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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-04-2016

Who: V i r u s
How Long: Until Mystra acquires all the Infinity Stones.
Why: Botting. All of the botting. This robot in particular was trapped in a rift between Niflheim and Muspelheim.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-04-2016

Who: Irina Derevko, J e s u s, G i l g a m e s h, H i t l e r
How Long: Until Aerith lives again
Why: Quad-Clienting, Botting. The four robot invaders were sent to Kiel Hyre for research purposes.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-19-2016

Who: Sheam
How Long: 10 Days
Why: Cheating

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-08-2016

Who: Cait~, Insidefreak, Debris, and all related accounts
How Long: 1 Week + Apology via support ticket
Why: Abusing moderator powers to jail vendors and people in Prontera.

The player in question has had their moderator abilities stripped from them.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 07-22-2016

Who: Announcement, o shuzine o
How Long: 9999
Why: GM Impersonation, Spamming players with sites, offering rewards if players visit

Also, as a reminder: GMs will not ask for your account info, or other personal information.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-13-2016

Who: You Are The One Me
How Long: Until time is undone
Why: GM Impersonation

Reminder: GMs will not ask for your account info, zeny or other personal information.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-14-2016

Who: The Man Who Can't Be
How Long: Until Pangaea Ultima Occurs
Why: GM Impersonation. His body was shown no mercy.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-30-2016

Who: Man Who Can Move On
How Long: Until we can all move on
Why: More Impersonation. The body was sent to Kiel Hyre for research purposes.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 09-01-2016

Who: Method-Strike
How Long: As this is very likely a stolen account, the real owner of the whitesmith "Meth" must send in a support ticket with proof he's the owner of the account, asking for an unban.
Why: GM Impersonation / Safeguarding the account

There's been reports of players receiving emails from pandora@hero.com and the like, with promises of making people into GMs if they download certain programs (Teamviewer). Do not be tricked. This is not Pandora or anyone from the GM team.

GMs will not ask for your personal information, passwords, or tell you to download any program such as Teamviewer. If you encounter anyone claiming to be a GM, please send a support ticket right away.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 09-08-2016

Who: DisconnectedFromGame
How Long: Until Eudoxie turns over a new leaf
Why: GM Impersonation

See above post for more info on GMs and impersonators.