Ferre's Playground

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Ferre's Playground

Base Level:

1 (lv 80+ as a party recommended)

Job Level:


Job Class:

Any Class


No (Need to be in a party but can be a party of 1)

Quest Prerequisites:


Other Requirements:




Costume Diabolic Headphones

2 Pumpkin Candy Holder

Additional reward may vary. See quest details.

Basic Info

The starting point of this quest is in Tessera (134, 180). If you have 25 Faeheim Reputation Points, then you'll overhear 2 Fae children talking about fairies moving to the old, abandoned Hunter's Guild in Payon.

It's recommended to have Google on standby for part of the quest if you are not "musically inclined."

The quest will eventually lead you to have access to Ferre's Playground instance by the same name as the quest. You do NOT need to complete the entire instance to finish the quest. You need to defeat up to Room 4 out of 13 to rescue the Bard. Talk to him and he offers to lead you back to Payon to complete the quest. At this point, you no longer need to proceed further into the Instance for the quest. Be warned that Room 5 and beyond are substantially harder than the first 4 rooms, since they are not needed for quest completion. Rooms 5 to 13 are meant for high-end instance dungeons for their difficulty.

Whenever you leave the dungeon, if you have defeated Room 4 or above, be sure to go back to the entrance of the Instance and talk to one of the Ferre's there. Ferre will give you additional rewards, based on how far you have entered the instance. This part of the reward is repeatable, once per opening of the instance.

Quest Procedure

1. Walk to the Fairy Children to trigger the dialogue.


2. Go to Payon (186,233) and enter the building, then enter the first room on the right.

02FerreMap.png 02PayonKeyA.png 02PayonKeyB.png

3. Talk to the NPC inside, they will tell you to find the Hunter Guildmaster.


4. Go to the Archer's guild at Payon Archer Village (142,162) and enter the room on the right to find the guildmaster.


5. The Guildmaster will ask you for "evidence"


6. Go to Payon Town and gather the "evidence" from the following NPCs:

  • Drunkard at Payon (210,110)


  • Woman at Payon (249,156)


  • Young man at Payon (134,211)


After talking to all 3 of them you will get a dialogue box saying you have gathered enough evidence

7. Return to the Guildmaster in Archer's Guild to get the Key


8. Go to Pay_Fild10. You can use warper service (Dungeons --> Ferre's Playground) There will be a signpost at (148,252). Click on it to enter the Old Hunter's Guild

08FerreWarp.png 08FerreMap.png 08OldHunterGuild.png

9. Once inside, walk straight until you see a desk. You need to trigger dialogue box on 3 spots

  • Go to the desk on the left


  • Approach the boxes in the Center


  • Go to the desk on the right


Once done with all 3, walk back towards the exit and talk to the Ferre there



  • "I'm looking for a missing Bard"

and then

  • "Yes"

to play a game of Hide-and-seek with the Ferre.

10. The Ferre Will be Hiding in a random spot in Pay_Fild10. You need to find her 3 times to proceed to the next step.

11. After finding her 3 times, go back to the Old Hunter's Guild Signpost and talk to the Ferre. Tell her "Sure, I guess" to proceed to the next step


12. Go to Pay_Fild10 (273,324) and talk to the Piano.

12PianoMap.png 12PianoFerre.png

The Game is as follows:

  • The Ferres surrounding the pianos all represent a single musical note/key
  • The piano will tell you a musical chord
  • You pick which musical note/key is involved in the chord, and tell the respective Ferre to play the note
  • After you ask all the required Ferres to play, talk to the piano to finalize your answer
  • You have to do this 4 times, and will need to redo from the start if you fail a chord

Instance Info

Note: the first 4 rooms can be completed by well-equipped non-trans lv 80 characters, or a duo of only moderately geared trans characters.

Room 1

Room 1 is to find the Right Ferre disguising as plants, and slay(?) it

Note : need confirmation on whether slaying is required, or simply finding will do

Room 2

Room 2 is to find the right Ferre from all the "Ferre?" mobs

Room 3

Room 3 is to avoid being touched by the superspeed Ferres and reach the portal on the top left side of the room. The Ferres avoid all attacks, physical and magical

Room 4

If you talk to the Bard, he'll warp you back to Payon and give you the quest reward, Costume Diabolic Headphones. You can use the warper to go back to the instance if you wish, or go find him on your own in Payon after you've finished exploring the instance.

Room 5

Note: From this point onward, the difficulty of the instance is designed for a team of trans characters.

Room 6

Room 7

Room 8

Room 9

Room 10

Room 11

Room 12

Room 13


Talk to one of the Ferre at the entrance to pick up your reward after you've exited the instance.

For defeating Room 4, you may get 1 of the following:

  • 25% to get 1 Pumpkin Candy Holder
  • 25% to get 1 Small Elunium Box
  • 25% to get 1 Small Oridecon Box
  • 25% to get 5 Faeheim Reputation Points

For defeating Room 8, you may get 1 of the following:

For defeating Room 12, you may get 1 of the following:

For defeating Room 13, you may get 1 of the following:

All rewards are cumulative and every party member earns their individual reward! Defeat the instance with a large party and everyone will be rewarded handsomely!

During heRO's belated Halloween celebration, you also get additional items. You may get 1 item out of either the common, uncommon or rare item pool. The chance to get an item from each pool varies depending on how far you have gone in the instance (minimum defeating Room 4.) The chance of common, uncommon and rare distribution are as follows:

  • Defeating Room 4: 90%-9%-1%
  • Defeating Room 8: 75%-23%-2%
  • Defeating Room 12: 50%-47%-3%
  • Defeating Room 13: 30%-63%-7%

The items in each pool are:


  • 2 Old Green Box
  • 1 Gold
  • 5 Allegiance Token
  • 1 Bloody Branch
  • 5 Old Purple Box


  • 1 Past Halloween Gear Box
  • 1 Zombie Card
  • 1 Pumpkin Mojo
  • 1 Halloween Pet Box


  • 1 Costume Diabolic Rock Guitar
  • 1 Gold Bullion
  • 1 OCA