Faeheim Reputation Rewards

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Faeheim Reputation Rewards



Quest Prerequisites:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:




Gossiper Laurianna: An adventurer who often helped other fairies got to meet Pixie in person! She gave him a signed letter that grants him special benefits in some parts of Faeheim. Guess being nice has its perks!

At 1,300 fairy reputation points or higher, a guard in Carandel will inform you Queen Lucretia wants to talk to you. She's located at Pima River (fae_fild07, 169,119). Once you find her, she will reward you with 1 pet from the Faeheim Region.

At 1,500 fairy reputation points or higher, the guard will inform you Pixie is in Marasmius wants to talk to you. When you find her, she will reward you with the Pixie's Letter item.

Once you reach the maximum amount of reputation in Faeheim, 2,000 reputation points, the guard will inform you both Pixie and Lucretia want to talk to you again. They are in Fortuna. Lucretia will reward you with another pet, and Pixie will reward you with a special costume, and a few other items.


1. These rewards are not repeatable. You can, however, gain reputation points on another character to receive these rewards again.

2. At 1,500 reputation points, you are likely already receiving full benefits of the Faeheim Region, and therefore may not need Pixie's Letter on that character anymore. It is, however, useful to use on another character in the account to bypass some restrictions in Faeheim quests & features.

3. You will not get another pixie letter if you already used one on the character you obtained 1,500 points with. This may be changed in the future.