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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 04-30-2014

Who: ICovetDeath, Cast&Run! and related accounts
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Not wanting to become human (botting).

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 05-02-2014

Who: Shintenteki, Grimer & related accounts
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Dancing completely like a robot (botting).

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 06-09-2014

Who: Seshykun Asura / Gazarias Executo
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Impersonating another player to steal items, double clienting.

Who: =Krest=
How Long: 1 day + apology and explanation via Support Ticket system
What He/She Did: involvement in impersonation

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 06-12-2014

Who: Hiroshima
Punishment: Deletion of character
What He/She Did: AFK leveling homunculus

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 07-07-2014

Who: Adder + Related
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 09-10-2014

Who: Static Electric
How Long: 24 hours - Must submit an apology Support Ticket, without it, they will not be unbanned.
What He/She Did: Hindering/Interfering with a Player while MVPing.

Who: ~Gannicus~
How Long: 24 hours - Must submit an apology Support Ticket, without it, they will not e unbanned.
What He/She Did: Mob Dropping players while they were MVPing.

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 09-10-2014

Who: xXurbandubXx, xXsaydieXx, xXmableXx + Related Accounts
How Long: Forever
What He/She Did: Multiple Bottings.

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 09-28-2014

Who: That Vagina Farts!
How Long: 24 hours + Apology via Support Ticket
What He/She Did: Inappropriate Name.

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 12-26-2014

Who : Ghost52 + Related
How Long : Forever
What He/She Did : Multiple accounts of botting.

RE: Ban list - GM-Garr - 03-03-2015

Who: Marco 720, ~Carmen~
How Long: 1 week + Until apology ticket is sent
Why: Trying to sell items for real money.