List of Available Towns
The following is a list of accessible Towns in heRO.
Most of these towns are accessible via Warper NPC. Additionally, towns that are Renewal in official servers might not be fully populated with NPCs or have Quests, if there are any. These quests will be added later on after modifications are made to ensure they are balanced for heRO's pre-renewal mechanics.
[hide]- 1 List of Available Towns via heRO's Warper
- 1.1 Prontera
- 1.2 Alberta
- 1.3 Aldebaran
- 1.4 Amatsu
- 1.5 Archer Village
- 1.6 Ayothaya
- 1.7 Beacon Island
- 1.8 Brasilis
- 1.9 Caerulia (Faeheim)
- 1.10 Carandel (Faeheim)
- 1.11 Comodo
- 1.12 Crystal Shore (Lutia)
- 1.13 Dewata
- 1.14 Einbech
- 1.15 Einbroch
- 1.16 Farsat (Lutia)
- 1.17 Fortuna (Faeheim)
- 1.18 Geffen
- 1.19 Gonryun
- 1.20 Hugel
- 1.21 Izlude
- 1.22 Kaldheim (Lutia)
- 1.23 Lighthalzen
- 1.24 Louyang
- 1.25 Lutie (Lutia)
- 1.26 Malangdo
- 1.27 Manuk
- 1.28 Marasmius
- 1.29 Midcamp
- 1.30 Mora
- 1.31 Morroc
- 1.32 Morroc Ruins
- 1.33 Moscovia
- 1.34 Niflheim
- 1.35 Payon
- 1.36 Poring City
- 1.37 Rachel
- 1.38 Splendide
- 1.39 St. Capitolina Abbey
- 1.40 Tessera (Faeheim)
- 1.41 Umbala
- 1.42 Veins
- 1.43 Yuno (Juno)
List of Available Towns via heRO's Warper
Below is the list of available towns, along with a short description on how to unlock it.
This should be a default for most characters. If you ever need to get to Prontera, the brother/sister duo will warp you there for free. I’m not going to spend much time on all of the Kafra ways of warping here, or even walking here. This is the capital of the game. You should know this and have it unlocked.
Talk to the Kafra lady in Prontera or Morroc and use her warp service. She will warp you to the bottom center of Alberta. The warp duo is in the upper left corner of the city map.
Start in Geffen. Talk to the Kafra lady near the fountain and use her teleport service.
She will teleport you almost barely out of the way of the duo. Walk a bit to the west (left), and you’ll be able to see them.
Start in Alberta and head off to the docks.
Hunt down the NPC named “Sea Captain”. He’s on the east side of the docs on the second pier. Say that you want to go to Amatsu and ride his boat. The duo will be right off of the boat for you to see.
Archer Village
Start in Payon.
Walk to the NE map exit.
In the NE of that map, there is a small pond/lake. The duo is standing to the west of the pond/lake.
Start in Alberta.
Head off to the docks. In the furthest SE corner of the docks is an NPC named “Aibakthing”. Select the option to go to Ayotaya. Head north and then east following the path to find the warp duo.
Beacon Island
Start in Comodo
Talk to the Kafra lady and use the option to warp to “Comodo Pharos Beacon”. She will drop you straight on the beacon island warp and the duo will be on the screen.
Start in Alberta, and head to the docks.
In the east side of the docks, on the very top there is an NPC “Crewman” agree with him to travel to Brasillis. Head into the center of the map to find the warp duo NPCs.
Caerulia (Faeheim)
Start in Fortuna.
North of where you are warped in from Alberta, or South of where the warp duo are, there is an NPC fairy named “Caerulia Envoy”. Talk to her and pay to travel.
Once warped in, walk north to find the warp duo.
Carandel (Faeheim)
Start in Fortuna.
Talk to the Kafra and select the Carandel option. The warp duo will be where you warp in.
Start in Morroc.
Talk to the Kafra lady and warp to Comodo. She will warp you really close to the duo. Walk to the north west (upper left) from where you warp in and you will run into the duo.
