warp to a woe castle. In order to purchase any of her goods, you need War Points. War points can be gotten from being in a castle during War of Emperium, or from the Heroic Battlegrounds!

Return to the Guild Admin Rep. with everything and she'll unlock guild storage for you. Now if you speak to the Guild Admin in Al de Baran, Geffen, Payon or Prontera, you will be able to open your guild's storage for 500z each time. You can also ask to set a password on your storage To protect the items inside!