Rekenber's Shadow

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Rekenber's Shadow

Other Requirements:

100 Fairy Reputation Points


Base Experience:


Job Experience:



1~2 +10 Stat Foods

Rekenber is trying to buy a plot of land from someone in the bay, but the land owner's friends, two avid allegiance members, try to convince the man that Rekenber is dangerous.

1. At the East Coast's bay area, on the easternmost side (fae_fild04 341 98), there are 3 people arguing, trying to convince a fairy named Tierney. After inquiring to Tierney what's going on, you can talk to one of two NPCs to proceed, depending on your allegiance.

Neutral Allegiance

If you belong to neither the Light or Dark Allegiance, you may talk to either the Concerned Man or Indignant Woman to continue with the quest.

Light Allegiance

2. If you're in the light or neutral allegiance, you can talk to the Concerned Man, Irven. He will ask you to complete the Einbroch Murder Quest and return to him. Note: On HeRO, it is not necessary to complete the Factory quest to proceed with the Murder Mystery quest. Simply talk to Zelmeto at the factory when you're at the appropriate step to continue.

3. Once the quest is complete, return to Irven, who will want to talk to Buender Hikeman personally. If you've completed the quest prior to starting this one, proceed to the next step.

4. Go back to Buender Hikeman at Einbech (he should have moved slightly from his original location). After a conversation, Irven will want to return to Tierney.

5. Talk to Tierney outside his house at the bay. Tierney and Irven will go talk to Buender Hikeman at Einbech and want you to join them again.

6. Return to Buender Hikeman one last time, and Tierney will finally be convinced. Proceed to the end of the quest, step 7.

Dark Allegiance

2. If you're in the dark or neutral allegiance, you can talk to the Indignant woman, Nebula. She will ask you to complete the Biolabs Entrance Quest and return to her.

3. Once the quest is complete and you have access to bio labs through the Lighthalzen slums' sewer, return to Nebula, who will want Tierney to see the labs for himself. If you've completed the quest prior to starting this one, proceed to the next step.

4. Talk to Nebula and Tierney at the sewers leading up to the bio labs, and they will venture inside.

5. Enter the lab from the sewer, and talk to them. They are not far from the entrance (lhz_dun02 209 39). Tierney will finally be convinced. Proceed to the end of the quest, step 7.

Quest Resolution

7. Go back to the eastern bay. Tierney, Irven, Nebula are there, with the corporation representative. Talk to Tierney, and he'll reject the businessman's offer.

8. After the businessman leaves, talk to Tierney again, who along with Irven and Nebula, will thank you for the help, and reward you with the following:

  • 10 Million Base/Job exp
  • 100 fairy reputation points
  • 1 random +10 stat food, or 2 if you've turned in Pixie's Letter at tessera.
  • 15 Light or Dark Allegiance Points, or 3 gift boxes if you're neutral.

After the quest is complete, you can find Tierney and Nebula in Carandel and Tessera respectively, where you can assist them to obtain fairy reputation points and certain stat foods.