Crystal Shore (Lutia)
Start in Lutie.
Talk to the Kafra lady and select the teleport option. Select the “Crystal Shore” option. The NPC duo will be visible from when you warp in.
Start in Alberta, and head off to the docks!
Find the NPC near the boat in the upper parts of the dock named “Dewata Sailor” and agree to go with him to Dewata.
Walk up north to the center of the map to find the warp duo.
Start in Einbroch.
To the East side of the map, find the NPC, "Train Station Staff". Grab the train to Einbech.
Walk to the center of the map, and you will find the warp duo.
Start in Juno.
Go to the airport that has two airships. The NPC to the right has a warp to Hugel, Einbroch, and Lighthalzen. Board the airship.
Get off on the stop for Einbroch. Walk into the airport, and talk to the “arrival staff” so that you can leave the airport. Once outside the building the duo will be right outside.
Farsat (Lutia)
Start in Lutie.
Talk to the Kafra lady and select the teleport service. Select the Farsat option.
Fortuna (Faeheim)
Start in Alberta.
Go to the docks. Talk to the NPC that looks like a fairy. Say that you want to travel to Faeheim. Walk north from the docks that you are warped to. The warp duo will be just north.
Talk to the Kafra lady in Prontera and use her warp option.
She will warp you to the center south of the fountain in Geffen. The duo is just north of the fountain. Walk around it and you’ll find them.
Start in Alberta and head off to the docks.
Find the NPC named, “Kunlun Envoy” agree to go to Kunlun. Once you’re off the boat, go to the center warp in the map. This will lead you to the Gonryun map. Once on that map, head towards the center of the floating islands to find the warp duo.
Start in Yuno.
Go to the airport that has two airships. The NPC to the right has a warp to Hugel, Einbroch, and Lighthalzen. Board the airship. Get off on the stop for Hugel. Once off the airship, walk down the ramp and to the west to the center of the city. The warp duo will be there.
Talk to the Kafra lady in Prontera, and use her warp option. She will warp you to the town. The duo can be found in the center of the map.
Kaldheim (Lutia)
Start in Lutie.
Talk to the Kafra employee and select the teleport option. Select the Kaldheim option.
Start in Yuno.
Go to the airport that has two airships. The NPC to the right has a warp to Hugel, Einbroch, and Lighthalzen. Board the airship. Get off on the stop for Lighthalzen. Walk through the airport, and talk to the “Arrival Staff” NPC to leave the airport. Once outside of the airport, go west and follow the pathways to the warp duo.
Start in Alberta.
Head off to the docks in the bottom right corner. Talk to the NPC, “Girl” (she’s standing on the bottom dock on the east side). Ask to go to Louyang, and take the warp. Once off the boat, head one map north through the mantis and mi gaos (soils), to get to Louyang. From the entrance of the city, walk north and the warp duo is waiting for you there.
Lutie (Lutia)
Start in Alberta.
Talk to the santa girl and agree to be sent to Lutia. Take one map to the NE (upper right corner) and then one map N (up) to be in Lutie.
Start in Alberta.
Find the Cat Sailor NPC and agree to go to Malangdo. From here, walk north to find the warp duo. They’re in the lower center of the paw.
Start in Midcamp
Do the New World fishing quest (so you can avoid the maps of mobs killing you on the trip). Talk to the Cat Hand Agent, and select the warp option. Select Manuk. The warp save girl is not visible when you walk in, but if you walk south just a bit you can find her.
Start in Fortuna.
Talk to the Kafra employee. Select the Marasmius warp. The warp duo will be just a hair north of where you warp in.
This is part of the new world, which is locked behind a quest (or a very kind person willing to give you a warp to mid camp) to start this off. Refer to the heRO quest guide of the exact same thing - Onward to the New World Quest
The killing the monsters part of the quest, you do not have to kill all 50. I lazily killed 30 while walking around, and came back to the NPC late, and still managed to get to midcamp.
