Scheduled Events

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Revision as of 03:58, 13 November 2009 by Ayu (Talk | contribs)

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We try to ensure that there is on average, a total of 7 events within a week, if possible. GMs will also vary the time of when these events occur as much as their real life schedule permits, but there is no guarantee that this is always the case.

PvP Tournaments

There is no schedule PvP tournaments in the upcoming days.

Old Tournaments

heRO Maintenance Temp. High Rate Tournament- Jan 10 09
Sanctuary of Odin PvP Tournament- Nov 8 08
heRO 4th anniversary trans team tournament- Oct 17
heRO 4th anniversary non-trans team tournament- Oct 18
heRO 4th anniversary baby single tournament- Oct 19

Daily Events

Daily Events in heRO are spontaneous and usually do not have an advanced warning until 15-30 minutes before the time of the event. They are usually run in style of mini-games by the GMs and have no continuous aspect to other Daily Events.

For a list of the Daily Events that may be hosted in heRO, click on this link for details.

Chronicle of the Heroes Events

Unlike Daily Events, heRO's "Chronicle of the Heroes- heRO Roleplay" events are continuous and follow the server's roleplaying plot line in Chronicle of the Heroes. Often these events are inter-related, and may rely on what happen in a previous event to tackle the problems presented in another event. Players action may have an effect on the general story. Chronicle of the Heroes Events may be spontaneous or announced in advance.

Ch.2.1- Last Line Defense Nov 21st 1 PM

Monthly Trials of Heroes

This is perhaps the largest event within heRO every month, allowing heroes to enter various contests to do their very best to obtain many prizes and even unique gears. For more information regarding this event, see the related link for Trials of Heroes

The next Trials of Heroes event is TBA

Muspel Mondays

The gate to Muspelheim opens depending on which week of the month that it is.

  • 1st Monday of the month: 10 AM Server Time
  • 2nd Monday of the month: 2 PM Server Time
  • 3rd Monday of the month: 6 PM Server Time
  • 4th Monday of the month: 10 PM Server Time
  • 5th Monday of the month: 2 AM Server Time

For details about this weekly automated event, click here.

Great Fairy Auction

The Great Fairy Auction has resumed! Do you have enough savings for Pixie's next auction?
See this page for details about the Great Fairy Auction.

Next auction is on: TBA

  • Fairies' Might: Red Fairy Wings
  • Fairies' Magic: Blue Fairy Wings
  • Game Master's Grace (GM Service: GMs will do a donation service equivalent of costing 5 dollars for you. Same restrictions apply as normal donation service. You must use up your GM Donation service before the next month's fairy auction or your GM Service will be voided.)

Recent Events

To see what are the recent events, click on the Event Archive