Chinese New Year Quest - 2014

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This seasonal quest is currently unavailable on heRO.
When it becomes available again, this notice will be removed.

Chinese New Year Quest - 2014

Base Level:


Items (Consumed):

3 Medicine Bowls
10 Panacea
20 Venom Canine
50 Green Herb
2 Poison Bottle
15 Live Coal
10 Trunk
20 Coal
5 Turtle Shell
1 Stone of Sage
50 Poison Spore
10 Poisonous Powder
15 Poisonous Toad Skin
20 Horseshoe
1 Reins
3 Authoritative Badge


Varies (mostly for warp NPC)


Base Experience:

Varies based on level

Job Experience:

Varies based on level


  • 1 Yin Headdress/1 Yang Headdress
  • 2 Red Envelope
  • 1 Wrapped Mask
  • 1 Old Card Album1
  • 20 Firecracker
  • 1 Damp Card Album2

1 Only if you complete the quest by March 1, 2014.
2 For 99 base 70+ job level characters.

Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year! The Spirit Animals of the Chinese Zodiac are in trouble again, and their liason Xin Ying needs your help! Complete the quest to earn a "Yin Headress" (female) or "Yang Headdress" (male) and other rewards. The quest will be available all year, but there will be an Old Card Album awarded to any players who complete the quest by March 1, 2014.



1) Walk north from the Louyang Kafra and talk to Xin Ying to begin. He will enlist your help in searching for this year's guardian animal, the Horse.

2) Find the Horse in Louyang Field (lou_fild01 342, 162). It will quickly become clear that he's been poisoned and is in need of medical attention.

3) Return to Xin Ying and explain the situation. He says he'll go check it out fast. When he says fast, he means FAST! Talk to him again to get the ingredients list for the antidote:

  • 3 Medicine Bowl
  • 10 Panacea
  • 20 Venom Canine
  • 50 Green Herb
  • 1 Poison Bottle

Poison Bottles can either be crafted by Assassin Cross characters, purchased from vendors, or farmed at a low drop rate from Iara in Brasilis Dungeon. Or you can fight Hollow Poring, if you're feeling ambitious.

4) Bring Xin Ying the items and he'll start working on the antidote. Speak to him again and he'll ask you to complete the Horse's mission while he's recovering. In order to come up with some idea of where the Snake might be hiding, he wants to try fortune telling. He'll need some supplies:

  • 15 Live Coal
  • 10 Trunk
  • 20 Coal
  • 5 Turtle Shell

5) Bring him what he needs, and he'll begin the ritual. The results are pretty vague; he divines that the Snake is hiding among other snakes on an island between life and death.

6) It turns out the "island" is a little landbridge out near the Dimensional Gorge, in Morroc Field 13. It's lush and green on one side ("life") and dismal desert on the other ("death"). There are various ways to reach it, but the easiest is probably the route from Prontera. You just have to go four maps south, but you have to be VERY careful about which portals to go through (see map below for help). The Snake can be found on the greener side of the bridge (moc_fild13 200, 262).

Route to the Snake NPC. Click to enlarge the map.

7) The Snake is in a weakened state and asks you for items to help speed along his recovery:

  • 1 Poison Bottle
  • 1 Stone of Sage
  • 50 Poison Spore
  • 10 Poisonous Powder
  • 15 Poisonous Toad Skin

8) Return with the items for a few words of gratitude and a note that it's about time you checked back with the Horse.

9) Go check up on the Horse to find that he's gotten much better. He'll ask you to go look for the Snake, but you already did that. He's not as thrilled as you might expect, though, when you tell him how you helped out. He starts giving you the silent treatment.

10) Return to see Xin Ying and relay the whole story. He suggests helping the Horse boost his power to compete with the Snake's. It's worth a try...

11) The Horse will talk to you now, and he's had the same idea as Xin Ying. He needs the following:

  • 20 Horseshoe
  • 1 Reins
  • 3 Authoritative Badge

12) Give him the items and he'll search for the Snake. He'll also warn you to prepare for battle. Note: You may need to wait for a while to move on to the next step. The amount of time needed depends on whether someone else is already in the battle arena.

13) Once the allotted time has passed and you feel you're ready, talk to the Horse again. You will be warped automatically to an arena where the two Zodiac animals face off (with your help, of course) in an epic power struggle! You will have 10 minutes to fight several waves of snake monsters.

  • Round 1 - Boas
  • Round 2 - Anacondaqs
  • Round 3 - Side Winders (Horse will provide buffs and heal)
  • Round 4 - Nagas (trans 85+ characters only; Horse will provide buffs and partial heal)

If you succeed, you will move on to step 14. If you lose, you will have to collect another 20 Horseshoes, 1 Reins, and 3 Authoritative Badges to replenish the Horse's strength to try again.

14) Phew! With the Horse firmly established as the victor, you will return to Xin Ying so he can shower you in gifts and praise!


See Seasonal Gears for information on the headdresses.

  • 1 Yin Headdress/1 Yang Headdress
  • 2 Red Envelope
  • 1 Wrapped Mask
  • 1 Old Card Album1
  • 20 Firecracker
  • 1 Damp Card Album2

1 Only if you complete the quest by March 1, 2014.
2 For 99 base 70+ job level characters.