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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - Viktor - 01-06-2008

Sorry .... I have not used bot .... I left him sitting in the mine stopped and forgot that he had left in the ..... sorry pand... (had to help my mother)

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

You had macro, macro is illegal and you know it (and if not you should).

RE: Ban list - Viktor - 01-06-2008

I am speaking the truth .... sorry please ... I hold that char .... please

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

What are you trying to say?

RE: Ban list - Viktor - 01-06-2008

I do not want to be arrested .... I like to play the hero .... not me arrested ... please

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

Well you were "arrested", caught and sentenced. Why did you macro knowing it's illegal?

RE: Ban list - Viktor - 01-06-2008

Pand .... believe in me, please, I was not using macro ... believe in me .... please

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

You were using macro, undoubtedly. First off you were dead for over 15 minutes according to the miner there. I checked your item count and resed you, checked again and your item count went up. Talked to you no answer, jailed you no answer, but you started moving in the jail cell. 3 squares at a time, at regular interval until you reached the corner of the jail cell, recalled you, you did it again. Kept doing it and still no answer, for over 10 minutes.

You used macro and it's illegal, you got punished for it, next time don't cheat. Duration of your sentence was undecided, now it's permanent for trying to lie your way out of it.

RE: Ban list - Viktor - 01-06-2008

Please do not do this .... I play the hero a long time ... let me continue playing .... please ...

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

Too late, you brought this upon yourself. You can start a new character however, fresh start, no cheating.