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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-07-2016

Who: Immker, Never Say Die For Me
How Long: For Freaking Ever
Why: GM Impersonation

Reminder: GMs won't go around asking you for your personal information, Id Est: Game Account Info (Passwords), personal banking info, etc, etc, etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-07-2016

Who: Laetz, Come With Me Darling
How Long: Until The Fourth Ragnarok Cycle Ends
Why: Deity Impersonation (See Above Post)

Reminder: See Above Post's Reminder

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-11-2016

Forum Unban Note

Sekaru, previously banned from forum approximately 8 years ago (See here) requested an unban from Pandora, who agreed.

He can freely log his forum account and post now.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-28-2016

Who: sn1pa
How Long: Until Hestia and Erebos are no longer enemies
Why: Illegal Kiel D-01 Sanctioned Transhumanist Modifications (Botting)

Who: DankeyKang
How Long: Until Nereus takes full control of the Light Allegiance
Why: Illegal Kiel D-01 Sanctioned Transhumanist Modifications (Botting)

The items obtained by these bots were dropped in poring island (Payon Field 04) in the first Ban-Drop Event done in a few years. Items worthy of mention: Poring Card, Familiar Card, Christmas Cookie Card, Strawberries, Red Herbs.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-28-2016

Who: Kendrick Lamar
How Long: Until the demon realm is completely purged
Why: Robotic Behavior

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-29-2016

Who: PrincessZorldo, Aconerd, MasterKicklee, Giga Doril
How Long: Until Friday Inferno is released Until the supreme ones return
Why: Botting, Multi-Clienting

There are simple, yet effective ways to root out botters and multi-clienters. Please stop trying to get away with it.

Sometime during the 31st of December, the items they obtained will be dropped in Poring Island (Payon Field 04). An announcement will be made in-game to let players know of the event.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-31-2016

Who: Hunt3r
How Long: Until we turn Muspelheim into Aquaheim or something
Why: Botting, more botting, All of the botting

Kiel D-01, Kiel Hyre's son, keeps sending in robots to take down the different governments, but we'll keep dismantling them!

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-01-2017

Who: WTAA, Dai Sifu Ataman
How Long: Until Hestia acquires all the motherboxes
Why: Botting (see above posts)

Who: Queen of The Vampires
How Long: Until Valkyrie SanngriĆ°r returns to carry out Erebos' orders
Why: Related to botting, attempting to impersonate Malcanthet

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-02-2017

Who: guedad
How Long: Until I map all of Neo-Fairyland from scratch Until Tiamat obtains the godslayer sword
Why: Botting. Smart botting, but not smart enough.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-03-2017

Who: Virtual Reality Its Me
How Long: Take a guess
Why: GM Impersonation, same person as the one a few posts back.

For everyone's reference, the impersonator uses a specific amount of characters in the name and in chatbox to make it seem as if a GM is talking. S/he goes around asking people if they're from Asia usually. Guess he wants his banking info and credit cards in the king's english~

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