HeRO Anniversary Week
It's hard to believe it's been 3 years already, so much has happened, so many people and wonderful experiences. I'm happy to announce (for those who don't know) that the server will celebrate it's 3rd birthday on October 15th 2008. We've got an eventful week planned for our dear heroes our this occasion ^_^ We will make sure to celebrate the server's third birthday with style!

Thanks to Yumera for this pretty drawing ^_^
Better experience
~ Nicer drop rates! The spoiling starts with increased rates for 1 whole week, from Monday Oct. 13th to Sunday Oct. 19th!
5/5/3 -> 7/7/4
Heroic Eventful Moments!
Of course we have events planned, some spontaneous that can happen any time during the week, as well planned ones (see schedule below). From the Fairy Auction, to PVP tournaments, and our inevitable roleplay events!
Note: not all days are filled yet as some GM will only know their schedule on short notice.
Monday 13th Oct. Event of type October Fairy Auction by GM-Ayu at 6:00 PM
Tuesday 14th Oct. Event of type ??? by GM-??? at time xx:xx AM/PM
Wednesday 15th Oct. Event of type Drops Smash + Shop by GM-Pandora at 8:00 PM
Wednesday 15th Oct. Event of type ??? by GM-??? at time xx:xx AM/PM
Friday 17th Oct.heRO Story Nightby GM-Ayu at 12:00 AM
Friday 17th Oct. Non-Trans PVP Tournament by GM-Ayu at 7:00 PM
Saturday 18th Oct. Trans PVP Tournament by GM-Ayu at time 3:00 PM
Sunday 19th Oct. Event of type ??? by GM-??? at time xx:xx AM/PM
Birthday Questing!
We also cooked up a special Birthday Quest accompanied by a unique heRO gear, see Pandelina in center Prontera. The quest is rather short, but that's not necessarily a bad thing considering you got 1 week to complete it. We planned a nicer reward for the Veterans of the server, to show our gratefulness to those who supported the server through the years, but newcomers have not been forgotten either don't worry.
heRO Server ~ Reaching Beyond Infinity!
Last but not least, we have designed our own version of the Infinity Tower which is a new dungeon on the official servers. It's different from the original, but we hope it will be just as fun. For the duration of the birthday week only a GM can open the pathway, but after players will be able to do it too providing they meet certain condition(s). More information on the heRO Infinity Tower to come soon.
heRO Anniversary Birthday Tournament
3 years of training have passed already in the world of heRo! Who will claim the ultimate title to be the best of all Heroes?
Friday Oct 17 7:00 PM (Non-trans division)
Saturday Oct 18 3:00 PM (trans division)
Basic Tournament Setup
- PvP, 1 vs 1 battle
- must sign up at least 2 days in advance in forum regarding using which char you are joining on
- everyone will participate in 5 matches
- win constitutes as 5 points, a tie 3 points, a loss no points
- a player may enter for both division
Trans division defined as: all transcedent classes, Ninja, Taekwon, Star Gladiator
Non Trans division defined as: Non-Transcedent basic 6 classes, Novice, Super Novice, Gunslinger, Soul Linker
(note: if a character from non-trans division want to enter as trans division anyway, that is allowed. However, the reverse is not allowed.)
How to Sign Up: Post within the sign-up thread in the heRO server forums with character name, class, and which division to enter. You may edit your post to change which character to join as long as it's 2 days before the tournament.
Rulings + Details
- No healing/restoration items of any kind during battle (there are exceptions)
- Exception 1: condensed red potion for Lif Homunculus and/or Condensed Potion Pitcher
- Exception 2: orange potion for "Potion Pitcher" skill
- Alchemist classes can use homunculus but cannot resurrect homunculus
- no cute pets
- unlimited green potion/panacea
- unlimited converters and ASPD potions
- stat buff foods allowed but only used during pre-buff period
- unlimited skills besides the mentioned exceptions for alchemist classes, and "Play Dead" novice skill is not allowed
- each battle is 3:00 long
- any skills that doesn't involve movement of the character itself are allowed during prebuff: as long as the player does not move to a new location until the start of the match
- only the following spell scrolls are allowed for scrolls:
- Level 3 Cold Bolt Scroll
- Level 3 Fire Bolt Scroll
- Level 3 Lightning Bolt Scroll
- Level 5 Cold Bolt Scroll
- Level 5 Fire Bolt Scroll
- Level 5 Lightning Bolt Scroll
- Level 3 Soul Strike Scroll
- Level 5 Soul Strike Scroll
- Level 5 Earth Spike Scroll
- Level 3 Fire Ball Scroll
- Level 5 Fire Ball Scroll
- Level 5 Fire Wall Scroll
- Level 3 Frost Diver Scroll
- Level 5 Frost Diver Scroll
- a tie is defined as when both players are standing when time runs out, OR when both players lost all of their hp at the same time OR when both players agreed to a tie during prebuff period
- should someone not show up during their time for PvP session regardless of reason (be it leaving early, D/C), it will constitute as an automatic win for the other person
- if there is more than one person who got the same number of points, there will be extra matches held to determine the rankings
Winner of each battle receives one OBB.
