Monster Extermination

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Monster Extermination

Base Level:


Job Class:




Items (Consumed):



Base Experience:

50-69 = 100,000 Base Exp
70-89 = 500,000 Base Exp
90-99 = 1,000,000 Base Exp

Job Experience:

50+ = 500,000 Job Exp

Quest Rewards:

1 Lunatic Card
2 Old Purple Boxes
3 Gold
4 Life Insurance
5 Allegience Points

Monster Extermination is a monthly repeatable quest that is account bound. Try to help Jack and his friends exterminate monsters all around the world of Ragnarok! Jack and his friends are busy people and can only visit certain days of the week. Also, they will never be found each time in the same exact spot on the map, as they move about the map they are located. However, Desmond can be found in the same spot as he fears losing his constant.

  1. Go to Prontera and talk to Jack (Prontera 253, 212).
  2. He will ask you to help him and his friends to kill some monsters and tell you to hunt 250 of an item. He asks that you visit one of his friends while the items are in your inventory. (locations of these at end of guide).
    250 Item Sets:
    • Frying Pans (Magnolia)
    • Broken Needle (Heilozoist)
    • Slingshot (Wootan Shooter)
    • Glossy Hair (Miyabi Doll)
    • Vane (Dumpling Child)
    • Desert Wolf Claw (Desert Wolf)
    • Yellow Plates (Kapha)
    • Pumpkin Lanterns (Lude)
    • Strong Branch (Wood Goblin and Stone Shooter)
  3. Take the item to the next NPC that John told you to visit on the proper day and you'll be told to hunt another 150 of an item, then to take this set to another friend.
    150 Item Sets:
    • Sea Otter Fur (Otter)
    • Dry Sand (Increase Soil)
    • Thin Trunk (Parasite)
    • Solid Peaches (Enchanted Peach Tree)
    • Peco Peco Feather (Grand Peco)
    • Yellow Plates (Kapha)
    • Broken Sword (pasana)
    • Strange Steel Piece (Zipper Bear)
  4. After taking the 150 item set to the proper NPC again, you will be asked to farm 100 more of an item and to take them to one final NPC.
    100 Item Sets:
    • Suspicious Hats (Agav and Echio)
    • Handcuffs (Biolabs Mobs)
    • Burnt Piece (Alicel and Aliot)
    • Old White Cloth (Banshee)
    • Sharp Paper (The Paper)
    • Broken Liquor Jar (Tengu)
    • Bat Cage (Loli Ruri)
    • Horrendous Hair (Medusa)
  5. Finally, once you take the 100 item set to the correct NPC you will be told to return to Jack who will give you your reward. You must then wait until the next month to be able to repeat the quest again by talking to John to restart.

Note: If you do not finish by the end of the month, you will be allowed to start over at the beginning again that next month.

NPC Locations: