Flower Wings Quest

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Flower Wings Quest

Base Level:

70 (50 to wear wings)

Items (Consumed):

5x Fancy Flowers
25x White Herbs
50x Huge Leaf
15x Sharp Leaf
35x Aloe Leaflet
10x Ment
100x Green Herbs





Flower Wings

The Flower Wings have 6 Base Defence, +20 Magic Defence, are refinable (and thus fall under the Upgrade Rule for Wing Refinement). They have a Weight of 100, a minimum Base Level requirement of 50, are Equippable by all classes, and are equipped on Lower Headgear and Armor, like all wings.

Flower Wing Quest

1. Head to Umbala Dungeon. The entrance is in Umbala, at (109, 284). If you don't have Umbala unlocked, the fastest way there is by Kafra Teleportation (Morroc -> Comodo -> Umbala)

Umbala Dun.JPG

2. Head to Umbala 2, and finally the Yggdrasil Tree. The following is a small map showing the fastest route from floor 2 to the Yggdrasil Tree (alternatively, you can Teleport/Fly Wing)


3. Head to the SECOND screen of the Yggdrasil Tree. This means going fully east on the first screen, and going through the warp. From there, head directly north after the warp, onto a small root. You will find the Flower Lady there.


4. She asks for the following items to create your Flower Wings.

  • 5x Fancy Flowers (Geographer, Dragon Tail, Creamy)
  • 10x Ment (Rafflesia, Red Plant, Sapling, Kapha)
  • 15x Sharp Leaf (Pinguicula, Dryad, Les, Sapling)
  • 25x White Herb (White Plant, Evil Druid, Ghoul, Various other Monsters)
  • 35x Aloe Leaflet (Hermit Plant, Kapha, Grove, Kraben, Les)
  • 50x Huge Leaf (Leaf Cat, Autumn Leafcat)
  • 100x Green Herb (Goat, Green Plant, Ghoul, Spring Rabbit)
  • 500,000 Zeny

5. Bring the Flower Lady the requested items. She gives you the Flower Wings
