Class Mechanic Changes

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Below are all changes directly to the class skills. Note that heRO also has a lot of custom gears that may interact with skills in different ways, but changes here apply to all players regardless of their gear choices.

Acolyte Class

Increase Agility

  • The skill no longer has a cast requirement of 15 HP

Thief Class


  • It is now possible to steal items in a monster's item slot 8, 9 and 10, which is utilized in heRO but not by official monsters.
  • Previously, heRO followed official behavior where you cannot steal a card. You can steal cards again.

Blacksmith Class

Maximize Power

Maximize Power is not removed upon death

Unfair Trick

  • New effect: reduces the cost of Mammonite (and Throw Zeny) by 10% per level
  • New effect: reduces the cost of Cart Termination and Maximum Overthrust by 10% per level beyond the first level of this skill
  • Unfair Trick cannot lower these skills beyond a cost of 1 zeny, regardless of level

Alchemist Class

Summon Marine Sphere

  • When hit by the skill Cart Revolution, Marine Sphere will also attempt to detonate immediately
  • When hit by the skill hit by Fire Bolt, Marine Spheres will detonate instantly, with no cast time.
  • When hit by the skill Magnum Break or Demonstration, they will cast snap/body relocation to any cell within a 9x9 area, and detonate 2 seconds after.

Emergency Escape (Lif Homunculus)

  • Cooldown changed so that Level 1~3 has 5 Second Delay, Level 4 - 20 Second Delay and Level 5 - 25 Second Delay

Mental Change (Lif Homunculus)

  • Cooldown changed to 3 seconds

Castling (Amistr Homunculus)

  • Cooldown changed to 30 seconds at all levels

Fleet Move (Filir Homunculus)

  • Cooldown changed to 55+5*Skill Lv seconds

Overclock (Filir Homunculus)

  • Cooldown changed to 55+5*Skill Lv seconds

Taekwon Class


  • New effect: on a BG map, Run immediately grants the strength bonus instead of initiating the Run movement

Soul Linker Class


  • New effect: Kaina cannot lower sp cost of skills to be lower than 1, regardless of the level of Kaina learnt. This is a safety measure and is not noticeable by normal means.

Ninja Class

Unfair Trick

  • New effect: reduces the cost of Ninja's Throw Zeny by 10% per level
  • Unfair Trick cannot lower these skills beyond a cost of 1 zeny, regardless of level
  • Note that Ninja cannot naturally learn Unfair Trick skill by leveling.

Super Novice Class

  • You can now class change to a Super Novice at base level 15 instead of 40

3rd Class Skills

All 3rd class skills (which are only used by monsters, and are currently not available to players, even via custom items or cards) deal 50% damage per level, with all extra variables for damage calculation removed. Exceptions to this are listed below.

  • Duple Light: both its physical and magic portion now scale by 10% per level, starting at 100%
  • Jack Frost: if target is affected by Frosty Misty, then damage is doubled
  • Comet: The 4 damage zone changes by 200/150/100/50% (200 being ground zero) per skill level damage instead of the original scaling
  • Chain Lightning: Base matk follows "standard" heRO formula of 50% per level. Chain Lightning Chain bonus damage is adjusted to [50 × (Max Chain count ? Chains)]% (which is halved from the original formula). If the chaining target of Chain Lightning is above 9, the chain bonus damage is capped as if the chain is at 9
  • Earth Grave: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Cursed Soil effect, are removed
  • Diamond Dust: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Cooler effect, are removed
  • Poison Buster: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Cursed Soil effect, are removed
  • Psychic Wave: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Cursed Soil/Heater/Cooler/Blast Mine effect, are removed
  • Varetyr Spear: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Blast Mine effect, are removed
  • Cloud Kill: all extra variables for damage calculation, except for Cursed Soil effect, are removed
  • Eraser Cutter: all extra variables for damage calculation are removed
  • Sonic Wave: base damage follows heRO 3rd class standard, but range formula is kept in tact
  • Ignition Break: scaling based on damage zone is now 150/100/50, no longer affected by base level. Elemental fire bonus is kept
  • Storm Blast: still scales depending on int, but the constant factor is now 50 instead of 100 (effectively half damage compare to official formula)
  • Phantom Thrust: no longer has level based scaling
  • Arms Cannon: 75% per level for medium, 100% per level for small, 50% per level for large. Skill also no longer has base level scaling
  • Axe Tornado: wind damage bonus and distance penalty is kept
  • Earth Shaker: damage against invisible or hiding enemies are doubled
  • Tiger Cannon: no change to the formula except that it has no base level scaling
  • Knuckle Arrow: kept all interactions, except that it's 50% per level on both portion of base damage and collision damage
  • Ride In Lightning: wind weapon will double damage
  • Cross Strike: additional damage is kept

General Mechanics Change

Status Changes

  • Burning Status now has a minimum duration of 3 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
  • Deep Sleep, Stasis, Marsh of Abyss statuses now have a minimum duration of 3 seconds instead of 5 seconds.
  • Frosty Misty status now has a minimum duration of 3 seconds instead of 6 seconds.