- 1st place pick one item out of any category
- 2nd place pick one item out of category 2, 3 or 4
- 3rd place pick one item out of category 3 or 4
- all who participated and stayed for the entire tourney pick one item out of category 4
Category 1 Trans:
- Hunting Spear[1]
- Sacred Mission[1] +5
- Survivor's Rod[1] +8 (Dex)
- Survivor's Rod[1] +8 (Int)
- Sage's Diary[2] +7
- Double Bound[3] +6
- Oriental Lute[2] +6
- Queen's Whip[2] +6
- Staff of Recovery +10
- Berserk[1]
- Hurricane's Fury[1]
- Heart Breaker[1] +6
- Infiltrator[1]
- Mes[3] +9
- Giant Encyclopedia[2] +8
- Dagger of Counter[0] +9
- Fuuma Shuriken Rekka[0] +9
- Level 10 Cookbook
Category 1 Non-Trans:
- Dragon Slayer[0]
- Brocca[0]
- Wing Staff[0]
- Rudra Bow[0]
- Oriental Lute[0] +7
- Queen's Whip[0] +7
- Grand Cross[0]
- Berserk[0]
- Great Axe[0]
- Guillotine[0]
- Infiltrator[0]
- Sucsamad[1]
- Hardcover Book[1] +7
- Dagger of Counter[0] +7
- Inferno[0] +7
- Stardust Blade[1] +10
- Level 10 Cookbook
Category2 Trans:
- heRO anniversary hat
- Celebration Wings +6
- Meteor Plate[1] +5
- Mage Coat[1] +6
- Sniping Suit[1] +5
- Holy Robe[1] +5
- Glittering Jacket[1] +7
- Odin's Blessing[1] +7
- Ninja Suit[1] +7
- Divine Clothes[1] +9
- Orlean's Server[1] +7
- Thorny Shield[1] +7
- Wool Scarf[1] +7
- Tidal Shoes[1] +7
- Survivor Manteau[0] +6
Category2 Non-Trans:
- Celebration Wings
- heRO Anniversary Hat
- Full Plate[1] +7
- Legion Plate Mail[1] +7
- Mage Coat[1]
- Tights[1] +7
- Saint's Robe[1] +7
- Thief's Clothes[1] +7
- Odin's Blessing[1] +5
- Sheriff's Manteau[1] +7
- Coat[1] +9
- Angelic Guard[1] +9
- Angelic Cardigan[1] +9
- Angelic Protection[1] +9
- Angel's Reincarnation[1] +9
- Angel's Kiss[1] +9
Category 3 Trans:
- Old Card Album
- Hatter Voucher
- Ahlspiess[0]
- Strong Shield[1]
- Survivor's Rod[1] (Dex)
- Survivor's Rod[1] (Int)
- Staff of Piercing[0]
- Luna Bow[2]
- Oriental Lute[2]
- Queen's Whip[2]
- Divine Cross[0]
- Barrage Fist[4]
- Bardiche[2]
- Heart Breaker[1]
- Specialty Jur[4]
- Curved Blade[2]
- Giant Encyclopedia[2]
- Dagger of Counter[0] +7
- Gokurin[0] +7
Category 3 Non-Trans:
- Old Card Album
- Hatter Voucher
- Pike[4] +10 x2
- Trident[3] +7 x2
- Blade[4] +10 x2
- Memory Book[0]
- Composite Bow[4] +10 x2
- Rope[4] +10 x2
- Violin[4] +10 x2
- Mace[4] +10 x2
- Chain[3] +7 x2
- Waghnak[4] +10 x2
- Battle Axe[4] +10 x2
- Main Gauche[4] +10 x2
- Jur[3] +7 x2
- Book[3] +7 x2
- Dagger of Counter[0] x2
- Western Outlaw[2] +7
- Stardust Blade[1] +8 x2
Category 4 for Both Trans/Non-Trans:
- Poring Card
- Elunium x15
- Old Purple Box x3 + Summer Event Suit x10 + 1 Pumpkin Mojo
- Divine Clothes[1]
- Guard[1]
- Buckler[1]
- Shield[1]
- Muffler[1]
- Manteau[1]
- Shoes[1]
- Boots[1]
- Arm Guard[1]
- Sheriff's Manteau[1]