Chem-Aid Shield

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Chem-Aid Shield [1]

Chem-Aid Shield [1]
Id #: 8337 Chem-Aid Shield [1] A chemically reinforced shield that enhances the alchemical properties of various solutions.
Chem-Aid Shield [1]
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
4 0 80 Yes 70 Shield Alchemist
  • Increase resistance to the Curse status by 20%
  • Using Chemical Protection Weapon will also cast Increase Agi on the target. Increase Agi is casted at a level equal to the user's mastery of Learning Potion (minimum 1).

[Chem-Aid Coat & Chem-Aid Shield & Chem-Aid Muffler & Chem-Aid Kit Equip Set]