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I got suggestions - Printable Version

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I got suggestions - Pyronic - 01-08-2009

2 Suggestions

Icon_smile1= When night time comes can we get like a soul llink effect to make it seem like the moon is shining down?

Icon_suprised2= Is it possible to get Guild Palletes? Wich would mean guild members can use their own palettes? (we would make them ourselfs) I find it would add epic to it. (Not to mention Akuma sign is to badass)

Cry3= Give cast time to hommuns.

Icon_twisted4= Crazy town invasion in Yuno!

Ok5= Open a new castle for WoE. I think the server is getting big eanough.

RE: I got suggestions - Rei Ayanami - 01-08-2009

pardon my confusion, do you mean the blue effect and stuff or the actual soul link, imo the actual soul link everytime it is night would be an overkill.

i like the guild palletes idea, =_______= i will look like a lollipop tho.

RE: I got suggestions - Pyronic - 01-08-2009

Just the blue effect.

RE: I got suggestions - KohakuSan - 01-08-2009

That night effect would be cool. =O

I don't think the Guild pallete is really doable, I mean, they'd have to add a new pallete when any guild want it? Like, I make a guild with 3 people on and then I ask the GMs to add it to the NPC(which isn't REALLY easy). It'd give too much work.

Opening a new castle isn't good either, imo we could even close a castle, it'd make woe even better. We don't have enough people for 4 normal castles + 1 in Aldebaran. WoE would come back to the boredom of precasting for nothing while the action is on only 1 castle, WHEN there was action.

RE: I got suggestions - Pyronic - 01-08-2009

fine so moon effect it is :O right?

RE: I got suggestions - Frogboy - 01-08-2009

actually we could do the guild palettes but limit it to guilds with a level greater than say 10 or so, something that would be a bit challenging for just 1, 2, or 3 people to really accomplish. these guilds would obviously be the bigger, more established and long standing competitors in WoE, and would be limited to about 6 or so different guilds that are actually that competitive on a "large scale."

granted the harder part about it is making all the recolored sprites for each and every class in the game which the guild would take care of obviously, but yeah still not really fun.

the cast time to homuncs i think would require a source code modification, but i am not entirely sure on that, which if so would be another not gonna happen.

the yuno crazy town invasion....i dunno, yuno is a bit too open and big for that i would think. also we have the zodiac quest there which is a pretty huge part of yuno, aside from transing and sage quest =P

the rest i won't really comment on it has no relevance to me really.

RE: I got suggestions - KohakuSan - 01-08-2009

Making the palettes would be the most fun part though. :o

RE: I got suggestions - Frogboy - 01-08-2009

not if you don't like spriting >.<

RE: I got suggestions - KohakuSan - 01-08-2009

*loves spriting/paletting* :D

RE: I got suggestions - Ellie - 01-09-2009

A guild could always pay another player to make their colours.