Red And Blue Fairy Wings

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Red And Blue Fairy Wings



Quest Prerequisites:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:




A Carandel guard at the blocked northeast exit says his girlfriend was the fairy in charge of creating the iconic red and blue fairy wings from the fairy auctions. He indicates she has retired, but can still create the wings if you ask her.


1. Requires 100 fairy reputation points to start this quest.

2. The wing crafter will ask for assistance, but give a time limit of 4 hours. You must meet her demands in time or you will fail the quest, lose reputation points, and have to restart again from scratch.

3. The wings can be crafted multiple times upon the completion of the quest.

The hints and locations, as given to the player by Lorelei, are:

"Odhran's usually at the beach with his kid. Ask around Marasmius." He's in fae_fild03,244,71. To get Odhran to join the party, he will ask you to find his kid's baby sitter at fae_in02,49,76 to see if she can take care of him on such short notice. She will agree, but asks for 50k zeny from the player. Once done, Odhran repays the zeny and agrees to join the party.

"Sappho is in Morroc helping rebuild the city." Sappho's at morocc,237,118 on a recovery effort to Morroc, bringing food to children. She asks for 15 Bun (Bao), and will then agree to join the party since her work for the day is done.

"Arielle is supposedly on a trip to a place called Crystal Shore." Arielle is in cshore,118,156 (west end of town), and asks for nothing in particular.

"Pearl goes on adventures often, she's probably gathering Ment around Tessera." Pearl is in fae_fild09,190,297 wants 3 ment before she can join the party.

"Enri likes books. Last I heard, he was going to explore a big library in Glast Heim Castle." Enri is in Glast Heim Castle (gl_cas01,72,281), and asks for no particular item to join the party.