Rainbow Scarf Quest

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Rainbow Scarf Quest

Items (Consumed):

  • 1 Scapulare [1]
  • 15 Fabric
  • 15 Glitter Shell

Base Experience:


Job Experience:



Rainbow Scarf

Quest Rewards:

20 fairy reputation points

1. Flaga, located northeast of town square in carandel (carandel 121 170), wants to create a rainbow scarf using iridiawood leaves, but only them leaves from the trees growing in rainbow woods. You must gather a set of items as well.

2. You must travel to Rainbow woods (fae_fild10), to the pond in the center, where rainbow willow trees known as iridiawood grow. Click on their trunks, and you'll be able to collect leaves. Each time you collect leaves you'll obtain a random amount of leaves, from 5 to 15.

3. Once you obtain 100 leaves from the iridiawood trees, return to Flaga with the items required to receive 1 Million Base/Job exp, 20 fairy reputation points, and a rainbow scarf lower headgear. Note: this quest is not repeatable.