Christmas Quest - 2012

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HeRO 2012 Christmas Quest


Christmas Quest - 2012

Base Level:


Items (Consumed):

10 Panacea, 2 Slick paper, 2 Squid Ink, 10 (or more) Wrapping Paper, 10 (or more) Wrapping Lace;


0 to 1.200.000z


Base Experience:

71~75: 500.000
86~90: 2.500.000
91~95: 5.000.000
96~98: 8.000.000

Job Experience:

99 base level/not 70 job: 8.000.000


2 Christmas Firecracker Box, 3 Old Purple Box, (If 99/70 - Damp Card Album);

Quest Rewards:

One of the 3 hats:

  • Santa Poring Balloon
  • Snowman Hat
  • Candy Cane Cap

1) To start the quest, you will need to talk to Pandelina in the middle of Prontera. She'll tell you to talk to Mrs. Claus in Lutie.

Xmas2012Pand.jpg Xmas2012Pandmap.jpg

2) When you first time talk to Mrs. Claus, she'll tell you that Santa is seriously sick, and she needs 10 Panacea.

Xmas2012Claus1.jpg Xmas2012Claus1map.jpg

3) After you bring her Panacea, she'll ask you for something to write notes on. 2 Slick Papers and 2 Squid Inks will do!

4) Next she'll ask you to deliver notes to Green Elf Celadon and Red Elf Crimson. They live in Toy Factory 1 dungeon, and look exactly like Cookie and Christmas Cookie respectively. Only their names differ. And be careful, they wander around! (Albeit, if you'll get a closer look, their moving animations are much faster than normal monsters')

Xmas2012GrElfCal.jpg Xmas2012ReElfCri.jpg

5) After you talk to both elves, you'll find out that they won't work, and only thing you have left to do is return to Mrs.Claus and report.

6) She will tell you to agree and wrap presents yourself. Go talk to any of the elves.

7) They'll tell you that you need 10 Wrapping Lace and 10 Wrapping Paper to wrap present. Here you have a choice to: a)Hunt them yourself from monsters b)Buy from elves. Celadon sells Wrapping Papers at 10k ea, and Crimson sells Wrapping Laces at 10k ea.

8) Next you'll have to find unwrapped presents in Toy Factory 1 and 2. 5 on each floor.
Coordinates of the presents, in case you don't want to/can't load pictures, are in map pictures (2nd column) commentary

Floor 1:
Xmas2012UnwPres1.jpg Present Coordinates: 126,158

Xmas2012UnwPres2.jpg Present Coordinates: 42,161

Xmas2012UnwPres3.jpg Present Coordinates: 242,194

Xmas2012UnwPres4.jpg Present Coordinates: 206,98

Xmas2012UnwPres5.jpg Present Coordinates: 64,44

Floor 2:
Xmas2012UnwPres6.jpg Present Coordinates: 133,198

Xmas2012UnwPres7.jpg Present Coordinates: 202,58

Xmas2012UnwPres8.jpg Present Coordinates: 156,92

Xmas2012UnwPres9.jpg Present Coordinates: 91,57

Xmas2012UnwPres10.jpg Present Coordinates: 21,165

9) Next you'll need to talk to one of the elves again, and you'll get instruction on how to wrap presents:

1) Remove the price tag
2) Unroll a length of Wrapping Paper
3) Place the box upside down in middle of paper
4) Fold the sides of the paper around the box
5) Fold the corners in triangles
6) Tape the bottom and the top
7) Wrap the lace around in a cross pattern
8) Tie a bow on top
9) Curl the lace with scissors
10) Add the card

10) You'll need to head out to Toy Factory 2, North-West corner, where you'll see NPCs named "Step 1", "Step 2" etc. You need to carefully follow the instructions 10(!!!) times yourself OR There's an option to ask elves for help. They'll wrap presents for you for a low price of 100.000z per present.

# of right answer are following: 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1

11) After you get all 10 presents wrapped, talk to Mrs.Claus, and she'll reward you!

For coordinates and option # give thanks to player named Lirr


  • 2 Christmas Firecracker Box
  • 3 Old Blue Box
  • If you're 99/70 (it seems), you'll get Damp Card Album instead of exp

One of the 3 following Hats of your choice:

  • Santa Poring Balloon
Item#: 10682 SantaPoringBalloon.gif

A fun balloon that floats next to you! Made to celebrate Christmas in style!
Copyrights: ?

Santa Poring Balloon
Def: 1 MDef: 0 Weight: 10 Refinable: Usable Jobs: All Type: Lower Headgear Required Level: 70
  • SP Recovery +5%
  • If wearing a Bear Beanie add +1% MATK per refine of the beanie and DEX +3
  • If wearing a Snowman Hat (ID 10640) add +2 ATK per refine of the hat and AGI +3

  • Snowman Hat [1]
Item#: 5738 SnowmanHat2.gif

An adorable snowman on the head! Feel full of winter atmosphere in the air!
Copyrights: Gravity

Def: 4 MDef: 3 Weight: 30 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: All Type: Upper Headgear Required Level: 1
  • STR +1
  • INT +1
  • Increase resistance to Water property attacks by 7%
  • Drop Candy Cane at low chance when hunting monsters.
  • in the future will also drop Buche De Noel at low chance
  • Add a low chance of casting Level 1 Frost Joker on the user when received physical or magical attack.
  • Refine 8~10 changes that to Level 5 Frost Joker

  • Candy Cane Cap
Item#: 10685 Candycanecap.gif

A beanie with a candy cane texture, it even smells like candy cane, it's surpirsingly good for attracting fish and insects!
Copyrights: ?

Candy Cane Cap
Def: 4 MDef: 0 Weight: 30 Refinable: Yes Usable Jobs: All Type: Upper Headgear Required Level: 70
  • Receive 5% more experience points from Fish and Insect monsters
  • Receive 5% less damage from Fish and Insect monsters
  • Increase Physical/Magical damage on Fish and Insect monsters by (1*refine)%

Past Christmas headgears (random one)