Wanted Fugitives

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Wanted Fugitives

Base Level:





Base Experience:

250,000 for each bounty

Quest Rewards:

50,000 Zeny and 25 Lutia Reputation points

1. Head to the Bounty Guild located in Kaldheim at 168, 83. Talk to the guild receptionist for information about hunting bounties. She will state that when a bounty is deafeated, every party member near the person that landed the finishing hit will capture the target bounty. Each captured suspect will follow you until you take it to the Guard outside of the Lutia Prison (Lutia12 224, 196) where you will be paid for your work. If you are KO'd while a suspect is in your custody, it will escape.

2. Speak to Aran at kald_in 77, 167. She will say that she is too busy to speak.

3. Accept any of the Bounty quests for the Wanted Posters located in the same room. Each bounty hunt will immediately begin to attack you the moment you get within a few cells of them. After you defeat them, take them to the Prison Guard in Lutia12 to receive 250,000 base experience, 50,000 zeny, and 25 Lutia reputation points.


  • Erland is located one map south of the Crystal Shore in Lutia11 at 109, 33.


  • Jaques is located in The Norther Fortress, in Lutia13 at 161, 53 at the bottom of the map.


  • Nuruddin is located in the Lutia Mines at 187, 117. He is hidden at a dead end on the east side of the mines in the middle.


  • Solfrid is located in the Loneyly Shore, one map west of the prison, in Lutia14 at 344, 95. She is hidden in a small grove just above the entrance of the map.


  • Marius is located in the Silver Wastes, one map east of Lutie, in Lutia03 at 56, 360. He is at the most north-west part of the map beside a small house.


  • Edna is located near the coal mines, two map east of Lutie, in Lutia04 at 286, 201. She is in the center of the map.

4. After you've completed all the bounties, you can return to Aran to receive 1 Polar Bear Cap.