Double Wing Effect
The Double Wing Effect is a term given by players to the special property of Wing gears in heRO server.
[hide]General Properties
The Double Wing Effect is a result of the unique property of Wing gears in heRO being both a lower headgear and an armor. In short, it results in the following effects:
- Any headgear card or armor card can be slotted in these Wings
- Any card slotted will be counted as if there are two of that card in these Wings (the "Two Card Effect")
- Each "+1" upgrade counts as a "+2" (thus if a wing is +10 in upgrade, it is effectively +20)
- All effect in the Wings' script is applied twice (usually reflected in the description).
The first property is very straightforward. Not only are you able to use armor cards, you can also slot in a headgear card in the wings so that you have a wide pool of selection to choose from for what to slot inside the Wings. There isn't much confusion about this first property of the Wings accepting both headgear cards and armor cards. It is the second property that causes all the confusion.
The Two Card Effect
All of the slotted wings — Baby Angel Wings [1], Baby Demon Wings [1], Zodiac Wings[1] and the Light/Dark Allegiance Gears from the monthly event, Trials of Heroes — possess this special effect. The Zodiac Wings is of special importance in this matter, as many players initially dismiss the Wings as weak and lacking in defensive power. This is because the lack of other bonuses are necessary to balance out the unique Double Wing Effect that it carries while being relatively easy to do the quest time after time, in comparison to the only other alternative to gain access to the Double Wing Effect, which is through winning Trials of Heroes multiple times.
Since any card slotted will be counted as if there are two of that card in your Wings, any card inside your Wings will be applied twice. For example, a Peco Peco card in your Zodiac Wings will be treated as if you have two of that card. So you have a +10% max HP, and another +10% max HP for a total of +20% max HP instead! Double Wing Effect is equivalent to other servers that allow you to slot 2 cards in their armor or headgear, but you chose to slot two of the same card inside the equipment.
Be aware that this does not work only on any positive effects, but any negative effects as well. For example, a Succubus card in the Wings will decrease your Vit by 6 (instead of 3) and your HP recovery will decrease by 40% instead of 20%. The Double Wing Effect applies to both positive and negative effects.
Not a Double Effect
The first major confusion is the difference between applying an effect twice, and doubling the effect of a card inside the Wings. In our previous Peco Peco example, the effect does seem to have been doubled from 10% max HP bonus to 20% max HP bonus. However, the difference appear when we use the Garm card as an example. Garm card provides a 50% chance of freeze. If the effect is doubled, we expect a 100% freeze chance, but this is not the case. You will find that it's still possible for freeze to miss with a Garm card inside your Wing gears.
This is because it is treated as if you have 2 Garm cards in your armor, and the effect is applied twice. The game decides if the target is frozen by a 50% chance (1st Garm card), then if the freeze fails, it goes through another test of 50% chance to freeze again (2nd Garm card.) In mathematical terms, the chance of Garm card succeeding with Double Wing Effect is treated as (2-0.5)*0.5 = 0.75 (75% freeze), and not a direct doubling of effect, like 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 (100% freeze).
Effects are not directly multiplied by two, but instead takes a cumulative effect. Peco Peco card also takes a cumulative effect, but according to the game mechanics, max HP % bonus is calculated using your max HP without any gears. The 2nd Peco Peco card generated by the Double Wing Effect doesn't take into account what is your new max HP due to the first Peco Peco card, but rather looks at your original HP without any gears. Thus, the commonly used Peco Peco card gives the illusion of a direct double in the card effect. One can clearly see that any card effect that gives a direct increase or decrease also seem to be directly doubled, but for any percentage based card effects (with exceptions, such as Max HP/SP) like status infliction with a Pest card, the effect is cumulative and is applied twice.
Card Combos in Wings
The game treats you as having 2 of the same card in the equipment slot. If you are wondering if you gain an entire card equipment combination bonus applied twice on you for Wings, in most cases you may be disappointed. If you want to get a card equipment bonus twice, you will need 2 copies of every card in the combination. For example, having Succubus card in your Wings, and Incubus card in your Ulle's Hat will not give you the card combination bonus twice. However, if you equip a Sunglasses with Incubus card slotted inside it, then you will receive the card combination bonus twice, because there is two copies of Succubus card (both in Wings) and two copies of Incubus card (one in Ulle's Cap, the other in Sunglasses.)
Upgrade Effect
This applies to the lower generation of the ToH Wings and a few other wings such as Flower Wings, and the 2 Fairy Wings from the Great Fairy Auction which are all refinable. As the property describes, each +1 is equal to +2, and each +2 is equal to a +4 and so on. Each refine gives double their worth in the amount of defense that it goes up with.