To help out with later quests, I HIGHLY recommend that you talk to the Cat Agent by the center, and start the cat agent quest of mining and fishing. This will make warping available, which will also make finding the maps you want easier. With 6 points of fishing (which can be doable within one day next to the NPC) will unlock Manuk, Splendide, and Mora.
Start in Midcamp
Do the New World fishing quest (so you can avoid the maps of mobs killing you on the trip). Select the teleport option, and then select the Mora option. Walk a bit north to find the warp duo.
Talk to the Kafra lady in Prontera and use the warp option.
She will warp you to the southern part of Morroc. Walk north to find the duo.
Morroc Ruins
Start in Morroc.
Walk to the NW corner of the Morroc map. In the center of that map is the duo for the Morroc Ruins.
Side note – this is a FAR better map than Morroc, because within your save point you have access to all NPC’s you need, and even multiple NPC vendors. It’s a personal favorite of mine that doesn’t get used that often, but has everything close by without having to travel around to find things.
Start in Alberta.
Go to the docks and find the NPC called, “Moscovia P.R. Officer”. Select the option to go to Moscovia. Walk to the center of the map to find the warp duo.
Start in Umbala. There are two options you can bungee jump to your death to speed pass all the way to Niflheim, but that requires a quest to understand the NPCS in Umbala ( If you finish the quest, you can talk to the NPC that allows you to try to bungee jump. You will either land at the bottom of the bungee, or directly warp to Niflheim with 1hp. Bring heals.
If you do not want to do the language quest, there’s quite a walk. From Umbala, go one map north into the Umbala dungeon. Make your way to the center of the map, to go to the next level of the Umbala dungeon. In level 2, make your way again to the middle of the map to get to the Ygg tree. The Tree has no minimap, but you need to walk east. Warp to the second layer of the tree through a bamboo hut, and continue NE. That will bring you to a field outside Niflheim, exit to the NE corner. One more map to go! Exit to the east.
Once through the warp the warp duo is waiting for you right there.
Talk to the Kafra lady in Prontera and use the warp option. She will warp you outside the gates of Payon. Walk north and you will find the duo to unlock the map.
Poring City
This one is a bit different, you start on a dungeon map. Start on Old Poring Island, and have a drops doll in inventory.
Walk to the NE of the map and talk to the poring NPC “Bloop”. Agree to go to Poring City. Head north from where you are warped in to find the warp duo.
Start in Izlude
In the bottom right corner there is an airship. Board the airship. One of the stops on the airship is the Rachel stop. When the announcement comes that it is the Rachel stop, exit the airship to get off in Rachel.
When you are off the airship, you will be one map away from the city. You need to walk west one map over. Once in the city, walk to the center of the map. The duo will be just a bit south of the center fountain.
Start in Midcamp
Do the New World fishing quest (so you can avoid the maps of mobs killing you on the trip). Talk to the Cat Hand Angent. Select the warp option. Select Splendide, and the warp duo is right there.
St. Capitolina Abbey
Start in Prontera. Travel one map east, one map north, and then two maps east. Once to the grounds of the abbey, head to the center of the map to find the warp duo.
Tessera (Faeheim)
Start in Fortuna.
Talk to the Kafra employee and use her warp option. Select the Tessera map to warp to. Walk east from where you warp in to find the warp duo.
Start in Comodo.
Talk to the Kafra employee, and Select the option for Umbala. The warp duo is down the stairs to the SE of where you warp in.
Start in Rachel.
Talk to the Cool Event Corp Staff NPC – NW of the center fountain. He has a teleport option. Select the option for Veins.
Yuno (Juno)
Start in Aldebaran.
Talk to the Kafra lady and warp to Juno.
Walk north from where she warps you, and the duo will be to the Northwest of the circle of NPC’s standing around (That’s where the [[Zodiac_Gate_Quest]||Zodiac Gate Quest] is).
Alternate option – start in Izlude. Walk to the bottom right hand corner where there is an airship. Walk in the airship. One of the stops on the airship is Yuno. Once in Yuno you will have to walk to the center of the map to the map duo.