Geffen Dungeon F4

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Geffen Dungeon F4 is an area, which up to 2016, contained very old official spawns, which included, Dark Lord, Baphomet, Lord of Death, Jokers, Succubus, etc. On December 24, 2016, it was revamped and customized.

Access to this level of Geffen Dungeon requires 40 allegiance points.

Spawn Tables

Nightmare - 15 (60 sec)
Ghoul - 15 (60 sec)
Wraith - 20 (5 ~ 10 s)
Wraith Dead - 3 (30s ~ 1 min)
Strigoi - 30 (5s ~ 10s)
Wight - 40 (5s ~ 10s)
Hellion Revenant - 1 (1 ~ 2h)

Monster Info







Wraith Dead

Wraith Dead


Strigoi HP 7820 ATK 400~700 MATK 210~336 Level 52
Def 25 MDef 20 Race Demon STR 30
Exp 14465 Job Exp 10165 Element Dark 1 AGI 30
MVP Exp None ASPD 0.52s/atk Size Medium VIT 8
Speed 185 Stunlock Delay 0.4s Attack Range 1 INT 80
Flee 82 Hit 114 Spell Range 10 DEX 62
#2699 Flee (95%) 189 Hit (100%) 102 Sight Range 16 LUK 4
Pet Availability

Can be tamed with an Ancient Spellbook.


Aggressive, Assist, Cast Sensor, Detector, Change Target, Change Chase

  • Dark Attack Lv 1, Attacking/Chase - Always @ Target, 0s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 10% chance
  • Curse Attack Lv 1, Attacking/Chase - Always @ Target, 0s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 5% chance
  • Snap, Any - Always @ 9x9 Area Around Self, 0.5s Cast Time, 8s Delay, 5% chance
  • Hiding Lv 1, Any - After Using Snap @ Self, 1s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 100% chance
  • Heal Lv 5, Any - While Hiding @ Self, 1s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 25% chance
  • Teleport, Idle/Chase - Rude Attacked @ Self, 0s Cast Time, 3s Delay, 100% chance

Geffen Dungeon F4

  • Strigoi's hiding lasts 30 seconds. It won't attempt to unhide at all once it hides until the duration passes. The usage of Sight or Ruwach is advised.


Wight HP 13545 ATK 630~750 MATK 26~33 Level 56
Def 17 MDef 32 Race Undead STR 5
Exp 24380 Job Exp 18960 Element Undead 2 AGI 26
MVP Exp None ASPD 0.29s/atk Size Medium VIT 34
Speed 250 Stunlock Delay 0.504 Attack Range 1 INT 19
Flee 82 Hit 113 Spell Range 10 DEX 57
#2698 Flee (95%) 188 Hit (100%) 102 Sight Range 16 LUK 23
Pet Availability



Aggressive, Change Target Melee, Change Target, Chase

  • Poison Attack Lv 1, Attacking/Chase - Always @ Target, 0s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 10% chance
  • Poison Lv 3, Attacking - Always @ Target, 0.5s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 5% chance
  • Combo Attack Lv 1, Attacking - Always @ Target, 0s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 5% chance
  • Spirit Destruction Lv 1, Attacking - Always @ Target, 1s Cast Time, 5s Delay, 5% chance

Geffen Dungeon F4


Hellion Revenant

Hellion Revenant HP 286900 ATK 1050~2150 MATK 295~460 Level 88
Def 25 MDef 50 Race Demon STR 1
Exp 372970 Job Exp 301245 Element Undead 3 AGI 80
MVP Exp 50000 ASPD 1.43atk/s Size Medium VIT 50
Speed 150 Stunlock Delay 0.384s Attack Range 2 INT 99
Flee 168 Hit 218 Spell Range 10 DEX 130
#1626 Flee (95%) 293 Hit (100%) 188 Sight Range 12 LUK 99
Pet Availability



Boss, Aggressive, Can Attack, Can Move, Cast Sensor, Detector, Change Target, Change Chase, Change Target Melee, Change Chase Melee

  • Dark Cross Lv10 on target in attack state, 0sec cast time, 10sec cast delay, 50% chance, interruptible.
  • Change Undead Lv5 on target in attack state, 1sec cast time, 30sec cast delay, 10% chance, uninterruptible.
  • Dark Breath Lv5 on target in chase state, 0.8sec cast time, 30sec cast delay, 5% chance, uninterruptible.
  • Grand Cross of Darkness Lv5 on self in attack state when 2 or more players attack, 2sec cast time, 30sec cast delay, 20% chance, uninterruptible.
  • Soul Strike of Darkness Lv10 on target in chase state, 0.7sec cast time, 5sec cast delay, 20% chance, uninterruptible.
  • Darkness Attack Lv5 on target in attack state, 0.5sec cast time, 5sec cast delay, 5% chance, interruptible.
  • Heal Lv10 on self in any state when HP below 40%, 0sec cast time, 5sec cast delay, 100% chance, interruptible.
  • Heal Lv11 on self in idle state when HP below 40%, 0sec cast time, 10sec cast delay, 100% chance, interruptible.
MVP Drops
  • Elunium 100%
  • Old Purple Box 100%
  • Oridecon 100%

Geffen Dungeon F4


Hellion Revenant is an official mob. However, it has been customized on HeRO to become a proper MVP with loot, exp, etc.