Styla Disguise Quest

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Styla Disguise Quest

Job Class:




Items (Consumed):

20 Black Hair
20 Blue Hair
20 Burning Hair
20 Glossy Hair
20 Golden Hair
3 White Dyestuff


Base Experience:


Job Experience:


Quest Rewards:

1 Gold
Female: Felinus Wig
Male: Lupus Wig

Styla needs your help for a BIG upcoming party on the 31st of October! Won't you help her out?

Note: This quest is only available in October.

Styla Location.png

1. Visit Styla in Prontera and agree to help her. Styla will ask you to bring her a lot of hair!

3. She'll need:

  • 20 Black Hair (Sohee, Bacsojin, Wanderess)
  • 20 Blue Hair (Kobold Leader, Kobold Archer, Kobold)
  • 20 Burning Hair (Explosion, Archlogi, Imp, Kasa, Headless Mule)
  • 20 Glossy Hair (Miyabi Doll)
  • 20 Golden Hair (Eralia, Violy, Marionette)

4. After bringing her the hair, she'll thank you and ask for 3 White Dyestuff to dye all the different hairs to the same color.

5. After giving her the White Dyestuff, she'll ask you if you can come back later. Simply talk to her again and she'll give you the end result of your hard work!

She'll give you a Felinus Wig if your character is a Female.
She'll give you a Lupus Wig if your character is a Male.

6. Continue the quest by talking to her again. She'll ask you to put on the wig for her.

After talking to Styla again she'll thank you and she'll tell you that you can keep the wig since she made two of them! She'll also reward you with 1 Gold.

Costume Lupus Wig
Id #: 10697 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Lupus Wig A hairy wig.


  • Obtainable from the Styla Disguise Quest only in October.
Costume Lupus Wig
Costume Felinus Wig
Id #: 10696 Location:
Costume Upper
Costume Felinus Wig A wig with cat ears on it.


  • Obtainable from the Styla Disguise Quest only in October.
Costume Felinus Wig