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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 04-05-2014

Who: ScoobyDoo + Related
How Long: Eternity
What He/She Did: Failed The Human Test (Botting)

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 04-05-2014

Who: SixHeart + Related
How Long: Forever and Ever
What He/She Did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 04-05-2014

Who: 00-LUST-00
How Long: Getting Tired Of This~ FOREVER
What He/She Did: Bot Bot Bot~

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 04-05-2014

Who: Zoroark
How Long: Eternity
What He/She Did: Botting Again

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 04-05-2014

Who: homeless man
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-23-2014

Who: BuzzCola
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Inhuman behavior

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-24-2014

Who: B&Sproperty
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Same as above

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-24-2014

Who: Hearthsmith, Bbang and ppour
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Following the bad example of how humans do not play.

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-24-2014

Who: Ars^Art''
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Missing all the fun from playing the game (botting).

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-25-2014

Who: Melania + related accounts
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Having it all too easy (botting).